Sunday, April 20, 2008

Haydn's b-day part II

Haydn and Eliott had a combined party of Saturday. It was with Wes's side of the family. Everyone was there. Wes's parents, both sets of g-parents. It always seems stressful for Wes, but I thought everything went well. Haydn got a lot of nice gifts. She really LOVES Hannah's umbrella and now Haydn has her OWN!! She played with that the most. Adam, Natalie & Eliott stayed at a hotel where we went swimming on Sat nite.

Sorry I don't have pictures, my camera got knocked out of my hands and now it won't turn on. Took it back to the store today, they say I have to call the manufactor, so of course they are closed today. So will call them tomorrow Office Depot gave me the impression that they will mail me a new one. I just got it for x-mas!! Once I can download some pics I will post them.

Today was BEAUTIFUL here! We got the swings on the swing set today. Started to clean out the garage more, getting ready for the garage sale!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Windsday!!

Boy, it is windy today. I love this nice spring weather, just wish the wind would die down!! We have been outside playing wind or no wind, will take this any day over SNOW!!! The picture of Hannah with the "giant" balloons are from Marcia. Yesterday, Haydn and I met up with Marcia and were in a photo. It was outside and yes, VERY windy. It was for some realtor brochure. It was celebrating 100 years for something, so the balloons were part of the picture. So of course Haydn being one of the only kids she got a balloon and we got one for Hannah too. Who knows when these will deflate, probably sooner than the girls wish! HA!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hannah's new hair cut

Hannah got her hair cut yesterday! Wes has wanted her to have a bob for quite some time. So it should be easy for summer! Haydn wanted her hair cut too, but didn't think once she got in the chair she would want to sit for the hair cut!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


we have green grass! It has been sooo long since we have seen the ground without SNOW!! I think spring is here to stay now (I hope)!! Right now at 6:50 PM it is the sunniest it has been all day, it has rained all day here in Waukee. We had some pretty good downpours today, with thunder and all!

Makes me happy to see green grass, can't wait to get outside!!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Haydn is 2!!

We started the day by going to the YMCA. Haydn took some cupcakes to share with friends there. When Wes got home from work she opened her gifts from us. She got a new puzzle, Dora and boots bouncy ball and new toddler crayons. We had cupcakes and ice cream tonight. She enjoyed us singing to her, we sang to her at the Y today, so she had got a lot of attention the past few days. She LOVES her bouncy ball, and I knew she would. Stella got a Spongebob one for her b-day. Haydn and Stella were fighting over who would ride it.

This one is for Joan!

Happy Birthday, Joan!! Haydn shares a Birthday with Joan!! Wes had these sheets when he was a little boy! Hannah found them and wanted them on her bed yesterday!! When Hannah saw them in the closet, she knew it was the Dukes! Joan, now you can't come steal them from her/Wes!!
We will have more pictures later tonight. She will open her gifts from us tonight.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


We went to the Doodlebops today. I took the girls to Valley West Mall week and half ago on family fun night. While the girls were coloring a picture I signed up to win a free bike or doodlebop tickets. Well a day or two later Star 102.5 called me and I won the doodlebop tickets. Neither one of the girls are into the doodlebops but we went, free tickets. I got on line to see where our seats were and tickets were $75.00! CRAZY! I don't think I could ever pay that much for something that either one of them were actually into. We had a good time. Didn't really know any of the songs but Haydn was up dancing. Not sure if Hannah was just tired from Haydn's b-day party the night before but she didn't get into it as much as Haydn! We have pretty good seats for being free.

Haydn's birthday part 1

Haydn celebrated her b-day last night with my side of the family. Davidson's, mom and dad, Mark and Ken and Marcia were there. We ordered pizza went swimming at mom and dad's hotel. Was a lot of fun. I think the adults had as much fun as the kids. I know the kids slept well last night after all the swimming. Haydn didn't wake up until 8:50 this morning. Hannah and Stella stayed at the hotel last night and even got to swim this morning too. Today we are going to the Doodlebops. I won tickets in a drawing at Valley West Mall. So that will be fun. Tomorrow we will let Haydn open her gifts from us and then on the 19th she and Eliott are having a combined party together with Wes's side of the family.

Friday, April 04, 2008

When she grows up....

Hannah had career day yesterday and today at school. The teachers outlined them on butcher paper and then they colored themselves in. Hannah wants to be a Doctor!! Never would of thought she would pick that, but maybe in 30 years I can live off of her!!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

New Maid

Haydn LOVES to vacuum!! She unlike Hannah has never been scared of the vacuum!! She loves to help, the actual vacuum weighs more than her, so I usually let her "help" with the dirt devil. Hannah was scared when she was younger, Haydn's age or even younger! Hannah loves to swiffer the floors. I love when my house is clean. But by the time supper is over tonight, I am sure Haydn will have a mess on the floor! It is only clean for a short while. The only reason to get a dog, to clean up after the girls at mealtime.

Winter or Spring...???

This afternoon while cleaning the house I look out and it is snowing big time!! What the hell??? So of course Hannah wants to take her umbrella out in the rain/snow along with wearing her mittens!! Now as time has passed, snow is actually accumulated on the ground! Crazy winter just won't give us a break!!