Monday, March 31, 2014

A March Birthday, Idaho, and the First Stitches

March has been a very busy month for us, so there's a lot to post about! Not the least of which includes my baby Weston turning 5. Yes, you read that right. FIVE. But Let's start from the beginning of the month, shall we?
My mom brought the boys this cute folding table and chairs set. It has come in really handy when we have extra people here, but sometimes they just like to sit at it just because. Because it's their size. :)

As I was bringing up the laundry one day, the boys saw Daddy's shirts and wanted to dress like him. Cutest shirt-snatchers ever.

I thought this boy was crazy, climbing up on things and constantly getting bumps and bruises. But this chin mishap? Nothing compared to what his brother did... (Nope, this isn't the boy that got stitches)

We left for Idaho on a Thursday afternoon. Weston went to preschool that morning, where they celebrated his birthday. They gave him that super cool hat, which he really wanted to wear on the airplane. He wore it through airport security and got birthday wishes from the TSA agents. Then during our layover in Denver, got a free bag of chips for his birthday from a nice lady at the snack stand.

This boy didn't enjoy flying much that day. But for a short while he was happy, because there was ice to be eaten.

The boys were SO happy to get to Grandma's house, play choo-choos, and in Ethan's case, remove most of his clothes.

Up until this point, Weston's allergies have been MUCH better since moving to Iowa. It didn't take long in Idaho for us to realize that he hasn't actually outgrown them. He received a priesthood blessing and stayed heavily medicated the rest of the trip. (And still needed his nebulizer a couple times, poor kid!) He was feeling much better the morning after this picture was taken.
 On Friday we got to go to a play group with some friends from our old ward. It was so fun to see them all again, and it felt like I had never left. And for those of you in Idaho reading this, have you TRIED Jamie's cooking?! She made a seriously delicious spread for us all, and holy cow it was good.
AT LAST, the big day arrived. About an hour after his cars birthday last year, Weston told me that he wanted a Batman birthday when he turned 5. And he didn't forget it, or let me forget it, for A WHOLE YEAR. Grandma was kind enough to let me decorate her house with Batman (and I forgot to take a picture, curses!), and Grandpa (AKA Boopa) was kind enough to share his birthday celebration with Weston. Boopa got a Batman birthday too. 

It wouldn't be a Visser party if there wasn't bowling involved! Staci and John even came up and joined the festivities. 

Ethan didn't care that much for bowling. Luckily, Grandma came prepared with quarters for candy.

Weston wanted to be the boss of the bowling. He did a pretty good job, as long as he didn't touch the screen. (Which he did. He's 5!)

Batman cake time!

On Sunday we got to attend our old ward for Sacrament meeting. Well, part of it. Weston's allergies got too bad and so Bryan took him back to Grandma's house for some more medicine. Ethan and I stayed behind, then went to our friends the Layton's house. Ethan got a good nap on my lap while I chatted with some of our very best friends from Idaho. (They were also our neighbors down the street when we owned our house.)

And now for what was arguably the most exciting (not in a good way) part of our trip. Stitches! Weston has a habit of turning his head around and looking behind him when he's walking, running, riding his bike, whatever. So at Grandma's house he was running like a madman, and right as I started to tell him to look where he was going, he missed the hallway and ran right into the corner of the wall. And bounced about 4 feet back. Blood everywhere, (which is SO not something I'm good at) and within about 2 minutes we were in the car headed to urgent care. The whole thing happened so fast! Grandma, Grandpa, Staci and John were just about to head to Salt Lake when it happened, but they were kind enough to stay and watch Ethan while we were at the doctor. Weston did a good amount of crying, but as soon as he was on the bed and getting numb, he was a total goofball, and we could hardly get him to hold still. The doctor actually wrapped him up like a burrito to hold him still while he put the stitches in. SIX stitches in that little boy head!

He got to rock the look of Frankenstein's monster for 5 days.

The day after "The incident", there were more birthday celebrations! My grandma & grandpa Lewis live in Downey, about 1.5 hours south of Idaho Falls. Steve and Vivian & their boys came up from Utah, and my Mom, her sister Marcy and their youngest boys came all the way from Minneapolis and Omaha. We celebrated Weston and Casey's (Marcy's boy) birthdays with yummy cake and Reed's Dairy ice cream. Grandma gave Weston this Batman suit, which has gotten a LOT of use already.

Ethan was there for the food. He also put on a show for everyone, doing the actions to "itsy bitsy spider" and showing his muscles. 

