Sunday, November 30, 2008

Playing in the Snow

Took the girls outside after lunch to play in the snow. This is Haydn's first time playing in the snow. She had a good time, just a little hard to move around in her snowsuit! Hannah enjoyed pulling Haydn around in the sled!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


for Christmas is done here! Hannah had SO much fun this year helping me. Haydn didn't care at all for it. Until we got to her room. They both have their own x-mas tree in their bedrooms. Here is a picture of our trees! Ironic enough, it started snowing as we were putting totes away! YEAH!!! It is still snowing!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day

Had Thanksgiving at our house this year. Was mom/dad, Kayren/family and us here. We had some good food. The girls made pilgrim cookies before lunch, so they didn't eat much of the turkey day fest!! Mom, Kayren and I went to see Twlight this afternoon. Was a good movie, is based on book #1. You definitely have to read the book in order to follow the movie.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Disney on Ice

Mom, Kayren, Stella, Hannah, Haydn and I all went to Disney on Ice tonight. The show was celebrating 25 yrs of Disney. There was a wide range of movies they showed. Haydn didn't like the beginning when the genie from Aladdin came out, along with a whale. She said she "wanted to go home". This was all in the first 20 min of the show. She did calm down but did get sad every now and then. It was a fun night.
Thanksgiving here tomorrow.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Trip to Minnesota

The 4 of us went to Minnesota this weekend. Along with Marcia, Steve, Marty and Drew. Friday once we got there we headed to the pool well I should say water park. It was a HUGE water park. The best I have ever been to. Haydn didn't like it at all. Hannah on the other hand couldn't get enough of the slides. Saturday after breakfast we headed to the water park again. Haydn did warm up to it on Saturday. We got both the girls to go down some bigger slides with Marcia and I. They both loved those. Us adults had as much fun as the girls. Saturday night while everyone else went to the football game, Steve, the girls and I went to the mall. The girls each made a build a bear. They both chose bears. Hannah's is brown and Haydn's is white. Hannah knew right away what clothes she wanted and Haydn knew she wanted pink cowboy books. They both picked out their own outfits. We then went on 5 rides in the mall. Finished the night eating supper at the mall. They had a blast. Today we ate lunch with Geoff and then headed home. The girls were asleep soon after we got on the interstate. They slept 1/2 of the way. Was a fun little getaway weekend.
The pool pictures are a little blurry. Every one I would take was this way.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Haydn has found the Dora costume and LOVES it!


Today is spose to be a really nice day here, 50. Well I thought this might be the last time we get to play outside for awhile. Took the girls out after lunch and it was much cooler than I thought it would be. There is a slight breeze. We lasted about 30 min I was cold & ready to come in. Hannah is getting a softball from under the tree.


Haydn had some Doritos for lunch today!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Caught the girls coloring today. Surprisingly they were not at their new table. You can see all of Hannah's expressions in the pictures! Haydn is very concentrated on her artwork! Getting geared up for our trip to Minnesota this coming weekend. Wes, Marcia and Geoff are all attending the IA/Minn football game. I will stay back at the hotel with the girls. There is an indoor water park that they will love!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fun Fact

I ran to Kohls tonight. From Waukee to Kohl's on University there are 20 stop lights. Yes, I said 20 and it is only 7.1 miles from door to door! CRAZY!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Christmas Ideas....?

While Haydn is napping I decided to tackle the basement, cleaning it up! Ever since we got the table and chairs from Marcia, Hannah has been doing "crafts not stop"! Paper EVERYWHERE. Today I reached my breaking point, cleaned it all up!! Then I looked around and wondered, what do the girls need for Christmas? You be the judge. Take a look, I think we could open a mini toy store!!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

this or that

i never do these things. but read this one and thought it was so cute. and i wasn't even asked to do it! (maybe that's why i liked it! :-))
and feel free to join along, if you'd like!
wine OR beer
coffee OR tea
ice tea
night gown OR pajamas
bath OR shower
lefty OR righty
cake OR pie
pumpkin pie OR pecan pie
one story OR two story
dog OR cat
early bird OR night owl
early bird
sport utility OR car
neither-mini van
vanilla OR chocolate
scrambled OR over-easy
dress OR pants
mustard OR ketchup
red OR green
laptop OR desktop
coke OR pepsi
neither-i will drink diet though
flats OR high heels
fiction OR non-fiction
pulp OR no pulp
no pulp
hugs OR kisses
will YOU play along OR won't you?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Table & Chairs

The girls got a new table and chairs today. Marcia has a friend that gives us new things every now and then. This is what we got today. It will be great for crafts, etc. I let the girls eat supper on it tonight, but it will find its way back downstairs. Poor Wes is losing space for his all of his IA Hawkeye items.