Friday, July 31, 2009

Baby shower update...

A few weeks ago a dear friend of mine asked me is she could do a baby shower for little Adam and I. At first I was a bit hesitant. Only because..yes this is our 5th child...and yes this is our 5th son. However, after talking it over with a few people, I am just excited and honored that she would want to do this for us. There is not one specific great need, but it will be nice for this baby to have a few new things and not have everything that has been passed down through 4 other kids. However, I am excited to just celebrate and fellowship with family and friends over the upcoming arrival of our little Adam. We are so excited to meet him and have him join our family. I cant believe it will only be 5 weeks and he will be here.
I would like to ask anyone from church to help spread the word about the shower if you talk to anyone. I don't want to leave anyone out...but being that dear friend who does not go to our church is throwing the shower, it would be hard for her to tell everyone. The only way I knew to tell her to let people know is through facebook and then the numbers I have on my cell phone. So if you know of anyone that does not have facebook, please feel free to let them know.
The only thing I ask is that if you have the tummy bug that is going around church or ANYONE is your house currently has it, please do NOT come. We have avoided it so far and prayerfully will continue to avoid it. Because of all the contractions I have been getting, it is very important to try and stay as hydrated and healthy as possible. A tummy bug would definitely not be good for baby and I right now. It is still too early for him to be born as I still have 7 weeks until my official due date...although delivery date is in 5 weeks. And I surely dont want to get put on bed rest again. Please do not be offended in any way.

The shower is going to be at my house next Sat Aug 8th @ 2pm. If you need our address or directions, please feel free to call as I would prefer not to post that info here.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I finally conquered it!! I cant believe I am actually doing this post, but here it goes. Do you have a room or area in your house that you just dont want/or cant seem to tackle? We sure have....and it is called our LAUNDRY ROOM. For the past few months, I sure have dreaded this room. This is the one area that has gotten everything stashed and it is so easy to just close the door and ignore. Our laundry room is pretty good size. It is actually quite large for a laundry room. The rest of our house...easy to keep clean. And for the most is clean usually. Yes you may see a toy here or there, but it is NORMALLY organized and clean. But for some reason, I think the laundry room has conspired against me. Lol. Jk!! But today.....I FINALLY CONQUERED THAT DREADED LAUNDRY ROOM!!! It is now spotless. wasnt an easy task but it is finally done. That one dreaded area of our finally done. It was a lot of work, but it feels so good to have it done. far not so bad...but would you like to see some pictures!?!?! This is where it is gonna get bad. it goes.......


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A common sight in our house these days....

Ok, my husband said I had to do a blog post about a common sight in our house these days. So.....last night the guys were making fun of me as I quietly sat on the couch. I didnt see a problem with it....I am pregnant and I like watermelon. Even when not pregnant...I love watermelon. But they were saying it was a "sight to see". And out came my husband with the camera. Now dont pay any attention to my outfit or hair and I was in lounge clothes for the evening. I can see to some extent where they were laughing at me. I had 1/2 of a watermelon in my lap. But NO I did not eat it all at once. I had the other half the day before and I had this half all through the day yesterday. So what if I dont like to share my watermelon...IT IS MINE!!! Jk!! I like watermelon, I am pregnant, and I was too lazy to chop it all up....but it worked!! And And I dont care if the guys wanted to make fun of me. LOL

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our new fire pit that we is what it will look like....

Ok this is for you Amamnda...and everyone else, here is a picture of what this fire pit looks like that we just ordered. It should be here within 7-10 days. I found this picture on a website..not where we ordered it...but this it it. We have been talking about getting one for some time now. There are several models that look exactly like this one...the one we ordered is the biggest one exactly like this. You can see from the picture that it is really deep and allows the heat to radiate through the sides and top. We are going to have so much fun...we are excited. It is about 4 feet around I it is very good size. Bigger than the one we originally were going to get. We are excited to have families over for evenings around the fire and fellowship and games. Even on a cool fall evening....a nice warm fire....aaahhh so nice. So like I said on facebook....come on over one evening and enjoy a time of roasting marshmellows, fellowship, and games around the fire one evening with us. (And yes.....Amanda you live close to us now)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Any guesses at what this creepy looking thing is!?!?

Look at this weird looking "thing" we found outside a few days ago. We are pretty sure we know what it is....just trying to decide which of the two it is that we are going back and forth between. We took tons of pictures....and stood there for quite some time marveling at all its features. If you click on the photos and see them full resolution...note its claws, its antennas, how furry/hairy it is everywhere...even its wings, the size of its body and trunk area, the hair/fur on its legs, and the fact that its wings come off of the head area almost. Just look at all its details. We are pretty sure we know what it is exactly....but would anyone like to take a guess. This thing almost looks like a small bat...although it is not. It truly was scary looking. Looked like somthing that would jump up or fly off and kill you.
For those of you who were here, do not post a comment..lets see if anyone can guess exactly which one it is