Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baby Genius

Caydence climbed up on the piano and put my mom's glasses on all by herself. We found her like this and couldn't stop laughing.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

2009 Wariner Family Halloween Party

We look forward to the annual Wariner family Halloween party ALL YEAR!!! It is always such a blast. It's hosted by Danny's cousin and his wife. Every year there is a super fun theme, and this year it was the 1950's. We really wanted to do something original, not just the regular poodle girl and "Grease" characters, so I put "1950's" into Wikipedia (since I don't know all that much about the 50's) and up came.........
...... Hugh Heffner. Ha ha, turns out he started Playboy in 1953, so we went with that. It was pretty funny, and we ended up winning "funniest costume." Don't judge me, it was funny.
This is Danny's sister and her husband.
And his parents. His dad was Charlton Heston from the 10 commandments (and he won best overall costume) and his mom was an "E Ticket" from Disneyland (ask your parents :)
The night was so much fun!! We played "The Price is right" and with my mom, 2 aunts, and a cousin as Price is right alums, I felt I had an advantage, but everything was in 1950's prices! But don't worry, we still won, and had so much fun!!
Thanks Charnae and Matt for an amazing party once again! Can't wait to get our invite next year!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

28 sponge curlers + 45 minutes =

I know it's a little afro-tastic, but it settled down later in the day and looked cute.
This one was later, once it had settled down some.

She did pretty well, just a few "ow"s when I was taking them out, but I specifically remember crying as my mom took out my sponge curlers, and Caydence did a lot better.

Caydence has about 3 times as much hair as all of her friends that are her age, and I have such a hard time thinking of new things to do with it. It's pretty long, so I don't like to leave it down. These new pigtails are my favorite. I got her ready for church and she was just too cute, so I took some pictures (these were after church and her nap)

On a side note, we went mini golfing at Scary Hill, and it is always fun. They do such a great job at decorating it for Halloween.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkins: The reason fall is so great!!

Warning: If you don't want to see a MILLION pictures of Caydence, don't proceed to read this post. I just couldn't make up my mind, they were all so cute!

Today we went to a pumpkin patch and hay maze with some friends and we had such a great time! The littlest things are so exciting to the kids, and I love that!

The kids had a hard time getting past the entrance because they all just wanted to touch this pumpkin :) P.S. This shirt is for you Nicki, it says: Cap'n Spooky's Pirate Academy, Surrender Yer Candy!, ha ha
This is Caydence's little friend Ali, she is the cutest thing ever! Her tongue is always sticking out :)
This picture is so funny. They are all looking to the same side, but I have no idea what they are looking at. It was nearly impossible to get a shot where they were ALL looking at the camera, so asking for a smile was pretty much out of the question.
The best shot of all of them looking at the camera. (It only took 500 shots)
My little sweetheart!
Caydence absolutely loved the maze and ran through it just laughing and screeching.
This was the sign outside of the maze, and I thought it was pretty funny. (Notice the tiny "A")
More fun in the maze.
Caydence and Ali in the wagons.
The best shot in the wagons with Ali and Adam.
Looking over her shoulder.
My favorite!!
I love this girl!
The best shot.
The majority of shots.
Cute Heather and Ali! Love them!
It was really windy, hence her hair. I really wanted a shot with her and her pumpkin....
...but she was more interested in eating hay.
So I took one last shot in her car seat :)
I love fall weather, fall food, pumpkins, Halloween, and everything about this season!!! Bring on the holidays!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I need advice!!!

Babies are so confusing!! Here is the problem:

First Occurrence: While driving to our family reunion July 24th, about 45 minutes since we left our house, Caydence puked all over herself and the car. It was pretty much all curdled milk. (She LOVES milk and drinks a lot of it) We didn't think she was sick because she had no other symptoms, and once we got her cleaned up she was fine for the rest of the day.

Car sick?

Second Occurrence: After driving to the mall with my mom 2 weeks ago (also about a 45 minute drive) We shopped for about 15 minutes, and Caydence puked all over herself and her stroller. Again, all curdled milk. She had 2 big cups full within 2 hours.

Car sick? Too much milk?

Third Occurrence: She woke up and went straight into the bath, and had some milk while I finished getting ready (we do that often so it wasn't anything new) and then went to grandma's to have her babysit for an hour (only a 2 minute car ride, so I don't think it was car sickness). After being there for like 10 minutes she puked the curdled milk everywhere!


She isn't sick, so this is really baffling me. Couldn't be car sickness, because it wasn't all from riding in cars. Couldn't be too much milk because the 3rd time was a routine we do often. Could it be an allergy she is now developing? But she has been fine until now, and it doesn't happen every time she has milk, and she doesn't have any rashes or anything. But the occurrences are becoming more frequent.

I just don't know!!!!

Any suggestions/ideas/diagnosis/comments/ or ANYTHING else is appreciated!! (especially if you are a Dr., ha ha)

Friday, October 2, 2009


That's always good news :)

I wasn't really too worried about "cancer of the finger," but it was a good feeling when the doctor gave me the pathology report that said my tumor wasn't cancer.

It's a good thing she told me that's what the report said, because I wasn't really understanding this: "Sections show a circumscribed proliferation of polygonal cells with admixed giant cells. The stroma shows hyalinization." etc. Ha ha, guess I'll never be a doctor.

It's a good day...