Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ten for Tuesday

1.  Shocking...I am posting again.  I am taking a Family History Class and it is encouraging me to keep a better history of our family.
2.  Weather- I have determined that February is my favorite month!  The first time I ever came to AZ was in February and it was 70 degrees.  Compared to the freezing, snowy NY it was a no brainer to come to AZ for college.  But this year it has proven to be remarkable.  The running weather is perfect both in the morning and early evening with amazing sunsets.  We have actually been quite cold this month as well.  My children have been thrilled by the "snow" on the ground in the morning(aka frost), and super sad it is gone when they get home from school.  I even had to scrap my windshield this morning with my library card.  You never know what you will get in February and I love it.  Also, I get to wear sweatshirts all day!
3.  Sickness - we hope to be out of it.  We have each had a taste of this yucky flu/cold that seems to be effecting so many people this winter season.  It has been a long run of it.  One would get sick, pass it on and after it went through everyone it would start again.  Here's hoping we are done...because we are sick of being sick.  On the positive side one Sunday I was ill and couldn't go to church so I watched past CES Firesides on LDS.org.  They are amazing.  I just watched the ones from 2012 and loved them.  Especially Elder Holland and Elder Jensen's talk.
4.  Vern - He continues to work for MAG, serve in the Stake YM's (that makes him busy on Sundays), work in the Scout Firebird District (busy on Thursdays) and help with the crazy  Saturday schedules we have created.  Looking for a project however...see what we can find...perhaps paint our house because the HOA says we need too...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
5.  Kindy - Trying to figure out motherhood every minute of each day, running (training for Del Sol Ragnar), eating too much, working with 8-9 girls at church, getting the YW ready for girls camp, coaching a U8 soccer team and tending kids at home.  Even if it sounds like a lot, it gets done with LOTS of help from friends and family.
6. Elena - finishing soccer season at school.  She has enjoyed it.  They have decided to keep the school team together and play in the spring and fall if they want.  It should be good for her.  I decided to help out and be the team manager...hope I didn't get in over my head, but I am excited to get to know more people from our community and try to follow the counsel given us by Pres. Ucthdorf this month in the Ensign.  She is doing well at school and enjoying it.  Hard to believe she is growing up.
7.  Natalie - She started basketball this season and seems to be enjoying it.  It has been a learning experience since she has only played soccer.  For example, in basketball you play both offense and defense, not so in basketball.  We signed her up again and hope she sticks with it.  She also got long awaited good news that she was accepted to Archway Classical Academy for the fall of 2013.  Now all of our kids will be together and she will be with her dear friend, Annabelle, again.  She still loves to create things out of everything:)
8.  Meghan  - After many morning arguments about her snarly hair we cut it off last week and we are all so happy on both sides.  Sorry no pictures.  She is loving all the things she is learning at school.  She brought home early multiplication homework last week (1st grade) and was upset because she didn't get it right away and others in her class did. She told me, "But mom, I am suppose to be the smart on in my class. She has a little competition inside her.  She had her "8 is Great" at church and is dying for October to come for her baptism.
9.  Little Vern - He still loves Kindergarten.  Thanks to a talented friend, Little Vern and his buddies from church were put in a music video.  Check it out.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lzg7kUa3rps 
http://www.deseretnews.com/faith/mormontimes - it got a nice write up on their on line paper today!
 It is super cute and he loves it.  Thanks for all those that watched it already and made fun remarks.  He is becoming a pretty intense boy...learning time for mom.
10.  Benjamin - He tries hard to rule the home.  He and I have lots of fun together.  It amazes me the things that come out of his mouth...both intelligent and super silly.  He has worn shorts everyday this winter unless I beg him to wear pants...and that is under great pressure.  All of his friends are turning 5 and it is killing him that he has to wait until August.  Such hard things to deal with at a young age.
11.  This is my goal to do a better job on my 10 for Tuesdays.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