Both Ethan and Batman slept almost all the way back to Idaho Falls.

When we got back, Weston used my chrome book as his "Bat computer" and typed all sorts of important documents.
 That night Bryan put the boys to bed, and let me go out with my friend Kristen. Girl's night! We got dinner, went for pedicures, then watched a movie at her place and ate SO MUCH JUNK. Because what are friends for, right?
Iowa City has exactly two places that I know of where I can get fabric. So while I was in Idaho, I stocked up and got enough to make at least 3 blankets.

Ethan played this basketball game with Boopa for quite a while

Boopa gives the ball to Ethan, E puts it in the "basket", pulls it out, and throws it to Boopa. Repeat.

We were supposed to fly home Wednesday night, but our flight from Idaho Falls got delayed enough that we would have been stuck spending the night in Denver. So we got to stay in Idaho Falls an extra night instead. The boys weren't terribly upset about heading back to Grandma's house.

We had to be at the airport about 4:30 the next morning. Weston seemed to think this was a comfortable way to wait for boarding time.

And again in Denver...

Ethan had a much better flying day on the way home. He took a good nap on the second flight, and finally discovered that he really likes headphones. He kept asking for more music, wanting me to change the song. Until I turned on some Billy Joel, and he was totally content the rest of the flight. Bryan and I are both fans of Billy Joel music, so this is a good sign. Ever since our trip, Ethan brings me the headphones and asks for "gagick" (music).

Weston was so tired on the plane, but was determined not to fall asleep. This is about one minute after we got on the road home from the airport.
 Other Idaho trip highlights (because I am not that great about taking pictures when it counts):
-Reed's dairy ice cream -more than once
-Sweeto Burrito - again, more than once. You haven't tried it, you say? You haven't lived until you have given your taste buds this precious gift.
-A date night to Jaker's, just me and Bryan.  (Noticing a trend with the food being in the highlights but not being pictured. Good thing this is a blog, and not instagram!)
-Staci's puppy Seamus coming to visit. He is a BIG puppy, a golden doodle. But he thinks he's just a little thing, so he sits on your lap anyway, and it's adorable, and at the same time bone-crushing. Ethan and Seamus got along great, and raced across the living room over and over together. SO cute.
-Grandma's dogs being tortured by Ethan. Not a highlight, but worth mentioning. I've told you he loves dogs, but I never said they all love him.
-At Grandma Lewis' house Ethan playing with my mom and laughing hysterically. I know Vivian got some pictures of that though, so hopefully I can post them later. :)
-Seeing cousins Ben and Andy
-Lots of birthday presents from lots of grandmas, cousins, aunts & uncles.
-Seeing lots of people we love and are sure we can't live without, even though we live so far away.
Weston got his stitches out the day after we got home. And was immediately back to his ninja turtle antics.

Spring is starting to tease us, in small doses of warmish weather. The boys were so excited to finally make it to the park for the first time this year, even though it was SO windy that day.

One day I was trying to get a blanket cut out, and all of a sudden these cute boys brought me a cake. They took turns cutting me a piece and then Weston would tell me what disgusting ingredient they had baked in that piece. (for example, spiders.) These funny kids make me so happy with these little things that they do.

More crafting! What better way to welcome spring, than with a colorful spring wreath? I saw one like this on Pinterest, and my friend Brieann and I decided to copy it. So if you come to my house, then go to her house, just know that we match on purpose, and didn't steal each other's ideas!

One of the three quilts is done! Technically in this picture, the binding is still pinned. But it really is done now, and I forgot to take a picture before sending it off. So this is the closest to a complete picture I've got.

I made this quilt a couple months ago, and Ethan was helping me get it ready to take to the baby shower. It's a rag quilt, so I like to "de-fuzz" them after their first washing before I give it away.

This boy loves choo-choos.

He has become quite the snuggler lately when he doesn't want to take a nap. And I confess, I don't discourage the behavior. He's almost to the age where he won't want to snuggle anymore, so I'm soaking it up while I can!

Weston wrote this note for his friend Kylee yesterday. He wrote it all by himself, and that's the first time he's written anything all by himself! True, it doesn't actually make sense... but he's doing pretty well for his age I think!

