Hello everyone! I feel like I took forever to get the Christmas decor up this year. We have been pretty busy, but I feel like I was over thinking it. Like I needed it to be different than l
ast year... with the exception of the snowflakes... got to have them *wink* We also had a few bumps getting things the way we (mainly "I") wanted them. So, here is our home this year. A little simpler, a little different, a little the same.
Mr. Hughes found these awesome... I mean, awesome, vintage Christmas lights. They still work! There were a few bulbs that were shot, but, thankfully, I had a bunch in the shoppe that I was able to replace them. They are outside since they are h o t!
Advent calender is getting empty and the tree is getting full! I found this great ironstone waste pot at
Scarlett's and Mr. Hughes brought me home a little live (prickly!) tree.
I put up the whole nativity this year. Some years, I just put up the Holy Family. But, I thought this little shelf on the mirror was perfect for it. I still feel the camels are a little large... are they that much larger than a cow...does this really matter....
When I was sprinkling the jumbo confetti, one aqua piece landed right where Baby Jesus will be... like right in front of Mary and Joseph... you can't make this up folks... so, I left it there.
We continued our little tradition of wrapping baby Jesus. We unwrap that little box and place Him in the nativity on the 24th before we go to sleep.
Mr. Hughes came up with the great idea of putting the ornaments in my top hat.... I had them in a tarnished bowl. His way was much better.
I snowflaked the place!! I can never get enough of them!
I did the ornaments from the dining room window again.
I love these little birch pots that I got awhile ago. I filled them with ornaments and clippings from our boxwood bushes.
I attached some little bottle brush wreathes to the chairs.
I decided that I really, really needed this branch (also from Scarlett) I knew I wanted to hang.... what else... snowflakes!

I found this little, tiny window... can you imagine such a cute window actually in your house? We lined up a little collection of vintage trees behind it. I like the view through it.
Here is Mr. Hughes' Santa... check out those snowflake shadows... maybe it is a sickness with me, but they are just magical!
I can't wait to see what Santa puts in the stockings!
We have a few of these around. Someone... ahem... insists on removing the trees and wreath...
A few more vintage trees and a little vintage deer.
I only added a few things to the tree... I wanted a more bare look... I lived with the tree for like 4 days with only lights while I thought about what I wanted it to look like. And, I started to really love the bare look.
I found these vintage letters in
this etsy shoppe and I tied them with some twine.
And, in honor of our
new addition this year, baby hughes and I picked out one from
this etsy shoppe.
Okay, so that is all! We had a really fun day today. We went to see Santa and we also went to paint a new Santa's cookies plate... there was a terrible accident with the one from 2009... a shelf fell in our cabinet and it was the only thing that broke. But, all three of us worked on one today, and it was fun and I am sure that the cookies will look just as delicious on this one *smiles*
I will be back soon to show you an awesome display piece I picked up for the shoppe.
bye for now!