Walter Pall's main blog about bonsai and his work with trees from day to day. Lots of good pictures of good trees and lots of valuable information about bonsai.
Collected hawthorns are extremely touchy if one disturbs the roots. After collecting often 80 % to even 100 % die. An established tree like this can also die when you repot it. It can also stop growing for a full season, without leaves and then come back the next year. Or not! Anyway, this is what I can see doing next spring.
1) apple tree, two good fronts 2) red hawthorn 3) European hornbeam, Carpinus betulus, 65 cm 4) Maidenhair oak, Qerucus pubescens, 75 cm 5) other side, just as good 6) Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna, 55 cm
1) crab apple, 65 cm, p. Derek Aspinall 2) red Hawthorn, 50 cm, p. Josef mairhofer 3) linden, 55 cm, p. Derek Aspinall 4) hilliari elm, 55 cm 5) other side 6) European ash, Fraxinus exceslisor, 50 cm 7) other side 8) horse chestnut, 60 cm, p. Derek Aspinall
This is not much as a bonsai yet, but it is extemely rare. It is an ash with extremely short foliage. This tree is only 45 cm hihg. I got this as cutting 15 years ago. Maybe a Fraxinus ornus variety.
Now we are in April 2007 at the yearly tree slaughter festival.
1) Alex 2) Petra 3) and 4) WP editing some branches 5) Monika and Petra work and Andi watches. Well, he has to learn a lot. 6) finished for now. Mathias, are you looking? 'This is NEVER EVER going to be a beautiful bonsai!'
At that time David just appeard as assistat. This was the first test. He passsed. But he had a limp all week long. As you can see we had to use a heavy duty come-along to pull the beast out.