Sunday, December 09, 2012

new address

I too have reached my quota of blog posts. Email me for my new blog address.

Friday, November 23, 2012

HR thankful letter

November 20, 2012
Dear mom & dad,
Thank you for the love that you give me and the food that you buy. Thank you for being there when I'm sad or mad and being supportive for me. I am glad you are my parents! I love you! I'm happy when I'm around you!
you're first child
Hannah Raye
this is a letter that Hannah brought home from school.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1st Grade Feast

Haydn's class put on a play today. Haydn was one of the pilgrims in the play, a Kindergarten class came in to watch/listen to their play. She did a great job speaking her part.  Her teacher had each one of them bring in a piece of fruit for a fruit salad and help contribute for the feast. Haydn brought 2 eggs, she got to crack them and help make the cornbread. They had quite the spread today. Turkey (Mrs Morrow brought in a crock pot and cooked all day long, fruit salad, cornbread, homemade butter that the kids made during the week, popcorn, apple juice and some candy corn to top it off. She is such a great teacher!! 

 they decorated their shirts during the week as well, now she is an indian
 her BFF Macy

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Amy's Baby Shower

Joan and I threw Amy a Baby Shower today. She is due middle of January, actually I think the 20th!!  If she can wait one day for dad's b-day!  She got a lot of great things today. It was so fun to see her mom and both sisters. I think the last time I saw them was her wedding 6 yrs ago!!  I am so happy for Grant and Amy to become parents. They will do an awesome job! Also thankful we live 3 blocks from them. The girls and I can't wait to hold that baby!! 


Hannah's 3rd Grade Concert

Hannah had her music concert on Thursday night. Ironically, it was the SAME concert she did last year in 2nd grade (different school)!!  It was called "I Need A Vacation".  There were speaking parts and she got the part of a fisherman. She did a wonderful job speaking slowly and clearly. She loved every minute of singing and doing the actions! YAY!! 


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Haydn's 1st loose tooth

Today Haydn lost her 1st tooth. It has been sort of loose for a good month or so. Just in the last 2 days has it gotten more loose.  This morning she must of been wiggling it more for at lunch time you could see the back of the tooth. She would get a kleenex and wiggle it, show me all the blood on the kleenex.  Right before she ate lunch she went into the bathroom and pulled it!!  NO TEARS whatsoever!!  Polar opposite of her sister!!  She was so excited to go to girl scouts after lunch to show all her friends. She is VERY excited to show her teacher tomorrow!!  My mom has made her a tooth pillow but we do not have it yet. Haydn has wrote a note to the tooth fairy explaining how she lost it!!  After girl scouts we treated her to orange leaf (treat for all of us)!! 

glazed expression

Yesterday I took the girls to Glazed Expression.  Hannah LOVES anything art related. She ended up making a coffee mug for her teacher for Christmas. Haydn chose a penguin for herself.  Hannah painted her mug rainbow colors with black polkadots. Haydn painted her penguin red.  Anxious to pick them up next week. 


Monday, October 29, 2012

carving pumpkins

We (Wes and the girls) carved pumpkins last night. This is something Wes enjoys doing with the girls!! 

here they are digging the seeds out.

 Dad at work on Hannah's
 Haydn's Hello Kitty.  She didn't want to help carve........
 Hannah carving
 but when it came time to carving Hannah's, Haydn wanted to carve. As you can tell in the pic Hannah is NOT happy with her sister touching her pumpkin. I told Haydn to pose for a picture!
 Hello Kitty and "H"

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Barn Party

 Haydn and her butterfly
 Haydn playing the washboard
 Haydn eating her lunch of cheetos, cupcake and M&M cookie (Healthy).  She didn't want a hotdog!

 crazy hat
 magic wand
Today was client appreciation day for Keller Williams.  It was in a big barn. They had food, face painting, pumpkin painting, balloon making, bluegrass band/music.