Sunday, June 29, 2008


Took the girls out to Jordan Creek after Haydn's nap. Wes had went out there earlier in the afternoon, Dallas Clark (use to play for IA Hawks) was there signing autographs. The girls and I walked around the pond. Fed the fish, ate some cold stone ice cream and then listening to live music. Haydn was cracking Hannah and I up. She was dancing away! Wish I would of had a video camera!! I just looked over at her once and she was up dancing. Other people were enjoying her!! What a beautiful night to be outside!!

Haydn loves.....

SHOWERS!! She has only taken showers since Thursday. Makes bath time go a lot faster!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A first

Haydn took a shower tonight. The girls and I went swimming this afternoon at the Y. Hannah was in the shower and Haydn wanted to take one to. Really thought once she got in there she would want out, but never once cried or whined to get out!!!

Rainy Thursday

As I type it is raining today! There is a 50% chance of rain and it is to be 88 degrees!! Getting ready for gymnastics this morning. Took a couple pictures of the girls.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Humid, humid...

is what today was! Tomorrow is to be warm too. I broke down and turned the air on this morning before I left for the YMCA. Glad I did!! We met up with 3 of Hannah's preschool friends at a park played for awhile and then ate a picnic lunch together. We walked up to the farmers market here in town this afternoon. Very muggy outside but was fun. Had corn on the cob again tonight. Gotta love summer!!

Tomorrow is gymnastics in the morning. Possibly swim in the afternoon. Haydn has swimming lessons on Saturday morning. Hard to believe next week is the 4th of July already. Hannah starts princess camp this coming Monday at the YMCA. She is such a girly girl she will love it. It is from 9:00-noon each day. Have a week off, then the following week she has bible school every day from 9:00-noon also. Then the last week of July swimming lessons again. Then we are to August, mom, Kayren and I are flying out Aug 6th to see my new niece or nephew ( whenever he/she decides to enter the world) Anna Leigh's due date is this coming Saturday!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

more pictures

Grandma Bea's b-day is tomorrow, so we took her a piece of brownie dessert, a balloon and a card from the kids. The girls sang her Happy Birthday a couple times. This is the best picture I could get of them with her.

Weekend in MA

The girls and I went to Mt Ayr on Friday. Once we got there we started setting up for the garage sale. Went out on a pontoon ride and ate pizza on the boat. The girls really enjoyed that. Sat morning was the g-sale. Kayren and I did well. It was worth the trip down. We sold a lot here in Waukee in May but still had a lot to sell. Got rid of a lot of bigger items so that was great. We are thinking of having another one come the end July. Took the girls to the Mt Ayr pool Saturday afternoon. They had LOTS of popsicles!! Haydn had her first ear of corn in MA too. She didn't eat all of it, for she thought she needed a popsicles instead!! Did sparklers too. So a fun weekend for all the grandkids, like always!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day

The girls got Wes a stepping stone for Father's Day, tonight we had some time to set it up. We did their feet. Haydn's foot looks funny, she didn't like how the cement felt on her foot, so we will see how it turns out!!

Curly Q

Here is a shot of Haydn's curls! Sometimes they are total ringlets!!

Happy Thursday!!

Had gymnastics this morning, I think Hannah is really enjoying her class. They learned cartwheels today, she is still in the learning stage but as much as she has practiced since class she should be much better come next Thurs. We are heading to MA tomorrow afternoon for the city wide garage sale on Sat. Kayren and I are trying to sell what didn't sell here in Waukee in May along with some add'l items! So fun to get rid of things around the house!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Floods of 2008

Here are a few pic's from Downtown Des Moines. The pics are taken from the Scott St. bridge just past where the Raccoon & Des Moines rivers merge. This is one of a few bridges downtown that is still open.


Three years later Hannah can FINALLY reach the pedal on her corvette!! She and Haydn have had a ball in this the past couple weeks. Hannah is getting better at driving each day. She isn't so jerky with it anymore!! It has a REAL radio, cup holder, seat belts and head lights. Pretty sweet for a little girl!!

Wes took this pics the other night when I was gone.

Monday, June 09, 2008

busy week for us.......

We started gymnastics last Thurs here in Waukee. Haydn does a mommy and me class and Hannah's class is right after Haydn's. Last week went pretty well. Hannah has been practicing over the weekend. Today Hannah started swimming lessons and run through Friday. Haydn then starts on Sat. Hers were not available during the week. This coming Thursday will be busy with gymnastics and then swimming lessons, we will actually have to leave gymnastics 10-15 min early to make it to swimming. Wes then starts his new job this coming Friday so a busy week in the Little household!!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Weekend in Mt Ayr

We had a fun weekend in Mt Ayr. Mom, Hannah, Stella, Haydn and I went to the Amish stores on Saturday morning, I got a few plants, was really looking for a lilac bush but no luck! Stopped in Diagonal to see Grandma's old house. Larry and Kay are doing some great changes to the house. Looks so different!! Saturday night we all (excluding the kids) went to a barn party. Was a great time as well. We had a babysitter for the kids. Wes brought mom and dad home to stay with the girls, he then drove the babysitters home and he came back to the party. So Wes, Kayren, Mike and I stayed out until the bars closed in MA. Boy, it has been a few years since I have done that. Yesterday, dad, Wes and Mike golfed in a tournament in MA. We took the girls swimming at the MA pool. Well the pool opened Saturday, so the water was no where warm but we stayed in the baby pool area, once you got in it wasn't too bad. So it kinda of sounds like we had a mini vacation in Mt Ayr!!

P.S. Haydn is very motherly or something to Porter. She is constantly touching him, patting him on his head or something. She truly means well but after awhile he doesn't like it, which I don't blame him! I don't know if it is because he is smaller than her or when Hannah and Stella get together they can be mean to Haydn, not include her to play etc. So I wonder how she will act with A Anna Leigh's new baby come Sept when she gets to meet her new cousin for the first time. She is like this at the YMCA with kids smaller than her too, just not Porter. So the pic of Haydn and Porter is priceless, he is in a good mood for being that close to Haydn!!

Train Ride

Friday morning we went on Amtrak from Creston to Osceola. It was mom, Hannah, Stella, Haydn and I. It was a lot of fun once we got going. There is only one train that leaves Creston each day and it was at 8:04 AM. So we had to wake the girls early and get going. Well we did call the 800 # before leaving Mt Ayr and the train was 9 min late, no big deal, but once we got to Creston it turned into an hour late. Looking back it wasn't too bad, we had snacks and juice boxes for the girls to drink, it was raining off and on so there wasn't much for them to do in the waiting room. I have never been on a train ride myself, so was a fun experience for all of us. It took about 35-40 min to get to Osceola. A perfect length for the girls. The picture of Stella and Hannah sleeping is how we found them when going in to wake them up.