Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 20, 2010

Professor Travis

Travis started teaching classes again this week with the new semester! Travis didn't just put his big toe in the water, instead he took running jump and did a big cannonball off the diving board! He's teaching 4 different classes, and he's back to full-time! We are ten months out from the accident and life is really getting back to normal. The progress Travis made is tremendous--I marvel at his recovery. Prayer, determination, and love have brought us so far. To infinity and beyond!....

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Imagine your adult life without driving....what would change?
We take so much for granted until we don't have it anymore.

After 8 and a half months, we are so happy to see Travis driving again! Freedom is his to go and do whatever he wants, when he wants, and with the wind blowing through his hair, if he wants, too.

Our short journey took us from researching left foot accelerators to "Why don't we just go out and try driving!" On February 20th, I took Travis to a church parking lot to see what he could do. He practiced using his left foot instead of his right foot on the pedals, stopping, parking,and turning. He drove just like he used to! When we were done practicing, I had no reservations. I turned to him and said, "Why don't you drive us home?" He's been driving us everywhere since.

Sometimes, life is as simple as trying. This is a quote from my sister's blog:

She Went Out On A Limb,
Had It Break Off Behind Her,
And Discovered She Could Fly.

Kobi Yamada

Tougher than Goat Spit--Again!

The day Travis got the wires and bands off his teeth is a day I will always remember. First, it marked an end to the multiple surgeries and procedures Travis has gone through. Second, it gave me a new perspective to the depth of Travis' courage and determination.

When we made the appointment, Dr. Hicks offered to put Travis to sleep during the procedure so he wouldn't feel any pain. Travis, having been put to sleep around 15 times in his life, said he wasn't going to do that. So the next step down was to numb his entire jaw to take out the wires. Well, Travis hates being numb and has elected to have dentists just drill and fill. So, he asked how long it would take to get the wires out. About 10 minutes was the answer. Hmmmm? 10 minutes of excruciating pain or numbness for most of the day? Travis decided to endure the pain. The lady at the front desk warned Travis that she'd seen the toughest men cry, that the wires were embedded in his gums, and it would very painful. Still Travis stuck with his decision.

The day of his appointment arrived. We both went back with Dr. Hicks to the exam room. He had shots sitting out for Travis in case he'd changed his mind. Travis hadn't. Dr. Hicks cut the wires into pieces and then told Travis he would pull out a few. Travis could then decide if he wanted the shots or to continue on. Dr.Hicks yanked out half of the top wires and stopped for Travis to catch his breath, which was good, because Travis was holding his breath! I wondered if he would crack. His gums were bleeding and his eyes were watering-up like they do when you get hit in the nose. After a moment Travis said, "Let's keep going." Dr. Hicks was lightning fast and finished the procedure in about 8 minutes during which Travis gripped the arm rests tightly, his eyes turned blood-shot, and he was reminded to breath. He never groaned or cried. When we were done, there was a pile of 20 or so, gunky, one inch wires on the table. Travis' mouth was bleeding and I was celebrating in my mind, "Yeah! He did it!" Dr. Hicks said, "Congratulations, you just had a baby!" Travis smiled at that and I thought,"I'd like to have a baby in 8 minutes!" I found myself asking "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?".....Then I couldn't believe I was saying that! I've been in and around the hospital way too long!

Travis and Emily showing their hardware the day before Travis' bands and wires were taken out. Emily just had her braces put on the day before!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

8 Months

Feb. 14, 2010: Happy Valentines Day!

I'm ever so grateful to still get to hold my valentine!

Here we sit with 8 months behind us. We've come so far! We returned the wheelchair and slider board the beginning of February. Travis eats everything he wants with no problems, only refusing foods that any sane person wearing braces avoids. Thursday, he will have all of the bars and wires removed from his teeth--no more tinsel teeth! We happily hope this will be the last step in the long line of surgeries and procedures.

