Saturday, October 19, 2013

The rest of the random pictures from September....

I ordered 2 huge boxes of pears and canned for 2 days.  I love feeling so domestic :)

 24 quarts!
 Then I did 23 quarts of peaches!  I'm excited to have fresh fruit all year.
 I volunteer here and there to be an accountant at figure skating competitions.  It is so random how I got involved, but now they beg for help and I get suckered into it, ha ha.  It's actually pretty fun, and a good excuse to actually use my brain and hang out with other adults :)
 We spent an afternoon at the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point with some of my cousins and their kids.  The kids had a blast and we had to tear them away at the end.

 Our neighborhood is seriously the BEST!  I feel sorry for all of you who don't live here :) This is Caydence at our annual children's parade.  The kids decorate their bikes/scooters and parade through the neighborhood and then there is a big breakfast at the end.
 Caydence's first night of homework.  She couldn't have been more excited.  Let's hope she keeps that enthusiasm.
 This is a random rock in the middle of the Albertson's parking lot.  She insisted that I take her picture on it!  I just laughed and humored her by taking this picture.
 Telling Grandma all about her first day of school.
 I am so in love with face!
I think that about catches us up with the blog!  Stay tuned for the kids' Halloween costumes (that change daily, ha ha).

Friday, October 18, 2013

Wariner Halloween Party

Danny's cousin and his wife host a Halloween party every year, and it's a pretty big deal.  We just love coming up with costumes to fit the theme.  This year it was spies, thieves, crooks, and criminals.  We decided to go as the characters from Clue.  Unfortunately we couldn't find a third couple to finish the 6 characters, so we made the cards from the game to represent the last 2 (they are a little hard to see in this picture).  We have Mr. Green with the wrench (Danny's dad), Miss Scarlet with the revolver (Danny's mom), Prof. Plumb with the rope and the lead pipe, and Mrs. Peacock with the candlestick.
 We played a game of clue that Danny's cousin made up and it was so fun.  Our team won, of course, because I am WAY too competitive, it's a problem.

There is voting on the costumes, and great prizes at the end.  I won most elaborate, and Danny's mom won Prettiest.  We did not win overall best costume, we were robbed!!!  We usually win that one...
 And the chocolate dipped mummy pretzels I made were delicious!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Homecoming Parade

I'm so glad my cousin, Angie, reminds me of the Davis High homecoming parade every year!  It's always fun, and not many people, unlike the PACKED 4th of July parade.  It was FREEZING, but we had a great time.
 My mom made this cheerleading uniform for Paige when I was in high school and she would wear it to all of our drumline competitions.  Caydence loves it of course and always wears it to the parade.  Here she is with my cousin's son.
 And the cheerleaders in the parade LOVED it and ran over to take a picture with her.  Do yo see all of that candy?!  It was crazy!  We came home with so much candy!  We couldn't even pick it up fast enough.  Some of the people passing it out would just come and put huge hand fulls straight into her bag!
 Will was content to sit on the side and eat candy, wrappers and all!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The car nightmare....

On Wednesday, August 28th Danny called me from work saying his car was not where he parked it that morning.  I just kind of giggled at him and said, "Did you park in a tow away zone?"  I thought for sure he had just been towed, or forgotten where he parked.  His office charges $100 a month to park in the parking lot, so he just parks on the street and it's not always the exact same spot.  So he walked around the block where he always parks, and still he couldn't find his car.  He called the police to fill out a report (they did it over the hone the NEXT day, and it was pretty obvious that stolen cars aren't a high priority.)

We called the insurance the next day and filed a claim.  We were lucky enough to have good coverage, so they got us a rental car.  We had to wait 30 days for the car to possibly show up before they would settle and pay us for the car.  The waiting game was so horrible!  Then, on Wednesday, September 11th, 2 weeks after it was stolen, the police called us in the middle of the night to say they found the car.  Since we didn't get the message, it was towed to an impound lot in West Valley City.  We got a bunch of run around, and after dropping Caydence at school I had to run to the DMV to get a form to release it from impound.  Then I picked up Danny from work and headed out to the impound lot to see the damage.  It was seriously the CRAZIEST storm with rain and lightning, so that made things even more interesting.  So Danny only got a quick look at the car because of the weather, but it was not drive-able (the place where you put in the key was gone) so we just had to leave it.

The insurance agent then came the next day to look at it and had it towed to a shop to see if it was worth repairing.  I went to take a look at it and make a list of all of the repairs that it needed.  They seriously made the most random damage!  The ignition was gone, the windshield wiper knob was gone, the radio was gone, the passenger window was gone (and it had rained several times), the dashboard was covered in stickers, the passenger door had cuts from the window breaking and paint all over it, they ripped out the upholstery in the trunk, they ripped the trim off of the window, and then they took some sharp object to the steering wheel and cut it all up.  WIERD!  Then they took out every OUNCE of our stuff and FILLED it with their stuff!  It was FULL of clothes, a backpack with textbooks, a tent, camping stove, cd player, and so much more.  They even left us this awesome cross hanging on the mirror :)
 This was our rental car that we had for a MONTH!!
 After 2 weeks of sitting at the repair shop they FINALLY decided to total the Civic, so in ONE DAY I rushed all over the Wasatch front looking for a new car and ended up with this baby:
We LOVE IT!  We haven't had a car payment since 2007ish, so that was a bummer, but it is sure nice to be able to fit in our car!  And to participate in car pool, ha ha.  It's a 2013, but a year old.  We just got a DVD player installed (LIFESAVER) and they are making custom leather seats to put in, and then it will be PERFECT!  It was quite an ordeal, and still pretty frustrating.  I had no idea, but they said the Honda Civic, and more specifically the 1997 which is what we had, is the 2nd most stolen car!  Crazy.  It's been quite an experience, but it turned out quite nicely for me :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Caydence starts soccer!

Caydence started soccer this year and she just loves it!  She loves anything that involves being around other kids :)  It's pretty funny to watch her "play".  The kids just run around in a big group and she dances on the outside of the group, ha ha.  She's not very aggressive.  And a little girl in our ward is also on her team and they jump around holding hands (see the 3rd picture).  It's really funny to watch.  I'm just sad that I only was able to attend 2 of her 6 games for this half of the season.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Since we didn't get much time with Michael before he left for school, we decided to head up to Logan to stay with all 3 of my brothers for Labor Day weekend.

We started the weekend at the Man vs. Mud 5K.  We had never done a mud run, but it was a blast!  This is the result:
 We spent one afternoon at USU's women's soccer game watching my brother's girlfriend play.  Her name is Taryn too.  Too bad she spells it wrong :)

 She gave Caydence this little soccer ball before the game and she is still carrying it around everywhere!

 We also took time to take some family pictures.  It's been a while since we have all been together, and even longer since we took family photos.  This is the favorite, if only Caydence wasn't looking like such a goober!!
 All 6 siblings.
 And all of the grand kids.  We had to put them in the crate to keep them from running off!

It was a great weekend and so nice to be together, even if only for a short time.