Monday, October 29, 2012


I know it's been a while.  I have totally lost the excitement blogging used to give me.  I know no one reads this anymore, now that it's private.  I get so angry/frustrated when I think about it.  I really never wanted my blog to be private, but some unfortunate events cause me to feel I needed to protect us from a few individuals.  Don't worry, if you're reading this, I'm not talking about you :)  I guess I'll keep posting, for my record if nothing else...

So, here's a little of what we've been up to the last few months.  I'm sorry the pictures are so bad, most of them are from my phone, and the rest are super dark!  I wish I knew how to take good pictures!

Will has finally started walking full time.  This is one way we encouraged that (embarrassing!)
 Read a PHENOMENAL book for book club, I highly recommend it.
 Constantly looking for new hair do's for Caydence.
 All dressed up for church!
 Nicki returned September 22 from spending the summer in Europe.
 We hosted a pumpkin carving contest with some friends and had all things pumpkin: cookies, decorations, etc.

 Made these with my silhouette (LOVE that machine!)
 All the kids watched a movie in the love sack while we carved.  It was almost impossible to get them all looking at me, ha ha. 
 Here are the pumpkins, mine is the top left (frankenstein) and Danny's is the top right (Jazz)
I finally got my Petunia bag!!!  I worked some magic (and patience) and got $100 off!  I LOVE it!
 Met sweet baby Claire (the kids' first cousin on my side)
 Unfortunately, due to sickness, and Danny's GMAT studying, the rest of the fam didn't get to meet her until she was 1 month old!  But she was even more beautiful!

 We attended the annual Wariner Halloween Party and had a blast, as always.  The theme was Disney Pixar.  Let's just say there are 6 major awards for costumes, and the 4 of us won 4 of them :) 
I brought these cupcakes as our Halloween dessert, found them on pinterest.
 Caydence and I made Halloween sugar cookies while Will was napping. 

 My cookies (we had to make do with the food coloring I had on hand :)
Caydence's cookies
 Made this for Halloween.  (also from pinterest)
 Went to the Davis High Homecoming parade.  Oh the memories...

 Caydence got 2 pairs of colored skinny jeans.  She is way more stylish than me! 
Decorated our back window with Bats (also from my silhouette) 

Made these wreaths with my mom during conference.  (Yep, also from pinterest :)
The girls went the the worldwide art competition hosted by the church (held every other-ish year?)
Anyways, here were a few of my favorites.  These pictures don't even do them justice. 

This was a gorgeous quilt of bright red and orange cliffs.

 Just had to throw this in there because it was SO WEIRD!  Purses with feet coming out the bottom....I wish I could remember the title.
 They have an amazing exhibit for the kids!  Caydence's favorite part was where you could dress up like a Spanish dancer and follow a movie that showed you a traditional Spanish dance.
 The fire station had an open house and Caydence BEGGED to go.  But when we got there she was her normal scared-of-everything self, and wouldn't go anywhere near ANYTHING.  So Danny took advantage instead.
 Yep, you guessed it, found this on pinterest, and I just happened to have everything on hand, so I took them to the ladies I visit teach.
 Paige turned 13!  Crazy!
 Went to my card party and took this card to trade.  (Way brighter/cuter in person!)
 Long story, but Danny and I spent a day at Frightmares at Lagoon.  It was so fun!  We hadn't been in 4 and 10 years, respectively.  Danny's parents' watched the kids and they had a fun packed day and didn't want to ever come home!
 Our cute neighbor hosted a Halloween party and all the kids were so excited to get dressed up and play Halloween games. 
This was one of the activities at the party.  (It's a mummy :)
 Every year I buy the kids skeleton pajamas.  They are a great "costume" for the younger kids that don't understand Halloween.  Love them!
 Had the first snow of the season last week.  YUCK!
 And we spent the next day an a SUPER MUDDY Black Island Farms.  It was fun, but I think it will be better when the kids are a little older.  We went with a bunch of ladies and their kids from our ward.  This is our good friends' son.  They moved in one week after us and we've just clicked.  Their little boy is almost exactly one year older than Will.  Crazy, right?!  And I thought Will was little!  He has now passed Logan in weight.  This was the best picture I could get of both of them, ha ha.
 Caydence rode this tire swing horse for about .5 seconds before she was scared, of course, and begging to get off.
Loving this face!
 Our ward has an annual children's parade and breakfast and this was Caydence ready for the parade.  Just a bunch of patriotism and pink :)
 All the older girls in my family spent the weekend at Time out for Women.  It was our first time, and I LOVED it!  We are going to make it a tradition every year now!  We spent the night in SLC and just had a blast!  We entered the facebook photo contest they were holding with the picture below.  We definitely should have won.... 

And now you're all caught up!!  We are headed to the doctor today for Will's 15 month appointment.  I cannot even believe that: 15 months!!!  I am very excited to see how much he weighs!  And we are wondering if he is allergic to peanuts.  I gave him his first peanut butter and his lips swelled a little and got red with little white dots.  I did it 2 more times just to test it, and it happened both times, so I've kept him completely off peanuts since then.  I'm hoping we can get him tested today to see if he is really allergic.

Monday, October 15, 2012


So I sat down to blog this afternoon, and my computer won't read the memory card from my camera.  It basically doesn't even register that it's in there.... and of course I can't blog without pictures, so I guess I'll give it a try later.

Stupid computers.