Monday, October 1, 2012

BiRtHdAy PaRtY and ZOO!!

Can't believe that I have a two year old!! Holy COW! We had such a fun birthday party and all of our amazing family showed up to help us celebrate our cute lil' mister!! Than on saturday we went to the zoo with my sister Ashley are her family!! So fun!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Too busy!!

Not doing so good on posting the weight loss or life...Maybe now that summer is over I will have more time. I LOVE fall and am so excited for the cooler weather. Tavin will be two in two were did the time go! I love that kid more than life itself!! I don't think I will ever let him move out of get married...seriously!! So the weight loss has been going GREAT !! I have been going back in forth between counting calories and weight watchers..just can't decide whats better for me...but as of friday I am down to 199.2!! Yup..finally back in ONEDERLAND! Its been over 6 years since I was below 200..This past week has been hard..only excerised a couple times and didn't eat as good as a should have..But I am start fresh today!!
My little stinker loves my camara...takes pictures of himself when no one is looking!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Weight Watchers Week One

So taking pictures of the scale is not working out (hubby found them saved on computer and would NOT stop laughing...he is a stinker)... But today I weighed in at 206.2!!!!!! Down five pounds in ONE week!!! Wahoo!!! So excited! I know every week won't be this big of a loss but it has helped me get motivated!! Getting back to being skinny :)
Me at 118!!!

August 2012

This month is flying by... I keep forgetting my camara at home! Only two pictures for the month..

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Weight Watchers

Since the calorie counting is not going so well...:( I have decided to spice things up and start Weight Watchers again (for the millionth time)... I forgot to take a pic of my weigh in but today I am 209.6. My first goal is to lose 5%..which would put me about 200. So wish me luck to my first week of counting points!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Not to good

SO for my first week and a half I did not do good at all! This turned out to be a very stressful and sad week. First weigh in was last monday...the the second was today...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

It's TIME!!

It is time that I make some very BIG life changes! Over the 4th of July weekend my mom and me were in a pie eating contest and several very unflattering pictures were taken of me! Lets just say they were probally the most important pictures taken of me....I finally relized how big and unhealthy I have let myself get. I feel like if I post this on my blog it will hold me accountable. SO please know that I am very sensitive about this and am very aware of my weight! Its time to get back to being Alyssa! My life is great..Loving husband, awesome kid and amazing family and friends! I know that I can do this... I lost 60 pounds before I got married! Me and Justin met with my OB doc 4 months ago and he said if I lost weight we could try a few different things to get prego...but here I am still the same weight....210 freaking big pounds!! Wow.. there I said it! Yes I know that is alot! So I am going to start walking and counting calories and I will post pictures and weights every week...This is for myself so that I can see the progress!
These pictures bring tears to my eyes.. How did I let it get this bad!! Just to think I weighed 250 the day I had Tavin.. (I haven't even told Justin that)... I am sure is aware!