Monday, August 22, 2011

Owen is 2

Yesterday we celebrated Owen's 2nd Birthday. It was a perfect day for a b-day party. They had a bounce house set up and a trampoline to jump on. Wore the girls out!!  For some reason I didn't get any pictures with Eliott in them. Owen really enjoyed his cake or maybe I should say frosting!! 

Haydn and Owen 
 ready to blow out his candle
 gift time

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

1st day of Kindergarten and 2nd Grade

Today was the 1st day of school. The girls were up early and ready to go.  It was hard for Haydn to wait the extra hour after Hannah left for school. Kindergarten has 2 transition days. Where they go shortened 1st two days. Haydn had a blast on her first day as well as Hannah. Haydn said her favorite part of today was lunch and recess!!

Hannah 2nd grade

 Haydn- Kindergarten
 waving good-bye
 this is where I got alittle emotional- her walking into the building. There goes my baby!
 Haydn with Miss Kragel
 Hannah with Mrs Tigges
 to celebrate the 1st day the girls played with silly string when they got home!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fogle Lake

This is our 3rd year of going to Fogle Lake. This year the weather was PERFECT!!  We rode paddle boats, canoed, rode horses, wiener roast, smores and had a birthday celebration for Hannah and Uncle Mark. Whew, we packed in alot in 24 hrs!

John and Karleen got two new horse just a couple days before we were there. Abby and John were great leading the kids around on the horses.

Here the girls are waiting their turn!

 Stella & Papa
 Wes was even a cowboy!
 Stella, Porter & Haydn
 Hannah cooking hot dogs
 enjoying their dogs and the great outdoors!
 gift opening for Hannah

 someone in the campground had 4 week old puppies
 Uncle Mark & Hannah blowing out their candles

Friday, August 12, 2011

8th Birthday

Once Hannah woke this morning she was ready to open gifts. Haydn bought her some earrings.  She got some crafts, canvas painting and plate decorating. 
 earring from Haydn

 with her 8 Birthday balloons that were in her room when she woke up this morning
 Then this evening we went to Bass Pro Shop for supper and bowling! It was a fun night.
Birthday girl!

 sisterly love

Happy 8th Birthday, Hannah!!

Happy 8th Birthday, Hannah!
8 little tidbits about you........
you love school
you just got your ears pierced
will be going into 2nd grade (you got the teacher you were hoping for)
you are a girly girl
are a first-born through and through
you are up on fashion and music (more than me)
glad you still act like a little girl even though at times you seem to want to grow up to fast
you still love to play dolls

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hannah's Friend Party

Hannah had her friend party tonight. We started out the night decorating bracelets and rings. Here they are showing off the final product! 
 eating corn dogs/hot dogs, watermelon, strawberries and pretzels
 next they got pedicures.  In real terms....painting of the toenails. Everyone picked a different color (bright) and each got a flower on their big toes!!

Here is Brynn
 pretty toenails
 gift opening. She got some fun presents. Fingernail polish and glows in the dark, Barbie and items to play school with.
 nail polish

 items to play school

 group shot (too bad I cut Haydn's head off)