10 for Tuesday

1.  We were blessed with many little things we needed this past week.  Friends brought us berries when I ran out of jam so I could make more without having to buy more, ran out of bread after making the girl's lunches and more showed up 2 hours later along with lots of salad which we had run out of.  Many thanks to the kindness of others and to Heavenly Father...He always knows what we need.
2.  Vern went on his annual Deer Hunt with his dad and brother, Aaron.  They left on the 8th and returned on the 12th.  Sad trip...they didn't see any deer in 4 days.
3.  While Vern was gone we had fun.  Friday we went to the grocery store for dinner.  I gave each child $3 to buy whatever they wanted for dinner.  They had fun and as you can see chose very healthy things.  Elena and Natalie actually worked together and combined their money to get more!
Natalie and Elena with a tasty dinner!
Little Vern got just what he wanted.  But ate too many cheetos he didn't eat his pizza rolls.
Meghan was so happy for her powerade.
Benjamin hiding behind his food!
 4.  Saturday morning started early with my morning run with my friend, Cynthia.  Then I had to get Meghan and Little Vern to soccer pictures at 7am.  Followed by 3 soccer games that morning.  The air was crisp...the kids played great...perfect Saturday morning in the Fall.  It was a great day.  They played creatively all Saturday afternoon.  So fun!
5.  Saturday night I dropped the kids off at babysitting group and Natalie and Elena got their haircut.  Talk about a great deal.  Elena was thrilled to get side bangs and Natalie was glad to get hers styled again.
Natalie before
Natalie after
Elena Before
Elena After
6.  After I dropped of the kids I went to our Adult Stake Conference Meeting with friends Cynthia and Mike Clark in their sweet Astro Van.  It was an incredible meeting.  I love attending our meeting!  Here are a few thoughts our Stake President shared with us.
* What are your acts of rebellion and bury them like the Anti-Nephi's did.
* We must be CONSISTENT as parents.
* We must help to build a strong testimony in our youth so they can be strong in a world that is becoming super casual.
*We can't be casual.
* We must be the guardians of teaching and raising our children.
* Remember even the elect with be challenged.
* Speak more of Christ.
* Repent
It is a true blessing to be able to hear wise consul from wise leaders in such a wonderful environment.  Our 1st counselor in the Stake Presidency spoke about how nothing is too hard for Jesus to help us...which goes perfect with all we were asked to do.
7.  Sunday was another amazing Stake Conference.  We viewed a broadcast with the 95 stakes in the state of Arizona.  Bishop Stevenson, Sister Esplin, Elder Holland and President Eyring spoke.  They once again gave amazing consul.  We need to remember to pray, treat the missionaries they way we would want our children treated, and be optimistic.  I would have taken better notes, but Benjamin had a lot of energy.
8.  We had our first Ragnar Meeting for our Del Sol team.  We have a few changes this year...but it will be wonderful as always.  Always fun to hang out with our friends.
9.  Monday was Veteran's Day, so the kids were home.  Long awaited face painting was granted.   Here are the artists in work and their masterpieces.
Meghan with a Dragon Face
Elena painting Benjamin's face
Hailey G. painting Vern's face
Hailey painting Natalie's face
Natalie painted Charlotte's face purple and then she wanted it off.

Three Fierce Tigers!
10.  We had dinner twice this weekend with our Wolfley cousins.  It is fun to visit with them and watch the cousin's play together.  I am grateful for the family I married into.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

10 for Tuesday

 1.  Halloween was a hit last week for my children.  Many late nights in a row...but plenty of fun parties, carving pumpkins and great time trick or treating.   Many thanks to those that helped with our costumes.

Kids ready for CANDY!

5 little Pumpkins at the Thompson's home
Snoopy, Jake the Neverland Pirate, Bumblebee Transformer, Hippie and Clown

