Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just Beautiful.........

When the sun was out last week, the mountains were so beautiful. We took a drive one day out to my sisters new home, and just enjoyed the scenery. (If you click on the pics and enlarge them, they are even more beautiful)

Friday, February 26, 2010

He is learning young...

Nathan for the longest time, has loved our vacuum. Whenever it was where he could get to it, he would push it throughout the house. The only problem is that it is very heavy for a little one like him. He was always getting it stuck and then getting frustrated. For Christmas, we ordered him a kids vacuum that looks just as ours...except it is small and for kids. It doesn't suction a whole lot, but it does pick up some bigger pieces. Let me tell you.......this was the best gift this kid has ever had. He is always pushing that thing around the house. Often the front will fall you will see in the pictures, but he still loves it. The other day, Josh was helping me vacuum, and Nathan took off down the hallway running. He came out with his little vacuum and followed along daddy as he vacuumed. It was so funny (and sweet) to watch. Every time Josh would turn or move, Nathan would move and turn right along side him. Enjoy some pics.....sweet memories for sure........

Thursday, February 25, 2010

We had some visitors today....

We had some visitors today. The deer are out already. They are surely beautiful...but every time I see them, I keep thinking I surely wish we had a bow and arrow. Hehe!! They pranced around in our back yard for quite a while today. Just beautiful!! (If you click on the pics you can see them up close better...just didnt feel like editing them)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Adam at 5 months.....

Here are a few recent pictures of our Adam. He is 5 and 1/2 months already and he weighed 18lbs9oz day before yesterday. He is so very precious...a true joy!!! For the most part, he is very happy. He always has a smile to share with anyone who will talk to him. He loves to chatter and coo. For a couple weeks he was really into sucking his fingers, but he no longer does that. It was cute, but I am a little glad he doesn't do it any longer. He rolls everywhere, and also likes it when you sit him up. He is sitting up on his own now, but will still fall over quite a bit. In the bottom pictures, he woke up one morning and had this massive scratch on his cheek. It looks much better in these pictures than when it first happened.