Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fossil Rim

Everyone is still in town so today we went to Fossil Rim!! We had a blast, everyone enjoyed themselves! Here is Katie and Delaney feeding the Emu. The giraffes are the best part of the whole thing. At first we didn't think that they were out because it was a little cold. I called the office while we were driving through because I was upset they didn't tell us that they weren't out. The lady on the other line said,"oh no the giraffes aren't out today I'm sorry they didn't tell you that!" Then she came back and said "oh yeah the giraffes are out but they are free to roam so they might not be were you can see them." Lovely there cop-out for not having the giraffes out"free roaming"
But as you can see I was wrong and the giraffes were out!!! Yipppeeee!!!

Caroline was totally into the animals, I wasn't sure she would get "it", oh but she got it all right!! Joann let me borrow her car which has a sun roof so the giraffe can stick his head down inside the car!!

This animal was so slobbery!! Caroline wasn't afraid at all!
Ryan was in heaven!!
The zebras were so cool and there was a little baby one too!
Okay so Delaney wanted the ostrich to peck at the closed window(apparently they had done it before and she LOVED it) so Katie being the good mom that she is was willing to risk life and LIMB literally to try and get the ostrich to peck at the window by feeding him a little bit and then try to roll up the window quickly. Well if you didn't already know ostriches are not nice at all, they are VERY aggressive and bite really hard! So Katie kept putting food in her hand to feed the bird, the first time he bit her Brent stepped on the peddle and about drove off with the birds neck still in the car. By her third try the ostrich actually broke the skin and she decided Delaney was going to survive without the bird pecking the window but she might not make it home with all her fingers at this rate!!!

I think she would have taken him home if I let her!!

Still not afraid!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Again more Christmas....

today we had Christmas with my family since we were waiting for Brent and Janeese to come into town. So today for Christmas we had S.N.O.W. again on our Christmas what are the chances of having two white Christmases in a row!!!! We had a great day opening presents, eating wonderful food and hanging out with family!
We of course had our Nativity Pageant.

Delaney was Mary, Ryan was Joesph and Caroline was baby Jesus, who will be Jesus next year.....i call not it!!

My silly girl!! She is still working on her first tooth!

i think this was her seventh outfit for the day!!

C.H.E.C.K. O.U.T. that skirt!!! Mimi got all the girls these petticoat skirts!! Love em!!!!
Katie made Ry this adorable doctor outfit including a Lighting McQueen scrub in cap and booties!!

My cute little family(minus Jared-he had to work at least one day this week!!)

bobo and janeese mugging with the kiddos!

one of the days we went to the museum and this is just a random pic that i thought was cute!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

More Christmas.....

Grandma and Papa came over Christmas afternoon to give Ryan and Caroline their presents since we didn't make it out to their house on Christmas Eve because of the snow.

We got a museum pass and we are ALL very EXCITED!! It will get a TON of use over the next year!!

Grandma Jari got Ry a Lighting McQueen hat and a race car t-shirt, which he wanted put on him right away!

A little snuggle time with Papa!

Ry LOVES grandmas' Iphone!! He always ask me to play something for him on my phone, which always ends in tears since my phone doesn't work that way!!!
Thanks Grandma and Papa for the wonderful Christmas Presents!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

I think Santa has been here!

Yep he ate the cookies and milk and the reindeer ate the carrots
Woody made it on Santa's Sleigh

Look at the excitment!!! Santa did a good job it even has a pull string and it was unwrapped-which was a request!!Love at first

Yep the pull string is there and it works!!Trains, Trains, Trains
I think we might need a bigger room for all the train stuff he got!

Laying down to enjoy the track!

Caroline with all of her gifts

Posing with all her goods!

Watch out here she comes!!!

Checking out her new seat!

i hope you like it sweetie, cause you will spend a lot of time in it!!
Checking out the goods....

A morning romp in the snow! Followed by some puffy pancakes!! It was a great day and he was in bed for the night at 5:30!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Gearing up to go out in the snow.....Pure JOY!Caroline catching snowflakes with her tongue

Trying out his new "playground" that Santa brought-aka Gramps found on the curb the other day.

Snowy bum!
He hit his limit, his hands were cold but his heart was willing, how about we go inside for some hot chocolate.Snowy boots and Cricket is trying to eat the snow right off of them.A nice warm cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows
Enjoying the warm chocolatyness!
Reading Christmas stories with dad before Santa comes......

Now off to bed so Santa can come!