Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Will and I, we're friends again

I know, he's the cutest thing you've ever seen.

My mom gave me the fantastic advice to let Will "cry it out" a few nights. It's worked wonders!! He was a little hoarse for a couple days, but now everyone is sleeping GREAT, and he's his old, happy self again! A well rested mommy= a happy house :) Life is good....


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Discovery Gateway

I had some 1/2 price passes I bought for Discovery Gateway that were about to expire, so we went to play on Friday. Caydence had a BLAST! I was tempted to buy the membership because 1 visit is so expensive, the passes are a great deal. She played for 3 hours and I still had to drag her away.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Caydence's 4th Birthday

Caydence turned 4 on March 29th. I know I say this every year, but I cannot believe I have a 4 year-old! Time sure flies. We were right in the middle of moving, and Thursday (her birthday) and Friday were our 2 days set aside for packing. We really didn't want to overlook her on her birthday, but we only had so many days to pack. So my mom (who is TOO good to us) took her for the day. It is also my grandma's birthday, so they had a girls' day out.

Morning gift:
Tracy Aviary:

The Birthday girls at Spaghetti Factory:
That evening we took Caydence to Winger's:
And Boondocks:

We worked and played so hard that we didn't open presents until 10:15 PM!
It was a great day! We are so lucky to have sweet Caydence. She is so funny and such a joy. Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter!

Will's first Easter basket (I still think he's too young, so it's really more for Caydence, she's too smart!)


Saturday, April 7, 2012

New beginning

I can't believe we've been in our new (to us) house for a week! It is seriously fantastic!! My amazing family moved us in and helped us clean the apartment in RECORD time! Poor Danny's parents both recently had knee surgery so they weren't able to be around much (but they did feed the starving army an amazing lunch!)

Anyways, the house is great and the people we bought it from have been fantastic. They walked us around yesterday showing us the ins and outs of maintaining the place. Who does that?! The whole process has been pretty amazing and we really feel like we were meant to be here. Without knowing the connection beforehand, the seller happens to be on the high council with my dad! It's been really nice to have a little connection and actually be able to meet them. They even invited us over a few days before closing because they just wanted to get to know us! And funny thing, they are now renting a house in the ward Danny grew up in while they build their new house! Small world...

So, needless to say, we are THRILLED to be in our own place, and the house is perfect! They kept it really nice! We upgraded to 4 bedrooms, and Will finally has his own room! No more sharing with us! We have already met some great neighbors and can't wait to attend our ward tomorrow!

So, my list of favorites about the house (in no particular order):
A dishwasher (6 years of hand washing!!)
A pantry
A HUGE yard
Separate master bathroom!
4 bedrooms
Not a busy street
Tons more room
A huge deck that is shaded in the afternoon
I could go on forever...

We love it! I'm sorry, but I won't be posting pictures/location here, but email me some time if you're interested and I'd be happy to share! nirat2004{at}yahoo{dot}com
