Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Family Pictures 2010

I knew we were overdue for family pictures but I selfishly refused to do it until I lost my pregnancy weight. But then one night I had the overwhelming feeling that we should do it soon. So I called my beautiful and talented sister-in-law and she took on the enormous challenge that is taking pictures of my family. Though I probably should have waited until I did lose that weight (new cameras add 30 pounds, right?), I'm so glad we did it. Thanks Chels!

This one may not be the best, but it certainly shows what a pain it is to take family pictures. Notice how none of my children is looking at the camera.

My favorite picture of them all! I love having Wangsgard kids- just look at those eyes!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Disney on Ice

My mom called Spencer and asked if she could take us to Disney on Ice. Spencer said "Sure, let's all go" without actually asking me. Then, convienently, he had to go to a church meeting at that time, leaving me to take them and him getting to watch the BYU football game without interruptions after his meeting. It's like he planned it...
My boys were so excited so my bad attitude just melted away.

Let's not even go into how much these snowcones cost...

The boys' absolute favorite part. They haven't stopped talking about this giant crocodile.

Halloween 2010

Believe it or not, this was our first time actually carving pumpkins!!!
Jackson chose this costume of his own free will and choice, I promise. That being said, Spencer and I could not have been more proud :)

Brady of course had to follow his brother's example. However, he would not wear the helmet or shoulder pads so we just got him a BYU jersey and called it good. We did not anticipate it becoming his favorite shirt and his need to wear it everyday and literally sleep with it under his pillow at night. Here the boys are getting ready to go trick-or-treating. Unfortunately the weather was terrible that night so jackets were definitely needed.

Think they got enough candy? We're headed to the dentist tomorrow to determine the damage!

We were such party-poopers this year with Halloween. We didn't have any real Halloween parties to attend and we knew the weather would be too cold for our little Emma so we didn't waste money on a costume for her. Lame, I know...

Jackson and Brady at Vineyard Gardens in Orem for Jackson's preschool field trip. What a cute place and such a better deal than Cornbelly's!

My three kids

I used to have interesting things to say on this blog. But let's face it, my kids are my life now. I don't get to have interesting thoughts anymore :) So with that in mind, here are a few catch-up posts about, you guessed it, my kids!

Brady actually got Emma to laugh for the first time here in her crib. The boys just love their sister.

Poor neglected Emma was left to cry on the couch by her terrible mother but Brady came to the rescue with his treasured Mickey Mouse blanket and Bunko the bear- yes the same bear that he won't share with ANYONE, not even Daddy! I about cried.

Emma found her thumb a few weeks ago and life has been great ever since. She soothes herself at night and doesn't even make a peep in the morning until we pick her up. Love it!

I'm not sure what these crazy boys are doing here- gang signs perhaps?

Emma discovering the mirror for the first time- she thought this was postively hilarious!