Saturday, August 28, 2010

Father of the Bride

Just to give everyone an idea of what I have to put up with:

Yesterday we were flipping through the channels and happened across one of those shows about women buying wedding dresses. One woman proudly proclaimed her dress budget was unlimited (who does that?!?). I said to baby Emma- "your budget will NOT be unlimited", to which Spencer said, "Oh, don't worry about that- I have a plan." Here is his plan for our only daughter's wedding dress shopping. He plans to secretly take my wedding dress to the dress salon, slip the salesperson a $50 to hang it on their rack and steer Emma toward buying my dress. He is certain this will work.

I'm not sure what is more funny- the plan itself or the fact that he has already formed a plan.

Something tells me that when the time comes, he is not going to be able to say no to this cute face :)

Friday, August 13, 2010


Announcing Emma Marie Wangsgard- born 8/11/10 at 11:10AM. 8lbs 11oz- the first thing the doctor said was "look at those thunder thighs!" She is beautiful and we love having her in our family.

Here she is going home in the same shirt her Grandma Emma AND I both wore home from the hospitals when we were born- just carrying on the tradition.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Mondays are now my favorite day- because I get to go to the doctor and get my hopes up that they will say, "Wow, you are at a 5, let's send you to the hospital". It never happens though. Last week, the doctor listened to my baby's heart beat and (not having read my chart) said, "Hmmm, this sounds like a little brother." That kind of worried me. Then this morning, another doctor listened to the heart beat and said, "Oh yeah, this is 100% boy". That put me into a panic.

Needless to say, I did not have a good day today as I worried about trying to change everything out and the amount of money wasted. Not to mention most of our boy stuff is across the country right now. I'll admit, a few tears were shed (Jackson asked me, "Mommy, why are you dripping?" I guess he hasn't witnessed a lot of adult crying)

Finally, Spencer and my mom convinced me to go get a fetal studio ultrasound. I protested, saying we will find out in a few days, but finally relented. After much suspense, the tech told me that she was postively convinced this baby is a girl. I was shocked. One less thing to worry about! Now if I can just figure out a way to get this girl out of me!

Here are some of the pictures from the experience- unfortunately at 39+ weeks, ultrasounds can't show much clarity because the baby is SO squished. Good luck trying to figure out what you are looking at.