Thursday, April 23, 2009

A small but long overdue update....

I am long overdue here for an update. We have just been so busy that I have not bothered sitting down and doing a post. We have been well. I am still dealing with dizziness and feeling as though I am going to pass out at times...but the doctors reassure me that I am fine. The kids and hubby are doing well. Today we got to see our baby on ultrasound. It was so very precious...truly amazing. We have decided on Adam Ryan for his name. I have intended on doing a post for quite some time but just have never sat down and took the time to write it.
When we found out at 14 weeks along that we were having our 5th son...I was truly overjoyed. My OB appt was scheduled at 6pm that evening. was nearly 7pm before they called me back. When the doc came in, I told him he wasnt supposed to be runnning late today because I really wanted him to take a look at baby today. He then said "Lets go". So to the other room we went where the ultrasound machine was. My doc spent a good 10-15 min looking at baby, and it became very obvious that we were having ppur 5th son. Such amazing very clear. I left that day feeling so overjoyed and excited. I thought that if I found out we were having another boy that I may be a bit disappointed, but that was not the case. There was truly none at all. God is sooo amazing to bless us with 5 children, let alone 5 sons. And I truly feel that if I had the attitude of disappointment with another son...that "I" would be questioning what God KNOWS is perfect for our family. I am so very thankful that God knows what is best for our family. When people say things such as "oh I am sorry" or "oh darn...another boy" is a perfect chance for me to give God ALL the glory. Because I have shared with everyone...that we are so very excited...and praising the Lord because He knows what is best for our family. I have also shared with many how the Lord has worked in my heart. I often think that what if after..lets say our first two boys....I got an attittude and said I really want or only want a little girl after having two boys. The Lord very well could have thus decided to close my womb because I was not trusting what He knew was best. He could have said "Because you are not trusting me, I will no longer bless you with anymore children". Does that make any sense? It surely does to me and it is a humbling thought. God has been soooo good to us...and I am so very thankful and excited to meet this next blessing. I truly am amazed at the thought of having 5 sons!!
The ultrasound today went very well. Little Adam looked great and was kicking around like crazy. Everything looked normal and measured right near my due date. They estimated him weighing right around 12oz. So sweet too. One thankful momma. Thank you Lord!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

our 5th son is on his way...

Yesterday truly was an amzing day...and I dont have the time to share all the details right now. Will do that within the next day or two. But yes...we are expecting our 5th son. God is sooo good and we are so very thankful. I sit here amazed that God would see it fit to bless us with 5 SONS..truly amazing

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Changes to my blog....

I have decided to make a few changes to my blog. Please let me know if you can see them and if you like them or not. I actually love them!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 should go with your husband...

A couple weeks ago, we took a family trip and we ended up at Cabellas. My husband has been wanting me to go there with him. If your husband likes this kind of place and if you have never been there, I strongly suggest that you load up your kids one day and go with your husband. Your husband will love it and so will you and your kids. That place was amazing. It was like our kids were on one cool field trip. You walk into the place and see this amazing display. A huge mountain display in the center of the store filled with different animals. In the center of the display downstairs they have an aquarium with tons of live fish swimming around. You walk through a tunnel filled with different kinds of fish. There are feeding times where you can watch them feed the fish in the aquariums. All the animals are real....stuffed....and amazing. At the edge of the mountain display...there is also a pond filled with fish. You can pay a quarter and get a handful of fish food that you feed to the fish in the pond. My kids really loved this part. All the animals in the store are labeled with what type of animals they are. Many are also staged (for example, a pack of wolves around a deer lying on the ground, or blood on the buffaloes face froma lion swatting at it). The staff was great as there were so many people taking pictures and askign questions. There is also a restaurant upstairs in the place so if you have hungry kiddos..there you go. I will apologize for all the sideways photos in advance. Smilebox wont let me flip any without cutting off half the picture. So just tilt your head or computer and enjoy. We had such a fun time!!! A fun learning fieldtrip....and all inside and warm.

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nathan is almost 1 already......

Our sweet little Nathan is already almost 1!!!! He was born on the 11 of March. He has been a true joy in our lives. He is such a sweet little boy and we are so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with him in our family. We are going to have a party for him the 7th of March which is a 4pm. Any of you are welcome to come. Please just let me know ahead of time so that we have all the food and goodies needed. We will be having dinner and cake and icecream. I will post some better pictures of him soon...but I have not transferred pictures from my camera to the laptop in over a month...guess I better do that soon

Saturday, February 21, 2009

"I help Mommy"........

Issac was so happy as he was "helping me put groceries away". He kept saying "I help Mommy!! I help Mommy!" I think he got a little distracted along the way...but he had a good time in the process. I am thankful for his desire to always want to help out. At his small age, he will drop just about anything when someone asks him to do something.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A project about what our kids are thankful for.....

I helped our kids do a little project recently. We traced their bodies onto some craft paper. I then had them color/draw/and write about things they are thankful for in their lives. We then cut out their people and put them up on doors for a while. We had a good time and the kiddos did a great job. They were very creative in the things they are thankful for...and it was a good time discussing what and why we are thankful for certain things.
The three boys

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Still here....

