Wednesday, June 29, 2011

4 weeks!

Well, it's official! I went to the doctor today and he's scheduling baby boy's birthday July 27th (4 weeks from today!). I'm maybe freaking out a little bit. Giving birth scares me to death, can't he just stay in there forever? Ha ha.

Anyways, I know it's been a while since I updated this blog, but June just passed us right by. Caydence and I were really sick for just over a week, and then we went on a big vacation (post to come) with my family for just over a week, and voilĂ ... June is over! I can't believe it. I'm sure July will fly by too, it always does, but I have so much to do to get ready! Wish me luck!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

31 weeks

So, I try really hard to not make this a "pregnancy blog," but sometimes I just have to share.

At my appointment 3 weeks ago the doctor told me baby boy was about 10 days ahead of schedule and weighing 3.5 pounds when he should weigh about 3. Not too bad. I expect big babies, so that seemed about right. He said I look on track for an upper 8 pound baby. No biggie.

I have been feeling like I exploded the last few weeks. I've been suddenly a lot more uncomfortable. I can't complain too much because I think I have really easy pregnancies, but I was feeling REALLY big all of a sudden.

So I go to my appointment yesterday and my doctor literally starts laughing as he says "wow, that's a good size head!". This wasn't really a shocker because he told me Caydence's head measured about 2 weeks ahead of her body. The real shocker was when he said he was 2 ounces short of 6 pounds! That means he gained 2.5 pounds in 3 weeks! He should weigh about 3.5-4 pounds and he's 6!! He now says I'm on track for a 10 plus pound baby! Yikes!! And I still have 9 weeks left!

I'm going to look at the bright side; this means I'll definitely be scheduled a week early, and it doesn't really matter how big they are when you have a c-section! And I like chunkier babies because I feel like they are a little less fragile :)

My amazing mom watched Caydence while I was at my appointment and I came home to this in my front yard:

I'm so excited to have flowers this summer! My mom's the greatest!
