Friday, October 13, 2006

Beggers Bash

Went to Mt Ayr on Sunday night for the Beggers Bash. Hannah attended this last year so we thought we would go again this year. Both girls had a good time. Well Hannah enjoyed it more than Haydn, but Haydn was good rode in her stroller just looking around. Hannah is curious george this year and Haydn is a black cat

Thursday, October 05, 2006

weiner roast

Went to Mt Ayr over the weekend. Mom and dad had a weiner roast for Hannah. I think us adults had as much fun as she did.

Monday, October 02, 2006

new job!!

Well Friday was my last day of working at Marsh! We sat down and realized that a lot of my check was going to day-care so I put in my two weeks notice and now am staying home with the girls. I didn't really like my job either. But tomorrow I have an interview at the YMCA here in Waukee for a PT job. I can take the girls with me so that will be nice. I feel like I will miss the adult interaction and want Hannah to still be around kids, so we will see what tomorrow brings. Went to Mt Ayr over the weekend. Mom and dad had a weiner roast for us. Hannah has never been to one before. It was a lot of fun for all of us. Even made smores!! Liking this warmer weather, got to take advantage of it!!