In my opinion, Travis looks great and gets stronger continually.
He sets goals for himself and sticks to them. He's figured out that if he walks the hallway at work 8.47 times, he walks a mile. He is trying to do laps without using a crutch or walking stick. He also walks along the road at home. The first time he went for a walk, he called me on the cell phone a quarter mile away and asked me if I knew where he was! He always carries his cell phone "just in case." He fell for the first time 2 days ago, tripped over a rug at home. I wasn't sure if I should fuss or let him collect his wits. I chose the latter and knelt beside him after a few minutes. He asked me what took me so long? I'm learning too! He landed on his hand. I realize now that a fall for him could be really hurtful because he can't catch himself like he used to do. He fell pretty hard. I offered to throw out the rug. He stubbornly refused.

Travis seems to thrive at the office. He studies lots and attends classes. He enjoys being with his peers and the students. He constantly works at getting better and ends every single day sweaty and tired. Even on Saturdays he's up by 7 a.m. I roll over wishing for a little more shut eye, but he's got something on the agenda for me. I should start calling him my drill sergeant! This Saturday, I took him fishing again and to the hardware store. We are learning about left foot accelerators for our vehicles, so he will have that freedom again hopefully soon. He's been shooting clay pigeons with me and the girls, practicing up for turkey season. Last but not least, he finished making a muzzle loader that he started two years ago. I know all about patches, lubes, round balls, and browning barrels now! I've enjoyed this funny, funny blessing of spending more time with him because he needs me to. He also has been doing some curious things like fixing dinner. Tonight, he pushed me out of the kitchen and said, "I'm doing this by myself." I was happy to eat a wonderful Valentine's Day dinner that I didn't cook one bit! I love this new, crazy, different life just as much as the old one--maybe even a little more. It’s a gift I cherish.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Year 2010

We are happy to bring in a new year and leave 2009 buried behind us. I think the odds of us having a much better year are pretty high!

Travis often talks about doing things for "the first time in his life," meaning his new life! Today, he cooked breakfast for the first time in his life. The end of December, he went fishing for the first time in his life (that sounds pretty odd if you know how many thousands of times he's been fishing!). Last Friday, he walked into a restaurant for the first time in his life. This month, for the first time in his life, he has been able to completely shave, shower, and get dressed without my help. I don't even set out his clothes. He stubbornly decided to do it himself. We reorganized so he could reach everything, and he's doing it! It has taken hours and hours of work for him to be to this point. These little every day tasks are now great accomplishments. This "new life" is very challenging.

At times, I feel like I am cheating when I bend and pick something off the floor or climb the stairs, or walk across the room in an instant. For Travis it can take minutes. Why does it have to be so easy for me and hard for him? In retrospect, Travis has always put new limits on himself, like taking up a bow or muzzleloader instead of a rifle for the hunt. He didn't put these new parameters on himself, but it is not beyond his abilities to still accomplish his desires. For that, I am grateful.

On January 7th, Travis had his one month follow-up appointment for his jaw surgery. Had I really blended up food for an entire month? The time just flew for both of us (although Travis swears he will never eat soup again)! Dr. Hicks was very pleased with Travis' bite alignment and how well he was healing. He allowed him to eat soft foods, like noodles and scrambled eggs, for the next week. Then move into more solid foods the next week. We are into that next week and Travis eats normal foods very comfortably. I am amazed! Five weeks ago, he had his jaw sawed in half. Today, he is eating everything I eat. It's unbelievable! He has about 6 more weeks to go before the bars across his teeth can be removed. He'll continue wearing rubber bands to train his bite for that time span as well.

The biggest news is that Travis is back up at his office! School started January 5th. Travis set a goal to be up in his office that day. He took only one crutch and his pureed lunch and stayed there all day, and the next, and the next...He spends his time attending classes, five of them!, and studying. The change has been really good for him--the routine, the academics, the social atmosphere, everything! I am amazed at his stamina to be up there all day. He is so determined to get better.

It's been a happy-sad time for me. For seven months, I have devoted most of my time to Travis. He has been my life. I shed a few tears and had a big lump in my throat when he left for work the first morning. I felt happy for us and somewhat relieved, but a little lost and sad too. I asked Emily, "What are we going to do with ourselves?" She said, "Well...what we used to do." That, we are trying to do. Life seems almost "normal" now. I have been catching up on all the piles of things that I've let slide. We've been cleaning out the closets and shelves. I actually read a book! I hold the baby more. The change has been good--for all of us.