Sunday, September 19, 2010

Soccer Time

The same week that school started, so did soccer. They have great coaches and lots of fun friends on their teams. After Dexter's first day of practice, he came home and said to me, "Mom, I liked my friends that I made while I was soccering!" Dexter spent most of his first game running off the field for a drink of Gatorade ;) He is such a funny boy!! Caden was very focused...intense. Luckily, his best little buddy in his kindergarten class is also on his soccer team. Kayden (his buddy) keeps Caden from getting too serious and they ended up having a great time! The first week of games, their team name was "The Lightsabers" and this week, it was "Ironman". Who knows what it will be next week. They won both of their games. After they won their game this week, they all ended up in a dog-pile laughing and cheering. Oddly, I have always loved the idea of being a "soccer mom" because I love sports so much. I think it is appropriate to quote my sister-in-law by saying that I'm livin' the dream then:)
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THE first day of school

Caden and Dexter both started school on the same day. They thought this was pretty cool...and so did I :) Dexter is going to preschool with some little friends of his. Caden is attending Vista Elementary, a local charter school. Caden is required to wear a uniform. He wanted me to be sure to capture a shot of his new hair-do...the mini-mo (mohawk). They were giddy before school. Caden got dropped of first. He was greeted in his class by several friends. I have to admit that there was not a tear to be shed that morning. Caden walked right in, found some friends, and hardly looked back. I was pretty proud of him. So, I loaded Dex and Katharine back up and we headed off to drop Dex off for his first day of preschool. Maybe it was watching Caden, but he handled it beautifully and just like Caden. He walked right in, found his friends, and never looked back. After school, they were both SO hungry and exhausted (probably because they didn't sleep much the night before :). Things are certainly busier now for us, but I just can't complain too much. I thought that I would have 2 solid hours to run errands/clean/soak up Ms. K with girl time, but that is not really how it pans out after running around. It does work well enough to get a dinner made or complete a small task. Um, and can I just say how handsome I think these boys look?
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Our pre-school FHE was about choosing the right. We played choose the right baseball. Then, Shaune gave the boys their back-to-school blessings. Finally, the boys were given their CTR rings to help them remember to choose the right, not only while they were at school, but always.
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Twas the night before school started..

Twas the night before school started
and all through the house,
two creatures were stirring
and maybe a mouse.
The backpacks were laid
by the door with care,
in hopes that the first day of school
soon would be there.
Bedtime was supposed to be started
but they were too wound up for sleep
So out came the camera,
the flash, and the aces,
and thus two sleepless boys
put on their funny faces.
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