2.  Natalie had a science experiment for school.  She did the Exploding Lunch Bag.  Lots of fun watching it explode.  Vern even got out his lab notebook for her to record information on and his beakers to measure items in.  So much better having Vern home this year at night to help with homework.
3.  The kids had their Primary Program on October 28th.  It was our first and only program that all the children will be a part of.  They each said their lines well.  Sang well and sat pretty well.  We were ready for Benjamin to fall asleep at any moment.  Love the Primary Program.  We have great leaders in our Ward that put it together and get the kids to perform well:)
4.  Super excited because we are all going to visit my parents and grandparents for 3 days in Denver at the beginning of December.  We found amazing tickets on Southwest!  Glad that we can all get up there.  I also get to see a missionary companion, that I trained and haven't seen since I left Italy.  Can't wait!
5.  Bummer...I went to get my oil changed and found out that all of our brakes are bad.  I guess when you are at 94000 miles things start to go.  Poor Vern went to get them checked at another place and spent 4 hours there.  Lucky for him, he had his Wall Street Journal and IPhone.  Love cars...but hate the upkeep.  How can it already be 6 years old when I still think it as my new car.
6.  Our green grass is popping up in our front and back yard.  So green and soft.  It makes me happy to see it and the kids can't wait to get on it...One more week.
7.  I love hamburgers...more especially cheeseburgers.  Vern and I finally had a date on Saturday and searched for a good cheese burger without having to pay for a server.  We ate at Culver's.  Good burger and great fries.  It sure did the fix for now.
8.  On our date we went to the I store to get a wire.  I had to go to the mall.  I haven't been to a mall in YEARS!  I remembered why I don't go there.  It was so loud and I felt out of place.  Not my Goodwill or Target.
9.  Elena tried out for her school soccer team this weekend.  We find out tonight if she made the A or B team.  It has been nerve racking for me.  I think because it is the first time I have put my daughter out to be judged by others.  I am more nervous than her.  I am in trouble with 4 kids more to go through this type of thing many times.
10.   Changed my family room around last week.  So fun...I tell Vern that since I like change in the house...it is cheaper for me to rearrange the room, than get new furniture.  He just has to live with it.  Hope it grows on him.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10 for Tuesday

1.  Love that I am sitting in my home and not sweating...80 degree weather is here!  I can't wait for the 70s, but I will be plenty happy with the 80s.  My early morning runs are perfect!
2.  Soccer is keeping Meghan and Little Vern Busy!  We have practice on Wednesday night ( I am coaching Meghan's team) and games on Saturday morning.  It is fun for them and me.  I have made some good friends in the soccer program we are a part of, Strikers soccer.  Good people.  Little Vern loves soccer so much that it is the carrot I dangle for him to get things done.
3.  Elena had her first school social outside of school at a pizza place.  It was a weird feeling to drop her and her lifelong friend, Hailey, off and watch them walk in alone.  Darn it that kids grow up too quick.  She came home all excited and happy...must have been a good social.  Mind you there were plenty of parents around.
4.  Vern was off on his annual Scout Camporee at Dead Horse Ranch State Park.  600 scouts at one place.  He said it went well and he got to work The Wall.  Troops had to get their entire group over the 9 foot wall without any outside help.  One group did it in 1 1/2 minutes.  That's amazing.  Oh to be young and have arm strength.
5.  We were lucky to have a special Stake Meeting, where Elder Causse of the Presiding Bishopric spoke with us.  He was a wonderful speaker and shared some great thoughts.  Here are a few.
Elder Gérald Caussé                                     a.  When you are asked  if you will leave everything for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, realize that you already made that covenant with the Lord when you entered the Temple, so it shouldn't be a hard choice.
                                     b.  He quoted Elder Anderson from a training the day before and said that we should be excited about all the things we have before us in our lives.  Great things will happen.  Be Optimistic.
                                     c.  He had a good sense of humor and said, "Most Europeans come to America to tour Canyons, Forests, etc... I am coming to tour Stake Centers."  He is from France.
                                      d.  He left me with a good feeling of this is a great time to be alive, be willing and able to do what the we are asked to do, and prepare my children constantly through good actions, words and deeds.
6.  I volunteered to help get a craft ready for Meghan's 1st grade Fall Social since I can't go.  So this weekend the girls and I cut 90 scarecrow hats, hair, etc.  It was fun to create something fun for the kids at their school since I can't volunteer time.  Also, I made all of it for $3.20.  I felt so frugal...much thanks to my friend, Lynette, that supplied the paper free of charge.
7.  We are playing outside in the afternoon again.  It is so nice to be outside!  The kids are just loving it...all is good, but the mud pit they found yesterday...but they were happy.
8.  Last night we had a helicopter over us for about 30-45 minutes.  Nothing spookes you out like looking out your front window and seeing flashlights all over the grassy field across from your home.  Not fully sure what happened, but we think someone was missing from a nearby home.  Hope all is well...I wish there was a website I could go to find out what really happened.
9.  Love my kiddos.  We learned the song "5 Little Pumpkins" in the preschool I do with Benjamin.  They love that song.  Last Thursday Natalie created a stage and they performed the song.
10.  Kiddos are on the quest for a puppy right now.  Please don't encourage them.  We don't live where it is conducive to having one.  They are cute, but we aren't well trained for one.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ten For Tuesday - Fall Break

