Thursday, April 26, 2012

The next day after today is.....

forecast said nice weather tomorrow~

*I don't know why I post this =.='

budget ingat facebook la =))))

*oh, lama tak update facebook status kan~~

Kthanxbai. ^^

Allah always by our side. Don't distant ourselves from Him~

It's getting nearer


Okay, I just noticed layout for making new post has changed! 'Erk' is the first thing came out from my mouth.

White tulips! I love it!

Lovely tulips Spring 2012 =)

Photo of cakes (a month ago :p )
Super happy cause I love dessert and sweet food!!! =D

Basically, stayed at home all day long. Only went out if I want to buy groceries at tesco (9 minutes walk from home). This is my life~

Too nervous because of the final exam( in 12 days time!) alamakkk..suddenly makin cuak bila taip '12 days'.
I always remind myself. effort! doa! tawakal! Allah is always there for me ^^

Pray for me and my friends here xoxo


Friday, April 13, 2012

Teringat II

Couple of weeks ago, lalu Woolf College

Was on my way to sent my last assignment to Math School

Lalu naik bas.

Nampak tingkap ex-bilik Bella, Nadrah, Nadia Bort

Dulu, tingkap Nadia Bort ada calendar uni.

Now, it's gone(the calendar).

Teringat jugak lepak kat luar laundry room Woolf College dgn Fara & Dibah

We were looking at the sky & star that night.

Fara teased me about my kain that I was wearing

Malu dengan saya. hahhahhaha

We even watched Mujhse Dosti Karoge

I have great memory with them, all of them.

*It's not clinging on the past.
It's to keep it in their mind~~

Teringat I

Few days ago, it was a sunny day.

Tengok luar tingkap bas.

Nampak river punting boat Canterbury.

Teringat summer 2011.

Deeb, Neesah~

It's been almost a year

Friday, April 6, 2012

The End & The Beginning

The End:
Alhamdulillah~ End of lectures of my degree.
I'll have to say that my most of interesting lecturers are my 3rd year lecturer. Funny and try to loosen up the lectures, not so much stress. Of course the subjects are tough but, they make me see the interesting part and never lose hope on those subject :)))

Not too much surprise(maybe because I was tired). Surprisingly, I don't feel sad. Last lecture - just nouns, I guess. Actually I feel more nervous as that means, final exam is coming in 1 month!

Caffe VENEZIA @ Canterbury. They have the best scones in Kent!

Bangkok House (decoration a bit like Malaysian restaurant)

Lecture hall, Rutherford College(not the last lecture though)

Student receipt for my very last 2 assignment! 12pm, 5 April 2012
(Financial Modelling & Financial Derivatives)

The Beginning:
Bismillah~ Start of my revision period. 7 subjects. May Allah gives me persistence~

M.Heller, E. Glover, M. Brown: Thanks to you guys ^^

Wishing it's going to be sunny days after this. It's spring!!