One of the best things that I have encountered while blogging isn't the endless inspiration. It isn't the handy cleaning tips. It is the friendships. I have made quite a few long distance close friendships.... some of you I talk to more often than my mother... and that is quite a bit! A few years ago.. I think it has been that long.... I got a comment or an email from a reader that figured out she lived in the same town that I did. We emailed back and forth and became Facebook friends and quickly realized that we had a lot in common... from movies, to decor, to reading material. This girl and I were cut from the same cloth. The first night we met *for real* was while we were standing in line at Starbucks to caffeine up for a midnight showing of New Moon.
I can't say enough good things about this girl. She is one of the most non-judgmental people I have met. She is so positive and easy going. She is a great mother and a wonderful friend. She has constantly been one of my biggest cheerleaders for my little business and I know I can always bounce ideas off of her. She loves my son and he adores her (and her boys!)
I have known this day was coming for the past few months. Her husband got a job in Alabama and they put their house on the market. Earlier this month, they found a buyer and they moved on Sunday. I am so glad that they did get an offer, as I can only imagine how hard it has been to have a long- distance marriage. Now, I know that we will keep in touch... I am just going to miss planning pedis and having her less than 5 minutes away.
So love your girlfriends, near and far... ones you have met and ones you have yet to meet. They are so very important and special. And, for my friend who moved away... you are dearly missed already. Text me your paint colors *wink*
bye for now~

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