Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A bank with great service ^^

    It has been 3 years since I open a bank account for myself (I talked like I have to open an account every month =p ). Well, the last time I did it when I was in UK. I have to cause it is for my sponsor to bank in my allowance etc. Today, I opened a current account at Bank Islam. Why Bank Islam? Well, I'm interested in the bank. I read couple of articles about it and I decided to be part of it. Hehe... I'm now a customer there and I wish to be in its management too =D Please..please... give me a feedback... Ya Allah, I hope I'll be one day =)

    Alhamdulillah, I opened the account in 45 minutes (too long, I know). It supposed to be closed in 15 minutes when I reached there. The Abang Guard looked at the time(try to estimate if they have enough time to process my application) before handing me the forms. Luckily, he handed me the forms =D

   After I finished filling in the forms, there were few errors and everything. Eg: failure of sccanning my thumb prints(few times I changed my thumbs for scanning), invalid data. Well. everything is just IT/computer error. I feel guilty because even at 4.30pm (closing time), the staff still trying to finish it. I feel grateful for not asking me to comeback later. I don't really mind actually if they ask me to cause I got nothing to do at home (Well, other than chores). The staffs still smiled and cheerful even I finished opening my account at 5pm. Big applause for the great service! ^^

  By the way, I opened LLoyds TSB bank account when I was in UK. It got Islamic bank account ^^  recommend it to anyone who is going to open one in UK. Even when other banks got problems, like no money transfer in couple of weeks(it happened 3 months ago), Lloyds totally haven't been effected by it. ;) Luckily, I got my allowance on time =D



Friday, September 14, 2012

Interesting chat

I miss my maknae(youngest),Walin so much. The last time she was home, 2nd Sept (she need to get back to her boarding school which is just 5minutes away from home =p ). But after 3days she went back to her school, I started missing her, I miss her existence in our home. Teasing, playing, pinching etc... I thought could meet her last week(during her outing) unfortunately, her school got cuti ganti last week so no outing.  ;(  Finally I got to meet & spend time with her today and this whole weekend. yeay!

A night that full of siblings' jokes....:

Venue: Living room (got a desktop next to the couch)

Just now, I had fun chats with my other siblings. From KLCC, Dubai tallest building with moving floor, silver, loan, investment, science, movie, Lee Chong Wei. My younger brother read a quote from the front page of Lee Chong Wei book, Dare To Be A Champion which he just bought yesterday. "Jika kita berani menonton filem, kita juga perlu berani membaca buku terutama Sejarah (PMR)". Well, it's supposed to be "Jika kita berani menang, kita juga perlu berani menerima kekalahan". My brother just playfully changed the quote to 'motivate' my 2 younger sisters for their coming PMR.

The chat are supposed to be with 3 siblings(me,arep,alin) cause the broken-leg-sister decided to watch a Thai movie, A Stupid Thing Called Love, it is a great movie and I can relate the scenes with my school life LOL . Back to the living room...3 of us playfully joking around and sometimes, the broken-leg-sister menyampuk in the 'discussion' and not really watching the movie. 

Us: "Ah, tak payah, tak payah, stop je la tengok movie tu, sibuk je" LOL
Her: "Orang tengok la"
Me: "Skip kan? Tengok la betul2" (cause I want her to feel the movie HAHAHA)
Her: "Mana ade skip"
Me: "nak akak tanya ke apa scene tadi?"
Her: *grinning with her sepet eye*
All of us: LOL

One of the interesting conversation...
Walin told us about how KLCC was build, the jejantas that won't supposed to be built at first,etc. At the end of her KLCC story telling, "Apela akak ni, Alin tahu tau. Akak tak tahu pon". Guess what my reply..."Okay, macam mana nak kira insurans?" LOL Wahidah! To a 14-years old kid?! I'm so childish =_= She coolly replied, "Alin belum belajar lagi la.."

And of course, the end of the whole conversation, we started teasing maknae and she walked away, don't have enough energy to 'fight' us. =p And tomorrow, I'll start pinching her again =p

Going to night market with maknae was so interesting; running back to our car after rushing buying the foods cause dad was gonna use car to pick up my brother.

Sometimes, there's up and down. Adik-beradik kottt. Air dicincang tak akan putus =D

I wish that we, us will forever be together and happy. Aamiinn.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The past

Setahun lalu, still duduk kat UK. My senior friends moved on(went back to Malaysia for good), I seriously need couple of months to get over that. Pergi ASDA, tesco sama2. Keep texting each other during class(no good =p ), well only when the lecture get bored. Hahaha.

Now, I've been back here(Malaysia) for good. It's been about 2 months. It's different between the people who is leaving and the people who is staying. From my experience, me as The Stay akan ada memori 'tempat': 1) Lalu Woolf College, ingat slalu gather ramai2 kat bilik aunty. 2) Lalu westgate road bus stop, ingat perkampungan 3 rumah Malaysian girls yang meriah everytime buat event. 
Plus, feel the absence a lot~  Those memory was too sweet till it harms me. Macam makan dessert banyak sangat sampai kencing manis =p So keep telling myself, "Move on Wahidah, just one more year".

As The Leaving, I always been occupied with a lot of stuffs here. So..., tak banyak sangat rindu UK? I'm not sure, things are just so different here and there. I think I miss British's level of manners. Macam dengan langit dan bumi =_= Hard to admit but it's the truth. I'm not saying I have the best manners in Malaysia, I doubt that. 

Okay la, pasal pegangkan pintu untuk org belakang tu is great. Dear Malaysians, kenapa suka tolak2? I experienced this at Mydin, in a queue. It's not even pack but he person behind me just pushed me. I'm totally sensitive tentang issue tolak-menolak ni. Then, I faced to my left so I can see her a bit. She still pushed me. Grr. Tolong laaa. Orang yang tengah bayar kat cashier tu takkan makin cepat if you push me. I would like to say something to her but I just let it slipped away. I told this, politeness to my dad and he said to marry a British guy. =_= LOL

I still  remember when I first had my grocery shopping at ASDA, as the person leaving... I miss to do grocery shopping with her. Look for parking, grocery shopping, load the stuffs into the car. I miss a lot of stuff back home(Malaysia)

InsyaAllah, I know all those happened to me, it's a lesson for me. Alhamdulillah, for all experiences making me to a more mature person..

Okay, sampai di sini sahajalah pos saya buat kali ini. =))) Salaamm

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Suddenly, I heard cannon sound. Luckily not loud enough to make me fell down the bed. But you know what, the first thing that popped up in my mind when I heard the , The Hunger Game ; a tribute fall. I have to say it, it's a really great movie.

Heard that the sequel is coming next year~ yeay!

It really make me feels what happen to the world lately, too much reality shows. Yup, it's so 'real' because everything happens according to the The Gamemaker(aka the producer). Drama~ Well that's why we watch the shows.

The show will stop if everyone stops to watch. Fullstop.

Jom la tengok funny game show like Wipeout (ironically, I don't watch it because it seems violent, I blame the realistic sound effect =p ). LOL

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Start learning how to drive again

Start reading books



Funny moment: adik baru balik from Egypt for holiday. First day bawak kereta(malam,kat lorong xbyk kereta), tetibe ikut lorong kanan. At first ingat dia saje nak shortcut, tetibe dari jauh ade kete datang. My dad & I was like, "Weh,kiri..kiri" Luckily sempat. Adik said, "oh lupa jap,kat sana dah biasa bawak motor sebelah kanan" We just shaked our head =_=