Monday, March 7, 2011

Evening things up

When it's been 7 months since the last post, it's hard to know where to start. However, this bit of information made it pretty simple to begin my blogging days again.

Baby BOY Watson will make his appearance August 14th. Jason and I are so excited to have this little guy. Hopefully Emree is just as excited when he gets here.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I have not posted for so long, and half of the pictures I wanted to show you will not show-up in blogger. So I created this video, it's really fast - because I only got 30 seconds for free. :) One of these days I'll do a really good, longer than 30 seconds video. I hope you enjoy what you see.
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Monday, May 10, 2010

First Swim

I am so happy Emree LOVES the water. She sat in her bumbo and played in the water until she fell asleep. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

4 months and growing...

Somedays it is hard to believe we have a 4 month old. The time has passed by so quickly. I always thought people were crazy when they said 'one day you'll look at her and she'll be all grown up', but it's kinda true. It seems like every day Emree is learning or working on something new. It is so fun to see her progress. Lately, she's been rolling over, sitting up, grabbing everything around her - she's fast too, and talking like crazy (my mom and dad recently spent the weekend with us and both of them noted - she sure does like to talk).

It's hard to select a favorite part of the day, but a great part is everytime she wakes up. Instead of crying to let us know she is awake, she usually babbles and plays until we come pick her up. Without fail - this is what we are greeted with:

How can you have a bad day when you see this.

Emree recently had her 4 month check up - and she is growing taller atleast.

Weight: 12lbs 11oz - 25th percentile
Height: 25.5in - 75th percentile
Head: 15.8in - 25th percentile

Here's a couple more 4 month pictures

Thursday, April 22, 2010

So fresh & so clean - clean

Why is it everytime a baby finishes taking a bath - I want to nibble on them?

Monday, March 22, 2010


It seems like the last coupl weeks have been so busy, filled with lots of fun activities. I really wish I was better about taking pictures during some of these activities, but I did what I could and here are the results.

The first was Jason's Birthday. I decided to throw him a SURPRISE party for his 30th. I think he caught on driving home, but he was a good sport and acted surprised when he walked in the door. He came home to about 30 people in the kitchen yelling surprise & singing happy birthday.

People brought gag gifts for Jason - lots of Metamucil, some Polygrip, an Arthritis Today subscription - it was pretty fun.

I think Staci pulled the best gag with Jason's cake. As you can see - it says BYU's #1 Fan! Jason was a good sport about it, but quickly scratched out BYU. For those of you who don't know - Jason is a  U of U lover and a BYU hater.

Second, we headed west - to the BEACH. We thought it would be fun to take Emree to San Diego & have her experience the beach. She did really good. She observed everything around her, ate some lunch, and let her feet play in the sand.

 The third item we had to blog about was Emree's new CUDDLE BUDDY. We have found her multiple times cuddled up with a blanket - so we wondered what she would do with a little lamb - here's the result.

Emree is doing awesome. The sweetest little girl. She is still sleeping through the night. (I guess those pep talks we gave her while in the womb have worked :-} ). Her new accomplishments are giggling & starting to roll-over.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A special weekend

This past weekend was a special one for Emree. First, she was able to meet her Grandma & Grandpa Watson. She was so excited to see them. She smiled, ooed & awwed, and showed them how cute she was.
The second special activity of the weekend was her blessing. I was so nervous she would start crying, spit-up, or have a blow-out, but I should have known - this is Emree i'm talking about and she was perfect. Slept through the whole thing. She looked so darn cute in her white dress and big bow. Jason told me he thought it look like a mini wedding dress, but I thought it was adorable and so did everyone else.

After the blessing we had friends and family over for a little brunch. It was so fun to visit with everyone. It was the perfect ending to the perfect weekend.  Thank you everyone who came and enjoyed this special day with us.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Some CUTE Pictures

We might be a little bias, but we think she is pretty cute!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

9 weeks & growing

9 week stats:

Weight: 9lbs 15oz --25th percentile
Height: 22.5 in --60th percentile
Head Circ: 15in --40th percentile

She's growing like crazy, and getting more fun each and everyday. She loves to smile and hold "conversations" with you. Her little ooo's and aaaww's are so cute, and her smile melts our hearts. She thinks she is a big girl and wants to sit up by herself, she gives us high-5's (sort of), she sleeps 8-9 hours at night, she rarely fusses, and it breaks my heart to say - she loves to be by herself.

We love this little baby girl, and are so happy she is a part of our lives.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to the love of my life!!

It has been an awesome journey from our first dance to today. I knew there was something special about you when we first met 14 years ago. Today I know that "specialness" includes, but is not limited to: a kind and caring person, a loyal friend, the perfect gentleman, a jokester, a companion, someone who looks out for everyone, and an easy person to love. I couldn't have asked for a better hubby - you are my everything.
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