Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Can't keep my mouth shut.

I really try not to post political views; on facebook, instagram, or even here on this blog, but I am feeling REALLY bothered, and since this is MY OWN private blog, I decided I can spout my views, if only for a second.  I'm sorry if this offends you, that is not my intention.  I'm not exactly eloquent, or totally informed on every little issue, this is just my opinion.

I was just reading an article about Mitt Romney and the video that was just "leaked."  here it is if you don't know what I'm referring to.

As I read the comments about this video on Facebook and on KSL, It just gets me so worked up!!  I don't know if he has his numbers exactly right, but the point is that people DO feel entitled to mooch off the government, and it REALLY bothers me!  That is not why the government it in place, and that is what is KILLING America as we know it.

It really bothers me when I see acquaintances on Facebook, that I KNOW are getting government assistance and/or medical care, and they post new cars, new computers, new expensive shoes, new iPhones, etc.


I just don't get it.

And you know who is paying for that brand new car?  ME

And it ESPECIALLY bothers me when the person/people don't even have jobs, and for no reason other than they don't want to work!  Danny worked the ENTIRE time he was in school, even working 40 hours a week and taking 15ish credits his final semester so I could stay home with Caydence.  And now he is applying for the MBA program, which he will take while simultaneously working 50+ hours a week at his current job.  DO NOT tell me it is too hard to work AND go to school!  I am not saying I am a perfect example, but we drive what we can afford, and we buy our own food, and we just depend on ourselves to get along.  And if for some reason we had a problem, we would FIRST go to our parents.  I do not agree with the mentality that the government is there to provide for me.

Another point that is bothersome is that Mitt only cares for the wealthy, because he is wealthy.  I am definitely not saying that Mitt is perfect, or has everything just right, but I think being sucessful is a GOOD thing!  Do YOU want a president who is a failure in his personal/business life?  I think his track record in turning around companies is EXACTLY what this country needs: a turnaround!  I would rather have a successful president than one that supports gay marriage, won't release his school recordsused drugs more than a few times,  and much more.

End Rant.

You are free to leave your opinions, but let's not get nasty, ha ha.

Friday, September 7, 2012


First off, no pun intended, thank you so much for all of your nice comments about my room!!  I'm glad you all enjoy it as much as I do!  I was pretty proud of my first decorating adventure.  :)

The past month or so has been filled with "firsts."  Here are a bunch of pictures of a few of them.

I bought a curling wand (a curling iron without the clamp, just a barrel) and tested it out on Caydence: WOW!  We got SOOO many compliments!  And then she gave her first talk, it was pretty cute.  Now that I think about it, it was her second talk, but her first in this ward.
 Yep, only 4 and she has this much hair!!
 We hit up the demolition derby at the Davis County fair.  It was pretty entertaining.  We had never been, but came 1/2 prepared (only one set of headphones) because it was LOUD!!

 Will's first haircut!!  I finally let Danny go at him with the scissors!  It definitely needed it, but I was so scared to actually do it!


 This is how we kept him somewhat still.

 Hairy sucker....YUCK!
 A sticky, hairy mess!
 Not too shabby.  I'm still getting used to it, but it is MUCH better.
 Caydence's first day of preschool.  She LOVED it, of course.  She is taking dance there too, so I get 3 hours off twice a week!  I'm not sure who loves it more :)  Everyone is talking about all the tears from the first day of school.  I might be a bad mother, but I was pretty much throwing a party, ha ha.  We both needed this.
 So maybe her backpack says "Kennedy", but hey, it was cheap!

And on her second day of school I canned pears for the first time!  And all by myself!!  I am so proud, ha ha!