We are home again after having a great Thanksgiving holiday trip in the motorhome. I shot so many photos, everything was so colorful at this time of the year and we were able to go on photo jaunts each day we were there. This included a sunrise jaunt, a 4-wheel-drive jaunt and a nice trip back home where I shot photos out the passenger side window of the motorhome. Of course, at 65 mph some of the angles produced some blurriness, but the colors of the Sycamores and Cottonwoods were not to be missed!
I also shot a few series of pano shots, the one I have processed can be seen at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wcbysusanroper/3074257558/ as the file is too large to be included here.
Another highlight of our trip was that I met a fellow artist and made a new friend. She liked the idea of this blog so she got busy and created one for her artwork over the weekend. When she has tweaked it to her satisfaction I will add the link to my sidebar. I am convinced that the art community is one of the friendliest communities anywhere, there seems to be an immediate kinship.
I have five not quite completed paintings sitting in the studio so that is my art goal for this week, to finish every almost-done painting and get them off the boards. A discussion on Rhonda Carpenter's blog this weekend spurred me to action; we all have projects sitting around, waiting for us to stop pondering and just finish paintings that we have previously set aside. I'll post them here if I meet my goal!