Super Fun Fall Break
1.  Began with trip to Munds Park as blogged earlier.  Then on Thursday (10/11) we went to AZ Science Center in the morning and had a wonderful time...highlights were the LEGO room, wheelchair races, nose sneezing, weather circle and technology room.
2.  Thursday evening we loaded up the car for a 2 night camp out with the Elledges, G&G Wolfley and the Backus family at Potato Patch Campground outside of Jerome, AZ at 7,000 feet.  Elevation is especially noted.
3.  Luckily, some of the group went up early and set up our tent, so when we arrived in the dark at 7pm we were able to just load the already set up tent with our sleeping bags.  Note to self...we must invest in a lantern in the tent.
4.  The air was chilly and it had been threatening rain.  At about 9:30pm after eating smores we felt the first raindrops and we all headed to bed.  Thanks to the over head clouds we were warm in our tent, but those clouds dropped rain all night long.  Not a downpour and not a drizzle.  Just constant.  We did wake up dry, but it was chilly.  Had we been a little farther north we would have seen snow like they did in Flagstaff after the Thursday night storm.
5.  Morning time brought everyone out...either dry and ready to lay on layers for the chilly air, or frozen and ready to go.  After a warm pancake breakfast made by Vern and lots of hot chocolate...my in laws and the Backus family decided to head home and not stay.  We were sad they left.
Vern getting breakfast ready
Grandma Wolfley with her grand kids
Kids staying warm in their parents bed in the morning
6.  After lunch the clouds cleared and the sun came out.  The kids explored the campground, every bit, and had fun on fallen logs and in tunnels.  The campground was nice and until the evening only one other family was there.
Cousins sitting on a log
Kids jumping for joy because the sun came out!
The Tunnel they all went through, under a road
7.  Grandpa Wolfley brought up his 4 wheelers and the kids had a grand time on them.  Especially my nephew, Tait, who turned 2 that day.  Don't try to get him off of it without a fight.  We even saw a tarantula on our exploring...glad it was far from our campsite.

Dad and Meghan
Mom and Elena
Benjamin and Mom
Dad and Natalie
Dad and Little Vern
8.  We ate a yummy dinner from the dutch ovens along with food all day long.  You can't say we were unprepared for food.  When we went to bed that evening we didn't do such a great job of putting food away.  About 15 minutes after going to bed I heard a loud CLANG.  I wasn't about to go out and explore.  I thought whatever it is will be gone in the morning.  It was...but so was the rest of the Texas Sheet cake we hadn't finished.  That animal knew good food and couldn't wait for us to go to sleep.

Texas Sheet cake eating by night time animal
9.  We woke up Saturday morning to a nice chilly morning again, but this time with sun.  The kids played all morning while we slowly took camp down.  Two nights of camping is so much better than one.

Abigail, Natalie and Olivia rest on a log
Benjamin helping Father Vern gather firewood

Meghan and Natalie getting warm by the fire in the chilly morning.
10.  It was such a good trip for our family.  It was good to be out of our regular norm and really enjoy ourselves together.  I don't understand why we get along so well when we are out of our norm.  Somehow I hope to get that to happen at home.  I am glad we had the time this fall break to break away twice as a family.  Love them to pieces!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10 for Tuesday - Things I learned from General Conference