I haven't posted in a while and just wanted to let everyone know that I am still here. Feeling pretty sick quite often but thankful for that sickness as it is to be expected and a good sign. My blood pressure has not been the best, but is holding stable. I am very closely watching my diet and have started back to riding the bike and walking a bit. More riding the I enjoy reading while riding. I have had quite a bit of spotting this pregnancy..nothing abnormal for my pregnancies. I have had it with all of them. I had another ultrasound at 7w1d and baby was measuring right on and heartbeat was great. They are saying the spotting is most likely not coming directly from the uterus.....don't want to share too detailed info here. I have just been told to not lift much and take it easier than normal. But other than that, I am not limited in what I can do unless I notice my blood pressure going out of whack...I can almost always feel it. Then I just have to lie down for a bit and it goes right back to normal. But obviously baby is growing and growing. I often just sit amazed at the way the Lord has created us. God is simply amazing. To be able to HEAR our baby's heartbeat on ultrasound at only 6 weeks along was just amazing. Then night before last which would have put me at 7weeks5days...I decided to pull out my doppler...I have one like they use in the doctors offices. I was just going to try and see if I could hear anything. Most of the time it is around 10-12 weeks that they find the HB. But......we found it!!! Beating right around 160-164 bpm. It was surreal and amazing. This baby is not even quite an inch long and already the heartbeat is beating strong and audible. Our kids always enjoy listening. If anyone of you ever want to borrow it when you are are very welcome to. It is a neat thing for the family to hear. I am doing my best not to lift the babies any more than I have to and take it easy....doing no major tasks until this spotting phase ends. It is never fun...but it is so very worth it. And although it seems long right is for such a short time. My husband works quite a bit..which leaves me limited in what I can do and where I can go..because I can not lift both of the babies right now. When he is not home I don't go anywhere. But I am so very thankful for his job and that he is such a great provider for our family.
I have to tell you all what our little Isaac did tonight. I was getting ready to take a shower. I had everything ready and Isaac proceeded to come right in after I started taking a shower. My husband is at work so it is not like I could call him in and I could not call the bigger boys in to get him. The shower is frosted glass so he could not see anything. But he kept telling me I was making a mess...the steam and such. Or so I thought. He was wiping the outside of the shower with toilet paper. He kept telling me "mommy make a mess". Ok big deal son. Well I finish up my shower and I proceed to get out. When I got out......I about fell over. Isaac had taken all the clothes (from everyone baths)in the bathroom and put them in the toilet. And then he took them back out!! He left the underwear in the toilet....that's it. The floor was soaked...and there was nasty wet toilet washed clothes everywhere. I couldn't help but stand there and laugh. One time one of the boys had had a little (or medium) smear in their underwear. I was gonna just throw them out..but my mom was here and she said no...that she would rinse them out in the toilet. Ok do it because I am not going to. Well, Isaac watched her that night. So tonight, I am sure he thought he was just washing the clothes as my mom did that one evening. My husband got a great laugh out of it all...he was laughing so hard when I called him. Because it is something only Isaac would do.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I had an appointment today.....

And here are the results of my appointment

To those of you who have helped keep our little secret mum for the past few days...thank you!! Obviously, it is no longer a secret. I had an appointment today and we were able to HEAR the heartbeat via ultrasound already. It was very strong. I did have some small amounts of spotting yesterday..but baby on ultrasound is measuring perfectly with a good heartbeat. HCG at 6w1d is over 34,000...HB was 116...and EDD is Sept 16!!! We were going to keep it quiet for a while simply based on my history of MC's. But if we did that, it would only be because of the fear of another MC. And fear is not from the Lord. I have had spotting with each one of our children...with this one as well....and it never gets easier...but I know that this child is the Lords and whatever his will be...that is what will happen. We are surprised but thankful at the same time.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I knew that strawberry syrup would come is use one day.....

For some time now, to no avail, we have been trying to get our little Nathan to take either a bottle or sippy cup. He has shown No interest at all. We have gone through um.......lets say....about 8 or 9 different sippy cups and bottles to try. When a sippy cup or bottle enters his mouth, he arches his back, screams like crazy, and fights with all his might, veins popping out in his head, sweating like crazy. For whatever reason, he does NOT like them at all. I have tried formula, whole milk, goats milk (which is supposed to be sweeter), apple juice, a baby yogurt drink, white grape juice, and even water. All this child would do is gag and fight with us.

The first sipper cup we tried was a no go!!!
How about a!!
and another no!!!
We thought this one might work...but nope!!
nope again!!
Maybe try another bottle......nope!!
Okay we are getting desperate here...nope!!
nice try...but nope!!!
BUT FINALLY WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Well, kind of.......
These bottles were the most expensive....and are supposed to be the most like a breast.
We were getting so frustrated with him not taking anything from a bottle or sippy I started racking my brain on what else we could do. I was determined to get him to take these. I have tried every kind of drink for his age.....but I got an idea.
And I was gonna take a picture but I forgot. We have some STRAWBERRY SYRUP in our fridge.......I know I am a terrible mom for even thinking of giving it to my little guy......but I did it anyhow!! I put a single little drop in his bottle. ONLY ONE LITTLE DROP THOUGH...not even enough to turn the milk pink. He did fight and resist for about two minutes....but then he actually drank the 2 ounces I put in the bottle. We have fed him two more bottles since then with 4 oz in each and he has drank them. He does put up a struggle at first, but then he does well and drinks the entire bottle. So I think we have a winner. A little rigged but oh well. The amount of strawberry syrup was so minimal..........just one tiny little drop......and I don't even know if it was that, but I am just happy he is finally drinking from something!!!!!!! I do plan on nursing him still just not as much. And it is nice knowing he will take something else.
Whew........task accomplished!!!