- There is no statute of limitations for being late to the temple to get married.
- Car seat warmers are straight from heaven.
- I can buy vegetables, but I should get what I like because I may be the only one eating them.
- Keep tissues in every room. There is no reason to use paper towels and napkins to blow your nose.
- Why can't candy wrappers make it to the trash can? I mention this to the family and ask if we live in a trash can, and then have to take a step back because I think I just sounded like my mom.
- Darren has a lot of 'baines of his life.' Here are just a few: The wrapping paper container, hair clips all around the house, my pile of paper that sits on the microwave, eating in the car.
- I have a good husband. I really marvel sometimes and wonder how I got so lucky. In the grand tradition of Han Solo, I'm sure Darren also wonders how I got so lucky.
- Not only can food storage fit under the bed, it can be used to prop up the bed.
- Vacations and trips just work better centered around Wyoming Cowboy sports.
- Apparently neither of us think it is super important to celebrate our anniversary. Big Miss had to remind us it was this week...
Despite the fact that we had to be reminded that it is our anniversary, I do love this man and am happy to be married to him. We still have so many mountains to conquer, I'm glad I've got a good hiking buddy to keep me entertained, grounded, and to embarrass when I do a little jig.
Keep smiling and remember to be happy.