Sunday, November 27, 2011

My family~

Family is the first thing that you have to look after. Keluarga pecah-belah? Jangan harap dapat komuniti Islam yang sempurna.

Maybe it's difficult to have an ideal family but it's never impossible. Every family members plays a role. Be an understanding parent, be a good child, a nice sibling.

Kadang-kadang tak nampak kepentingan adik-beradik tu. *been there, done that*
Mungkin sebab masa tu muda remaja kan. (Tak tau lah sekarang remaja lagi ke tak. hahahaha)
Being far away from family, it opens my eyes that I should appreciate them more. I even decided to work in Malacca after I finish my study, InsyaAllah. (people said, my job opportunity is bigger in big city like KL or Selangor ). It might be hard to find one in Malacca. *I'll try my best!*

Have you talk to your dad or mom this week?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall 2011

I love Fall 2011!

Alhamdulillah, this year lambat sikit datang sejuk so I was enjoying the sunshine more than last year and last last year =p

But 2 more weeks to December. Winter is comingggg~~ Instead of complaining, I should wear thicker clothes and wrap up warmly ;)

InsyaAllah, spending my boxing day at London. Plus, Istanbul for winter break! Like my housemates said, "Penat dah asyik tengok church and Cathedral. " So Istanbul is he best choice. Weeehuuuu!

Going to meet orang Malaysia this week(Nadrah and Nadia Bort). Can't wait to see them!

Suddenly I want to suggest a reality show to all. INFINITE SESAME PLAYER SEASON 2. It's totally a funny show. Actually, I haven't watch Kdrama for a long time. So 1 day, I was so bored but I dont want to start watching Kdrama again, then I found this show. Totally falling in love with it.