It has been 3 years since I open a bank account for myself (I talked like I have to open an account every month =p ). Well, the last time I did it when I was in UK. I have to cause it is for my sponsor to bank in my allowance etc. Today, I opened a current account at Bank Islam. Why Bank Islam? Well, I'm interested in the bank. I read couple of articles about it and I decided to be part of it. Hehe... I'm now a customer there and I wish to be in its management too =D Please..please... give me a feedback... Ya Allah, I hope I'll be one day =)
Alhamdulillah, I opened the account in 45 minutes (too long, I know). It supposed to be closed in 15 minutes when I reached there. The Abang Guard looked at the time(try to estimate if they have enough time to process my application) before handing me the forms. Luckily, he handed me the forms =D
After I finished filling in the forms, there were few errors and everything. Eg: failure of sccanning my thumb prints(few times I changed my thumbs for scanning), invalid data. Well. everything is just IT/computer error. I feel guilty because even at 4.30pm (closing time), the staff still trying to finish it. I feel grateful for not asking me to comeback later. I don't really mind actually if they ask me to cause I got nothing to do at home (Well, other than chores). The staffs still smiled and cheerful even I finished opening my account at 5pm. Big applause for the great service! ^^
By the way, I opened LLoyds TSB bank account when I was in UK. It got Islamic bank account ^^ recommend it to anyone who is going to open one in UK. Even when other banks got problems, like no money transfer in couple of weeks(it happened 3 months ago), Lloyds totally haven't been effected by it. ;) Luckily, I got my allowance on time =D
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4 years ago