This weekend marks the 1st anniversary of our little shoppe! Last year we decided to open our own little place where we live and it has been an adventure. Anyone who tells you that it is easy to open your own business is either lying or has a large bank account to help it along. Since I tend to not lie or have a large bank account, I will tell you it has been hard work. But, it is work I enjoy and I have a very patient and wonderful little family. We have made many friends through our shoppe being open... people we may not have met without this wonderful thing of *vintage love* binding us together. I have been asked several times if I would do it again. If I would open my own little shoppe... and the answer is yes. Yes, I would. Even knowing all the work and running around it would entail. I honestly worked harder for myself than any job I have ever worked... and I am a hard worker.... I get that from my momma. I think that opening your own shoppe not only requires physical work hours, but mental work hours. Sometimes there are so many ideas that I want to work on that I never get anything accomplished. It is hard to focus on the big picture when you are wanting to focus on something small.
And, I think that opening your own shoppe/restaurant/boutique/salon takes a bit of bravery. I am not saying that to say... oh I am SO brave. But, when you put yourself out there (like in blogland) you put yourself up on display and are open to criticism amongst other things.
We wouldn't be here today if we didn't have such great support from our customers. If you have ever been to our store, you know how very tiny it is. You get to know people. And, I think that is worth all the hard work over the past year. Having my own little shoppe has been a dream of mine for a very long time... I can't even remember how long. I know that it is other people's dreams too since I get emails and comments asking shoppekeeping questions. I do try very hard to answer those questions, but I am sure I have missed some of you from time to time. So, if you leave a comment on this post I will try my very hardest to put together a post answering questions next week.
AND, most importantly, to say thank you to all of you near and far that have supported my little dream from day one or by a comment you left yesterday, here is a coupon for you!
Here is the link to print it out if you are local. And, since many of you are far, far away, I also added my first ever coupon code to my etsy shoppe: HAPPYANN1 The sale is good until Sunday evening.
thank you, thank you, thank you! you are simply the bestest!
bye for now~