I can't believe it is this time of year again! It feels like
yesterday to me.....
Lately life is a little overwhelming and emotions are
running high.... Man this boy has sure done
something to me....
The past 6 months I feel extremely blessed, we have been
struggling with money so badly I had no clue what to do.
Stress was at a ultimate high and just thinking that we
had this baby on the way, just how are we going to
afford to buy anything for him?
Christmas was even gonna not come this year.
Something had to change and fast. I didn't want
to see the disappointment...
We sat and prayed to know what to do? We have
made sacrifices that I know that we did not want to do
at the time but we have been blessed greatly for our
decision. We sold the truck! Clint's joy, the
thing that makes him feel cool, I guess.
You know how men are in there toys!
Plus we have been giving to others. I feel like if I do
something great and amazing, in return I know I will
receive blessing for what I have done. Just being able
to make a meal for someone, give a little gift it
makes everything worth it. I'm full of lots of
gratitude. I'm thankful for the blessing and for the
wonderful family and friends that I have.
I have been extremely bless in my business I have been getting
busier and busier. It always seems to come when we
need it the most. Truly truly greatful for my Savior.