Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On the "Eleventh Date of Christmas"

We joined a group of our friends from high school at the Olive Garden for dinner. Always a good time. (Don't judge me that we've been to the Olive Garden twice in the last week. It's Christmas!!!)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On the "Tenth Date of Christmas"

Last night my parents invited us to the Salt Lake City sing-along at Energy Solutions Arena. It was so much fun! It is free, you get a free hot dog and drink, sing lots of fun songs accompanied by a full orchestra, and you got a free ticket to a Jazz game on the way out! And the best part of the night was the performance by John Schmidt. He played this amazing song, which I am too dumb to post as a video, so here's the link. Watch it, it's really good.

It turns out this is the 25th year they have done this sing-along, but we had never heard of it! We definitely want to go back again!

On the "Ninth Date of Christmas"

Every year, the Burger Stop in Layton has a hayride through the Layton Park Christmas Lights. I guess they've done it for 12 years, but this was the first I've ever heard about it. We went and it was really fun, but COLD, and we were not prepared!
I was pretty bummed because my camera died right as we got on the ride, so the only picture I got was this one of Caydence kicking blocks of ice around with some of the other kids in line. She thought she was pretty big :)
Then when we got home I replaced the batteries in the camera, and we made some delcious sugar cookies!

On the "Eighth Date of Christmas"

My sister Nicki invited me last minute to the Peter Brienholt concert in Salt Lake, so I sped down there and we made it just in time. It was so fun! Her friend from France came too, and another girl that I didn't really get to meet because we were so late :) So Danny wasn't there, but Nicki said I had to put it as one of my dates. :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

On the "Seventh Date of Christmas"

Danny happened to get off work a few hours early, so we went to our favorite restaurant...
And to see new moon.
(How could you not convert to team Jacob after this? :)

I know it wasn't all that Christmas-y, but it was actually a DATE (no Caydence, thanks to my mom!)

Monday, December 14, 2009


I like to believe that people are inherently good, but I just have had so many bad experiences with car accidents that I am beginning to think otherwise.

Occurrence #1: While living on a main road in Bountiful we had a car totaled by a (naked) drunk driver who tried to run, but luckily her car was so damaged she could only get as far as the neighbor's front yard. I was asleep when it happened, it was late and there were no witnesses. We got lucky on that one.

Occurrence #2: While driving home from work one day, another driver pulled right out in front of me causing an accident, and she lied her way into convincing me not to call the cops so she could get away. I called them after she left, and it turns out she gave me fake insurance, fake phone number, she didn't have a license, insurance, and it wasn't even her car. I got really lucky again because they tracked her down, ticketed her, and she paid my insurance deductible of $500 to get my car fixed.

Occurrence #3: Today I was sitting in my front room when I heard screeching tires and a loud crash. I ran outside to see what happened and saw an SUV had hit my across the street neighbor's car that was parked on the road. (We live right on a busy intersection.) He ran right into the back bumper, and then proceeded to back up and drive off. I have, no joke, always wanted to be the hero in one of these situations and get the plate# and save the day, but alas, I was at the wrong angle, had no shoes on, and there was a wall of snow in between us, so I got nothing. I was so frustrated!! The poor neighbor boy was home alone, so he called some family to come help and called the police. I went over to see if I could give a statement (even though I didn't see all that much). The cop said there is almost no chance of finding him. So frustrating!!! Someone said "I hope they have a change of heart, or it was a teen and their parents make them come back," and the cop just laughed like yeah right. He sees this all the time and it seems that it never ends well.

What am I supposed to think?!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

On the "Sixth Date of Christmas"

We went to my sister Paige's Christmas ice show.
She's pretty cute.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

On the "Fifth Date of Christmas"

We started with a dinner that was completely red and green. (I even dyed the noodles green and the sprite red.) I know it looks kind of disgusting, but it was actually fun!

And of course, candy cane ice cream for dessert.
Then we finished the night watching elf (our favorite Christmas movie that we watch year round) and wrapping all of our Christmas presents.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

On the "Fourth Date of Christmas"

We finally put up our Christmas tree! So it has nothing on it yet, but at least it's out of the box...
Then we made our "12 days til kiss-mas chains" *see note below*

I can't do a post without a cute picture of Caydence. This is where we found her after dinner tonight :)
***My grandma started making us these chains and sending them to us when we were little. I still love to make them. You just wrap 12 Hershey's kisses in plastic wrap and tie bows in between (we used alternating red and green yarn) Make sure the kisses are Christmas colors and the top one is gold.
The poem on the back goes like this:
12 Candy kisses
Hanging in a row,
Eat one candy kiss each day
And this chain will surely show,
Christmas is getting closer
Only a few days to go,
Reach the gold and you will wake
To Santa's HO HO HO
Don't worry, it's not too late to make your own. The countdown starts on Sunday the 13th.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

On the "Third Date of Christmas"

We watched Four Christmases and worked on Christmas crafts (pictures to come when they are done). Verdict: The movie was cute, but predictable. It was a little dirtier than I'd expected. I don't think I'd watch it again. But the crafts, company, and popcorn were good :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An Amazing Man

I had the privilege of knowing this great man as the bishop of my teen years. He was also the father of one of my best friends. I spent many fun years at their home, and those years have left me many great memories. Our love and prayers go to their family.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

On the "Second Date of Christmas"...

We went to Tuba Christmas!! My sister invited us to come watch her play in this at BYU on Saturday. I guess it's a tradition that has been going on all over for YEARS. On man there said he had done like 61. She is the only girl in this picture, with the green beanie with a puff ball on top :)
This is her actually playing, but I'm too dumb with the camera to get a good picture.
Here's the whole group. Pretty impressive.

It was so much fun! Caydence absolutely loved dancing along.
And she really liked this hat.
Danny was pretty serious about wanting to join in next year :)

We couldn't head down to Utah County without a trip to the new In-N-Out!! Verdict: A-MAZ-ING!! I pretty much can't stop thinking about it. I almost had a heart attack when we saw the drive through line; it was almost around the block. But we went inside, and that line was MUCH better and moving MUCH faster, so if you go, go inside.

And we ended the "date" with a trip to Thanksgiving point to see the Ice Sculpture contest. It was supposedly held 2 days before we got there, and they were going to leave the sculptures out until the melted. We got there and there was only one sculpture, and a guy working on another. It was possibly -150 degrees, so we didn't get out of the car, we just looked from the window, so sorry, no pictures.
All in all a great day :)
And just a side note, Caydence thinks EVERYTHING is a phone, and it's always Pa Pa on the phone. This was her at the in-laws tonight with a bridge from a wooden train set. She's too funny.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

On the "First Date of Christmas"....

We went to The Festival of Trees. This is one of my favorite things to do at Christmas time every year. We head straight for the $1 scones :) and then for the gingerbread houses. They are so amazing! This one is a birdhouse (notice the hanging birds)
This one is from the Nightmare Before Christmas. I've never actually seen the movie, but I already like its style.
Here is a tree made of fondant!
I love the trees that are just pretty. Loved these colors.
Had to get the NYC tree.
But our favorites are the really different trees like this one made of rocks. But it is being overshadowed by the ugly white one in the background.
And I love this upside down one (also from the Nightmare Before Christmas.)
P.S. I got the idea for the 12 "dates" of Christmas from a friend's blog, and I thought it sounded so fun! The goal is to have at least 12 "dates" during December where we do fun Christmas things. I'm so excited, I have so many fun plans!!! Stay tuned for more fun "dates" to come!!