Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Leap Year.....

Well I started in labor on Feb. 28th and ended this adventure on
Feb 29th at 7:06 am. We got to welcome this amazing little guy
into our lives and into our family.
 Weighing in at 9lbs 1oz
 What an amazing blessing....
 Look how precious he is? This is what he does all day long, other then eating
and pooping. You forget how much they go to the bathroom.
We named him after his daddy....
Dylan Clint Wageman

Belly Pics

I had Amber take some belly pics and family photo's.
She does such an amazing job, but maybe she should have
minimized my belly and butt!;)
I'm 37 weeks in pics....

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Yesterday I turned the big "30"! The day that is suppose to change your life forever, the
day that everything falls apart, tragedy strikes. There's so many people that are so
worried about turning 30, but I would have to say that it was an amazing day
for me. No tears rolled down my cheeks!:) And I got to spend the day with the
people I love the most, Clint and the girls.

We started off the night with dinner (tacos), then we whipped out the gingerbread houses.
I don't know what the girls enjoyed the most making the gingerbread houses or eating the candy before it
even reached the house. It was so fun to watch them make there's. Makayla wanted the most perfect house,
Kassi wanted to build one just like the picture on the box, and Dakota of course wanted
to lick and try every piece of candy there was for the house. The night was filled with
such love and laughter.

 Clint and I were suppose to be doing the house together but as you can see Clint was
handling it just fine all by himself so I let him do the work. The best part was watching everyone's
faces and how much candy they could eat without me noticing.:)

Here is the girls master piece! I think they did such a great job.
But after it was all put together the house came a tumbling down.....
Once it tumble all the way down they got such big eyes and asked me
can we eat the candy now! So sadly to say there was no gingerbread
house to be found after they were done with it.

 Here's me and my amazing man! What a great man he is, he has
treated me so great! When I ask for a back rub or a foot rub he is
always willing to do them. He is always willing to take care of me when
I need to be taken care of. He even bought me a dozen roses
yesterday. He knows how much I love roses!

And last of all.......

6 cupcakes...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Things "R" goin'

I can't believe it is this time of year again! It feels like
yesterday to me.....
Lately life is a little overwhelming and emotions are 
running high.... Man this boy has sure done 
something to me....
The past 6 months I feel extremely blessed, we have been
struggling with money so badly I had no clue what to do.
Stress was at a ultimate high and just thinking that we
had this baby on the way, just how are we going to
afford to buy anything for him? 
Christmas was even gonna not come this year.
Something had to change and fast. I didn't want
to see the disappointment...
We sat and prayed to know what to do? We have
made sacrifices that I know that we did not want to do 
at the time but we have been blessed greatly for our
decision. We sold the truck! Clint's joy, the
thing that makes him feel cool, I guess.
You know how men are in there toys!
Plus we have been giving to others. I feel like if I do
something great and amazing, in return I know I will
receive blessing for what I have done. Just being able
to make a meal for someone, give a little gift it
makes everything worth it. I'm full of lots of 
gratitude. I'm thankful for the blessing and for the 
wonderful family and friends that I have.
I have been extremely bless in my business I have been getting 
busier and busier. It always seems to come when we
need it the most. Truly truly greatful for my Savior.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Baby Update!

                   Just a little update on the baby. Well we went in to the paranatalist on Monday October 17. She asked me how many kids I have at home and what they were...... Our answer was of course 3 beautiful girls. Her response was OH WOW!  (We get that reaction a lot.) So are you wanting to find out the sex of the baby? Of course we do... what kind of questions are they asking us let's just get on with the show. The week before that, it dragged forever. I know I need to learn patience but who has that... Ha Ha! I just needed to know that sex of the baby and I needed to know it right then. Well the baby was squished right down to the bottom and in this weird position. It didn't want to move... Already stubborn I see. The baby must get that from his father. But the lady managed to sneak a peek and finding result was IT'S A BOY! I think Clint was going to have a heart attack, literally. Clint has always got the wrath of it all from his family about being able to produce a boy. I felt sorry for the poor guy. That day everyone had to make the same remark. Well Clint you finally got it right? I'm just glad that we will have this opportunity, but man will he be spoiled the only BOY! How I'm I going to do this? I guess there's a first time for everything. He's going to be so handsome.
           Everything else is looking great, I feel like he is growing so rapidly that my inside's are all twisted up inside me. He measures big but that doesn't surprise me, that's all I know how to have is big babies. Well they did find a cyst on the babies brain but they said that he will probably grow out of it. There's only a less then 1% chance that he won't. Dakota had the same thing but hers went away within time. I feel like he will be just fine and do the same thing. He's hanging out at the very bottom just waiting to come out the doc tried to get him to move but he is way to comfortable. Mommies not though. He's so low they had to check my cervix with the ultrasound machine. I guess they will let my doc know, I hope there is no bed rest. I've been taking it easy I even went out and bought me a big pillow to put in between my legs. Can I just say it is heavenly. Clint says he will be throwing the pillow out before it's all over but if he wants to keep his women happy he probably shouldn't.....HA HA. 
        Just a little info on how far a long I am.....21 weeks..... wow time is going so fast. Holidays are coming that I'm not ready for too.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monte Valley

 HOLY crap! What pics should I post? I took 100 pics this last weekend and it was very hard to decide on what to post. I just love the moutains this time of year, I would have to admit it doesn't last long and then it begins to look ugly. But til then look at what I got to see, what God created for us to look at every year at this time. BEAUTY!

Utah has the best Mountains EVERRRRR!

Huntin' on Monte

I had to grab a few snapshots of
the girls with the beautiful fall
colors. We went for a walk on Sunday
just to snap a few pics. What a beau-
tiful time of year?


 Dakota never slows down, who knows what she is
doing in this pic. She is so cute though. We also had the girls sit in this tree that was dead it was pretty tall th only one that got nervous was Makayla, Dakota wanted to stay in it forever. She is to darn brave.
Cindy was so nice and watch the girls a couple of
days so I could go walk the trees with Clint. Yesterday we walk wasatch and wow was that straight up, but it was worth it. We could hear the deer all around us then all of a sudden 2 deer pop up and take off. Its so exciting being able to watch Clint hunt. No luck this year with a buck but next year me and Clint will be putting in for the Elk hunt! YAY! I'm so excited, it will be my first one that I actually get to shoot something.