Saturday, January 31, 2009

Grin is on her way to NZ. huhu.

Sweet 20th, Adib!

Our memories always remained in my thoughtful mind
Thank you for everything, friend. You are a good Samaritan and have a wide grin as well. Hehe..
I hope you will achieve your dream. Go Physics! =D

To all Muzaffarians, let's meet Adib for the last time before she go off to NZ. (14/2 , KLIA, her flight at 9.30 pm)

Friday, January 30, 2009

A new couple is created on the Earth

24 Jan 2009.
Walimatul urus is an event that your attendance is compulsory. Believe it or not, I went to Mrs Diana's wedding (took 4 hours journey) with my classmates and other KMB friends. It's a fantastic journey, though. I love pink and purple. Ops, I meant it's Mrs Diana favourite colour(that's her theme colour for the wedding). I spent 3 hours wandering at that place. Taking a lot of pictures, karaoke(Fathul's the singer!), eating, collecting 'goodie bags' etc.

Smiling all day might cramp my cheeks(but that what brides need to do). LOL

I spotted and ate Kek Batik there!

forgiving is a must on Eid Day. wait! it's a wedding lorh. wrong pose, girls!

main entrance can be our location for the photoshoot too.

long journey means 'Lorong Midaq' needs to be finished reading

Everyone has their own time
When is my time?!
May I book the best wedding planner in Msia now? Hoho.. =))

Sunday, January 25, 2009

12 is a number.. 21 is a number too, including 20

Hey, lovely sis. You are such a young sister and an old sister. 12 is a new number for you with the arrival of UPSR is the next few months. Be strong and have fun with your life! You are who you are(even mom always says that you are much alike me).

Happy 12th birthday, Wajihah Zakaria

2 scoops of ice-cream as birthday gift

I love you and nobody can change the fact.

My decision to celebrate your birthday with you is certainly a right decision. That blueberry cake was finger licking good.. Seems simple but worth more than a million dollar =)

Akak will always pray for Jiha's success.

I'm saying

People, please. I haven’t blogging for weeks. Its not like I don’t have anything to write but the obstacles just to write a post is *huh*. You got it, right? =D
I loved blogging a month back but now, my fingers cannot type anything that my mind told them to. Crazy fingers(but cute fingers. =P)!

Forgive me =)


Is it a need?
People love to say, not to say.
People love to be alone, not to be alone.
I like to run from my problems. Seriously, I just knew it. the feeling? Great but at the same time, I wish I never do that.
You are moving on. How about me? I stuck here!

BTW, stop pushing people! It is not a cool thing to do. Silent!

There are times when people don’t even recognise themselves. Even you are who you are for 20 or 19 years. I hate to grow up. I changed! Please, please, don’t let me change to the worst me. I want to be a next America top model. Ops, typing error(told ya that my fingers are crazy!). I meant, I want to be a 17 years old Wahidah Zakaria. Independent and don’t bother about anything except for herself. Sounds vain, isn’t it? But it’s better than the one I’m becoming into.
Full stop (.)

Friday, January 2, 2009


Now, I know how hilarious Ahmad Nabil is. To those who do not know who he is…he is Raja Lawak for the 2nd season. He makes me laugh everytime I watch his show, ‘Lu Pikir La Sendiri’. Even when I look his jokes in Raja Lawak Competition, he tickles my heart. Seriously!

Clearly, most of my friends know that how much I am into funny things aka JOKES. If I want to watch any movie, I will pick the comedy one. That’s one of the reasons why I love Kdramas and Jdramas(besides of the kawaii actors and actress. Hehe..)Btw, you guys must watch Bedtime Stories because Adam Sandler is a great actor and the it is a cool comedy movie as well.

A must-watch-video!

Tau tak ape side efek julap kat muke? Jerawat,beb..nasib baik bukan jururawat

Not to forget, happy 20th birthday to Mr.Jonod@ Amir Aiman and Azelias@ Abdul Hafiz Azelias. Wow, that number,20 really freaking me out. Haha..

Well, he’s funny but not that I really into him till I want to make him as my bf. Haha! (sound familiar? To Nabil: no heart feeling, okay..just want to torture my friend. Hoho..)