I thought I would write down 10 things I learned or was impressed to remember from our Church Leaders from General Conference.
1. New mission age for YM and YW...It looks like there is a great work about to take place and there is a need for more righteous YM and YW to serve.
2. Take a step back and look at blessings to find happiness!  Never Postpone a prompting - President Monson
3. Change your To Do List so you can follow an impression. - Elder Gonzalez
4. Submit our wills to His and not create a pavilion to hide us - in other words don't create things to hide from the real things Heavenly Father and Jesus need me to do. - Pres. Eyring
5.  Spend meaningful time with those you love...don't dip your toe in the water and say you swam...Be Happier now...see more with your heart than your eyes - Pres. Uchtdorf
6.  Brightly Beams our Fathers Mercy...the Atonement wipes everything clean...repent now and receive the blessings. - Pres. Packer.
7.  Create a Stronger Family Cultures
  • Pray in earnest for love, understanding to guide my children
  • Have FHE, Family Dinner, Family Scriptures
  • Use the church support network
  • Share my testimony often to  my family
  • Have clear, simple rules, traditions, family economics
  • Teach by example and precept
8.  Don't fear missionaries...learn from them. - Elder Nelson
9.  Have Love and Loyalty in every stage of life towards Jesus Christ!  Do I show that I love Him always - Elder Holland
10.  First Observe...then Serve - Sis. Burton

Now, it is my goal to follow through on those things I have learned.  I am so grateful for my testimony in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know that through Jesus Christ we can return to live with Him and our loved ones again.  I love my family so much and I am so grateful everyday for them...both my personal family and extended family and ward family.  I am truly blessed.

Monday, October 8, 2012

General Conference in the Pines

Our good friends, Rob & Lynette Makemson, invited us to their cabin in Munds Park, AZ (near Flagstaff) to watch General Conference.  It was an amazing weekend!
First and foremost I loved Conference.  http://www.lds.org/general-conference/sessions/2012/10?lang=eng   I absolutely love how I feel completely inspired after listening to our Church Leaders.  The Spirit is amazing and you can't help, but feel good about yourself.
Here are other highlights of the weekend.
On the way up we stopped at Crusty's for some pizza.  It was tasty!  We ate ourselves silly.  (Just the beginning of the amount of food we ate in the weekend)
Family ready to eat some tasty pizza!
Saturday we spent watching conference, going on walks, playing Frisbee, playing with their boxers Larry and Clyde, and just relaxing.  They had new toys at the cabin so much kids were thrilled.  The weather was perfect!  The kids loved the trees that were changing and all the fun things to find outside that are autumn related.  The surprising thing was how well my children played with their dogs.  They weren't scared at all and just loved them.  They even let them lick their faces/necks...not me.
Little Vern and Meghan help Lynette Makemson walk Clyde and Lloyd
Little Vern throwing the Frisbee

 After the first session on Saturday we went to a park, where Natalie created a new game..."catch the leaf from the tree".  As the wind blew the leaves out of the trees they tried to get one...it is really hard.  Hopefully they can get one next time.  Natalie was a little annoyed when some other boys joined her in her game...very fun to see she created such a fun game all the other kids at the park wanted to join in.
Dad Vern playing soccer with Little Vern and Meghan
Kids waiting to "Catch the Leaf"
Benjamin just hanging around
After the Priesthood session we met Vern and Rob at the Lowell Observatory.  I couldn't believe how close it was to downtown Flagstaff.  It was neat...however very busy.  So we got to look through 2 of their telescopes.  The third one, the one they spotted Pluto from, had a 2 hour wait to see.  Due to the time of night and the cold air, we didn't stay...hopefully we will make it up there again.  The kids like to keep telling me that they saw another galaxy in the telescope.
Family outside the Lowell Observatory

Sunday was wonderful.  We were spiritually fed and well fed as well physically.  We had such a good time.  There really were no arguments, and lots of laughter and sharing.  Just what I needed to see in my family.  It was a perfect way to enjoy General Conference because I didn't feel rushed in between sessions.  There was time to relax and let it all sink in.

The girls were taught how to make balloon animals

Vern driving home with his Rainbow Glasses from the Observatory gift shop

The kids with the Makemson's

Meghan stuffing acorns in her pocket to bring back to the valley to make a craft.

Silly Wolfley Family after a Fantastic Weekend
For me it was a perfect weekend, down time with my family and great friends and hearing inspiring words from our Prophet and Church Leaders.