Monday, December 29, 2008


I always post about the girls and never Wes. Well he came home today around 1:00 and told me he had been to the Doctor (he really wasn't feeling well if we went to the Doctor). He has Pneumonia! The Doctor thought it started out as Bronchitis but Wes didn't do anything about it so it turned into Pneumonia! He probably hasn't felt well for close to a month or maybe even longer.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas with Eliott

Marcia, Adam, Natalie and Eliott came out tonight to celebrate Christmas. The kids exchanged gifts. Both girls got things right up their alley. Hannah got a hair dryer (which works), can of hair spray, curling iron, mirror, rubber bands, hair extensions. Haydn got dress up shoes, purse, tiara, bracelet/necklace/earrings. Haydn took to the hair dryer and curling iron right away! The kids had a great time playing together!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Decorations Down

We took the tree down today! Boy, it was an all day event!! I am always excited to get the tree up but after Christmas I am ready for it to be down. The house looks so bare now! Hannah wanted to put up Valentine's decorations I told her not yet!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas!! We opened gifts here this morning. Hannah was happy that Santa ate her sugar cookies we baked yesterday. We put reindeer food out last night too. Hannah thought the reindeer have big feet. They left tracks on the deck and ate most all the food that was left for them. Haydn got a camera and Hannah got a barbie vinyl cling. We
are going to Winterset for lunch. Come back for Haydn's nap. Wes will get the Wii set up and then we will play that this afternoon/evening.
I hope Santa found you

Doesn't everyone eat Laffy Taffy for breakfast!!

Christmas Eve

We went to Marcia's last night. The girls made out like bandits (go figure). They had fun with Uncle Geoff. Adam was not able to make it back, the weather in eastern IA is not good. Adam, Natalie & Eliott are to come back this weekend. Lets hope for better weather.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sugar Cookies

I planned on making sugar cookies yesterday but Hannah wasn't feeling well. So we did them this morning. Boy, it was a lot of fun. We don't have Christmas cookies cutters but we have animal ones, like fish, gorilla, parrot, bear and a squirrel. We also have a foot and heart. The girls didn't care or know the difference. I made four different colors of frosting for them. They had a blast frosting them also. Hannah got the hang of it more, she would frost them evenly and Haydn would "glob" hers. All good. Hannah is like her father and doesn't like frosting much. Haydn loves frosting like me!! I rolled the dough a little too thin, but they will still taste good. Just add more frosting, right...?! They played doll houses while the cookies were cooling.
I also made chicken chili and will do black eyed pea dip for tonight, we are going to Marcia's house!
Merry Christmas Eve!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Well I thought today was going to start out like my Dec 3rd post when Hannah got sick!! She did get sick this morning. So no breakfast for her. She laid down and slept for a short while. I was thinking here we go again. I think she has just been on the go to much, we went to Mt Ayr on Friday afternoon. Came back Sunday afternoon. Then we went to Coralville yesterday. I had to wake Haydn up yesterday morning to get around to leave, she and Hannah both slept on the way to Coralville. So I was happy that we were staying home today. I wanted to grocery shop (which I haven't done yet) didn't want to chance it with Hannah and clean the house today. Which I did get the house cleaned. Hannah slept for 4 hrs today! She ate very little lunch. So we will see if she eats supper better. I hope she slept it off!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Visiting Santa/Eliott

Today Marcia, the girls and I took a road trip to IA City. Adam, Natalie and Eliott met us there to get a picture of the kids with Santa. I really thought Haydn would cry but Marcia did sit with them at first and then we did get a picture of the 3 kids by themselves. We had a good time with Eliott today. We did stop by Williamsburg on the way home. I was way excited about that. I want to go back already.


I have seen this on other blogs I check, thought it looked cute.
Rules: Open the picture file on your computer and post photo #4
This is Haydn last February eating Spaghetti. I couldn't just chose one, for all of these are too funny!!
Consider yourself TAGGED!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Worn Out

Both girls fell asleep not much after we left Mt Ayr. Haydn was NOT happy when we got home, she was still crabby for awhile once we got home. Early to bed tonight for all of us!! We had a great weekend in Mt Ayr.

Christmas in Mt Ayr

Saturday morning we woke up and celebrated Christmas. Boy, was it crazy, in years past we would make the kids take turns so we (adults) could what they got. Not this year. the older three ripped into them so fast, I barely caught them opening them. It was fun seeing them all so happy. Later in the morning the men and the girls went outside to play in the snow. Patrick being from the east coast was excited as the kids! They were probably out there for an hour or so. Ever since Hannah has been born mom and dad read the grandchildren "The Night Before Christmas" well this year with 5 kids it was alittle more difficult to get them to cooperate as you can see. We went to Joe and Julie Routh's last night for supper. It was one of the best meals I have ever had. Seriously, it was like going to a 5 star restaurant. Katie Routh was there cooking. It was fun to see so many people.