Thursday, September 25, 2008

I love the smells of the season.......

Pumpkin nutmeg pie**Creamy vanilla swirl**Cinnamom pecan swirl

Just within the last couple weeks, I found these 3 candles at a local store of ours. Everyone that comes over keeps telling me that our house smells so good. So here they are......the three scents that we have been burning. They smell absolutely wonderful. I actually went back and bought one more of each....because I know they will be gone soon. And they are very decent priced for a good sized three wick candle...Only $3.99. They are much cheaper than the name brand ones....and these will make your entire home smell just lovely. Our house is fairly large, and you can smell one candle burning throughout the entire home. They turn completely to liquid when burning...and then solidify when they cool. Such warm scents.....perfect for the fall season.
To those who wanted to know, these are from Kmart
Walmart also has some nice ones....that smell good when you smell them
but these Kmart ones radiate the smell much better
I think even better than the yankee ones for sure
and much cheaper

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tracking my miles.....

Last week once I got the kids back into a routine....I decided it was time for me to start working out regularly......again. Yah I know....again. My husband has been doing awesome these past couple months...and I wanted to join him. I AM NOT on a diet.....and I am not concerned about losing weight as much as I want to be fit and in better shape. Yes I probably weigh about 25 pounds more than I weighed when my husband and I got married....and I would love to be that weight again....but more than anything...I want to take better care of my body and work out more to be in that better shape. We have an amazing treadmill...bought from Costco and we have a really nice recumbent exercise bike....I will share more about those in a later post. I had started another blog to track my progress....but I dont have time to do both blogs...and I kept messing this one up when I made changes on the other. Just not worth it when I am really trying to buckle down at home and stay structured in a routine. And there is nothing I would post at that one that I dont mind any of you reading. So, here I am. I have a spot on the sidebar of this blog that shows my progress in miles since I started tracking on 9/14. So you can check that out if you would like to see how far in miles I am going. And I will probably post little updates now and then on how I am doing.

Friday, September 19, 2008

uhhhh....he doesnt get it....

Isaac now thinks....

that every restaurant highchair....
Is his!!!!

"My chair"....."my chair"....."bye bye.....bye bye"

as he tried to push the highchair away

He truly thought that chair was his

It was too cute watching him

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Isaac's New Highchair............

I found these highchairs for sale for only $5 each. They are the restaurant style highchairs....the wooden ones that most restaurants have. They are so neat and in such very good shape. I reallly like it because Isaac can sit at the table more closely and be with the family right at the table. He is really enjoying that because he always wants to be with the boys. The first picture is when we first put him in there.......he sure thought he was big stuff. There were 3 total...and I went ahead and bought all 3. My thought was that they were so dirt cheap....and I enjoy having friends over...and many of our friends have babies and toddlers. So we can easily stack the other two nicely in the garage.......and have them available for when other people come over.
I wanted to include this last picture. This smile is what we see every time he sits in his big boy highchair.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Finally back into a routine.......

We have finally gotten back into a routine again after a very busy summer. This last week I started back with schooling....we have gotten a lot accomplished in just one week. With schooling more than one child this coming year...I want to keep a tight routine...which can very easily be dismissed without structure. I have also felt a really strong conviction to create even more structure within my children's daily lives. I talked it over with my husband and he agreed that our kids need to take on some more responsibilities. So I made the kids a chore help guide them in daily responsibilities. We are calling it Mommy's little helpers. We gave the kids several little things for them to do daily around the house.....very easy things to start. Each time they accomplish that task, they are allowed to put a sticker on that day of the week for that specific chore. We have not told them they will receive anything for doing their chores...they are so very excited to just be able to put a sticker on that specific duty....and they think that is their reward. They so far have been tackling everything with the proper attitude...which I delight in.
Last Sunday Jacob came home with a "kindness cup" that he had made in Sunday school. The teacher had given us some goodies to put in each time the child showed an example of kindness. My little brain started thinking about that and I expanded on that idea. The first craft of the new school year for our boys was to make a kindness container. I got some supplies at the dollar store....and got the boys all set up to make their containers. We then opened our bibles to see what the Lord has to say about being kind. I used Eph 4:32 as a center point: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. We looked up all the verses in kindness and then talked about ways the boys could show kindness. When one of us adults sees the boys showing acts of kindness they will be allowed to place a marble in their container. But at the same time, if they are being intentionally unkind, they will be required to remove an item from their container. And yet again, we did not talk about a reward.
I would like to reward them for their effort and attitude...but we have told them nothing. Because I do not want them doing things simply to receive a reward. They have no idea anything is in store. What I did after talking it over with a few close friends (thanks ladies) was to put a special little treat written on a bunch of strips of paper. I then cut up the strips and placed them folded in half in a separate container. The type of things I put on those strips were: a walk with mommy, ride to the store in daddies new car, stay up 15 min late, watch program on mom and dads bed, chose what dinner is one evening, take a bath by self, etc. Nothing materialistic. Just special little treats when we adults see a true desire for them to be a good steward and servant. When we decide to allow them a treat, they will be allowed to reach in and pick one piece of paper....not knowing what it is until they open it.
We also started reading a biography on Florence Nightingale. A while back I had bought several missionary biographies at They were so cheap....some were only .75 and the most expensive was only $2. We are thoroughly enjoying them. Every evening before bed we read a chapter or two. It is creating a wide variety of topics to discuss with the boys as well as provide great examples of people who have lived for the Lord and served him faithfully. Those missionary biographies are so easy to tie into normal bible studying. I have quite a few..if any of you would like to borrow any, let me know.
I am just really excited to be back into a routine with our family. It makes everything run so much more smoothly...and I think it sets a better example for our children. But more than anything.....I feel I am walking with the Lord more as I should be. It is very easy for me to neglect my duties as a wife and mother, but most importantly child of the Lord when I have so many commitments on my plate. I am first accountable to the Lord. And I am so thankful that the Lord has been convicting my heart. God has been so good to me!!
(Sunday update: we have all come down with a crud bug. Tyler got it first and then I have been fighting it for a few days and feel pretty crummy today. Now...I dont think anyone in the house feels great today....hopefully we will be better tomorrow)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Such a happy little boy.....

It is hard to believe that our little Nathan is already almost 6 months old. He will be 6 months on the 11th. He is such a happy little guy almost all of the time. I am so thankful that the Lord saw fit to bless us with him. He is such a joy and such a sweet little boy