Saturday, March 31, 2012

I'll remember

There are crucial times. Not knowing what to do. What to not do. What to choose.
It's hard when you keep going with flow and at one point, you need to decide. Feels miserable.
Feels like doing NOTHING! Nothing at all. But every seconds counts. Earth is still moving~

Feel blessed with friends that keeps being by my side. (even not literally)
They tell me what's the real world is. How to deal with it. Listening even not knowing what to say.
Now, I know why Allah separate me & my friends apart('distance-wise').
Sometimes, my friends and I don't usually keep in touch a lot. Du'a for your friends is more meaningful(you still remember them and keep praying for their success)

Feels more guilty towards MOZAC friends. Many of them I haven't keep in touch. Well, I tried once but it feels awkward. Hahaha. Maybe because it has been a long time and dah tak keep up with their life (I doubt that looking at the their fb timelime means you are actually keep up with them) =.='

Allah is the decider.

Allah doesn't look at the result, Allah looks at our effort! Never forget that WZ~


Friday, March 16, 2012

All England 2012 Birmingham

May peace be upon you~

I thought I haven't post for a month. I'm wrong, it's actually just 24 days. Dude, need to make more post! (such a forgetful person la WZ ni~~)

I must make a post bout this!MUST! Okay, actually you guys know bout 'this'. I put it as my post title already. Hehe.


I put so many pictures here as eye candy. The post is too long(for me), so the picture will make it less boring(I guess?)

Before this, I only watched badminton matches from TV. Finally! I watched it live from the stadium!!! (Now, I'm missing home more. Wanna play badminton with my siblings at our frontyard like old time)

Canterbury to London to Birmingham-by train-it's packed with people! When I saw Malaysian in the same train with me, I knew that they actually going to Final All England too ^^

My seat is great! Near the court!(totally worth it even I bought it 3 months earlier & double the price of last minute ticket)

1- Women Single 2- Mixed double(Indonesia won against Denmark) 3- Women double

These 2 matches are the highlights!

4- Men Double (Korea vs China)
Speed, rally, teamwork, everything! Korea Men Double is seriously awesome! Yongdae & JiSung are great badminton player. Fuh, I couldn't let my eyes off the match even for a second! I cheered very hard for Korea team(there are so many China supporters). "Oppa fighting!!", "Oppa boshita!!", "Oppa jjang!!" Luckily I sat near local crowd with my friends. If I sat at Msian crowd, I would sit tightly(segan hahahahaha). I'm very happy that Korean men double won ^^

Taehamingu! Korea in pink

They nailed it!

5- Men Single
The players' entrance is really...really not a joke. I mean, they enter like some kind of awards ceremony. The photographers, the spotlight, the cheer are totally wow! Love the crowd, the spirit, everything la!
Lee Chong Wei was injured & unable to finish the match. Still, I'm very proud of him =) Not feeling wasted at all cause he did his best for his fans(he still got Olympics London, not worth to risk his condition). Feel sayu reading his tweet, "If u dare to win, u must dare to lose~" after the match ended. Even the Msian crowd feels sad, he as a badminton player himself is more sad than us.
I heard that he's already injured before the final but he still want to play for the final(probably don't want to disappoint his fans). A nice guy, he is.

Entering the court

Prize Ceremony

Plus, nampak Rashid Sidek!(he's LCW's coach and he sit next to the court)
My siblings & I read 'Anak-anak Sidek' comics, okay~~~ So excited gak! Ajim, Arep, let's battle when we got back! hahahhaha

Malaysian Crowd!

(credit to my friend for the pictures)

Make me miss my siblings more :')

Waa, it's been a long time since I write a really long post.Maybe because I still fell excited and happy because of All England.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


We already know

But sometimes, we forgot bout it~

That's why we need reminders

So many distractions~

When I wake up in the morning, I should be thankful to Allah, for giving me another chance to be a better slave of Him

Thursday, January 26, 2012

HB Wajihah

A sister who is very cheerful, love to laugh & make jokes, and lovely.

May Allah bless you
Be a good muslimah
All the best for your PMR

Again, can't wait to be back~~ =)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Skype I


Ayah: Apa khabar, anakanda?
Sisters: Waaa!! Anakanda~~

*I really love them!

Family is my most precious treasure!

6months~~ =)

Thursday, January 5, 2012


In 10 hours, I will start my journey to Turkey. Just changed my money to Turkish Lira. *complicated transaction

May Allah ease this journey (even I'm so not in the mood to step out of the house). InsyaAllah, I'll be extra cautious and alert. NO GELABAH, please =)

Smile always~ =)

Away from home for 7 days~


Monday, December 19, 2011

A video

InsyaAllah, jika niat baik dengan cara yang halal...Allah akan memberkati kita =)

Setiap apa yang kita lakukan, kita mesti mencari keredhaan Allah