I have had glasses since I was 7... or 8. Somewhere around there. So in almost twenty years I have never broken a pair of glasses. But it finally happened. They didn't actually get snapped or anything, I tightened the screw too much until it stripped the screw, and now they won't stay on my face. Sooo I finally went bold and got bright RED glasses. I wear contacts most of the time, but now that I have glasses that will stay on my face, I might actually have to wear these in public, so people will think I'm smart. :)

Life in Iowa (Dec-Feb)

I think it's safe to say we have acclimated to life in Iowa quite nicely. Bryan especially is loving his program, and it's hard to believe that he'll be just in just over a year! People keep asking where we want to go after that. The truth is, we'll go wherever will give us money. (Especially because fellowships are usually only 2 years.) But we certainly wouldn't complain if it's a place with either a Grandma & Grandpa, or nieces/nephews nearby! Now to attempt a catch-up, which I'm sure will require more than one post.

Weston and I making funny faces, for no apparent reason.

EVERYONE is having babies, so I have been drowning in baby blankets. And no, that is not a complaint! I love making these blankets, and I love seeing them get used.  (Even though "used" usually means pooped on, barfed on, etc in this case)

We went up to Minnesota right before Christmas to visit my family. There was SO much fun to be had! The boys especially enjoyed playing Uncle Sam's drumset. 

It wouldn't be a Mathias Christmas without "The spread". And ooooh was that spread ever delicious! 

Having a blast spinning in Grandma's chair. This went on for a while.

"Helping" Sam play his guitar. Sam sure is generous with those instruments of his!

Sam joined the ladies painting our nails festive Christmas colors. Because, you know, he's secure enough in his masculinity to do so. 

We had  to go home earlier than planned, thanks to a big snow storm hitting Iowa City. (We wanted to get home before it hit.) Luckily both boys slept on the way home.

Ethan's Christmas present from Grandma Mathias - a dog that is as big as he is! When he opened it, he kind of backed away nervously. But it took no time at all for him to warm up to this guy, and now he shares Ethan's bed every night. Ethan is a dog person. And a cat person. (Not pictured - torturing Grandma's cats mercilessly!) And basically an all-around animal person. He can spot an animal a mile away and always wants to catch them. 

Just helping me with some chores. He loves to empty the dishwasher, even when I'm trying to load it.

I sometimes think we should have named this guy Linus. He LOVES his blanket. He calls it his "hairkeek"

Weston exercising

While Ethan was napping, Wes came outside to help me shovel. Which then turned into 45 minutes of playing in the snow. Snow was no good for making a snowman, but there were many, many snow angels in our yard.

Ethan needed his own Batman cape, as he kept tripping over Weston's.

I wasn't exaggerating about this dog's size. And Ethan carries it around the house like it's no big deal. Boy's best friend.

Again, he's not very good at helping when it comes to dishes.

Weston hung this "art" above our bed for us. No, he didn't color on the paper at all first. The blue tape is part of the art. Speaking of blue tape...

We finally got painting done during Bryan's winter break! Still have a ways to go, but you can see what a huge difference just a little paint can make in a room. Or a staircase. The main floor of our townhouse is almost done, but we haven't tackled the upstairs yet. 

Iowa City has an awesome Children's Museum. We got a membership, and the boys just love it when we go. Their favorite is the airplane room. (Which also has a hot air balloon)

Wes has gotten REALLY into Legos the last few months. And the Children's museums Lego room is the perfect spot for him.

In the Pizza Restaurant room

My cute waiters/cooks

Thanks to the VERY cold winter we had here, combined with me having a LOT of down time (more details on that later), I have done lots of crafting lately. This valentines wreath, and my new spring wreath are among my favorite projects. Ok who am I kidding, I love all the projects...

The reason for my down time: I did something to my knee (exercising, painting every night for two weeks...) and was in pain for over a month before I finally gave in and went to the doctor. No, I'm not actually that stubborn (unless you ask Bryan), I just really thought it would get better on its own. Clearly I was wrong. I'm in the 7th week of physical therapy, and headed back to the doctor this week to see if I need more, or if surgery might be an option. 
Weston doing his own knee exercises.

Weston has been working on his drawing, and I admit I am quite proud of him! This is an angry bird he drew.

Another thing Weston has gotten into: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And like everything else he gets into, there is role play required! 

These cute brothers have gotten really sweet with how they play together. Ethan just wants to do whatever "bubby" (brother) is doing. 

Weston drew this Batman during church one Sunday. For some reason this Batman doesn't have a torso or legs. Usually his people are more detailed, with fingers and all their arms and legs. But that face is totally awesome.

Ok, so that's December through February. March post to follow. :)