Thursday, September 16, 2010

Holy Father's greeting to Queen Elizabeth and others...

Your Majesty,

Thank you for your gracious invitation to make an official visit to the United Kingdom and for your warm words of greeting on behalf of the British people. In thanking Your Majesty, allow me to extend my own greetings to all the people of the United Kingdom and to hold out a hand of friendship to each one.

It is a great pleasure for me to start my journey by saluting the members of the Royal Family, thanking in particular His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh for his kind welcome to me at Edinburgh Airport. I express my gratitude to Your Majesty’s present and previous Governments and to all those who worked with them to make this occasion possible, including Lord Patten and former Secretary of State Murphy. I would also like to acknowledge with deep appreciation the work of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Holy See, which has contributed greatly to strengthening the friendly relations existing between the Holy See and the United Kingdom.

As I begin my visit to the United Kingdom in Scotland’s historic capital city, I greet in a special way First Minister Salmond and the representatives of the Scottish Parliament. Just like the Welsh and Northern Ireland Assemblies, may the Scottish Parliament grow to be an expression of the fine traditions and distinct culture of the Scots and strive to serve their best interests in a spirit of solidarity and concern for the common good.

The name of Holyroodhouse, Your Majesty’s official residence in Scotland, recalls the "Holy Cross" and points to the deep Christian roots that are still present in every layer of British life. The monarchs of England and Scotland have been Christians from very early times and include outstanding saints like Edward the Confessor and Margaret of Scotland. As you know, many of them consciously exercised their sovereign duty in the light of the Gospel, and in this way shaped the nation for good at the deepest level. As a result, the Christian message has been an integral part of the language, thought and culture of the peoples of these islands for more than a thousand years. Your forefathers’ respect for truth and justice, for mercy and charity come to you from a faith that remains a mighty force for good in your kingdom, to the great benefit of Christians and non-Christians alike.

We find many examples of this force for good throughout Britain’s long history. Even in comparatively recent times, due to figures like William Wilberforce and David Livingstone, Britain intervened directly to stop the international slave trade. Inspired by faith, women like Florence Nightingale served the poor and the sick and set new standards in healthcare that were subsequently copied everywhere. John Henry Newman, whose beatification I will celebrate shortly, was one of many British Christians of his age whose goodness, eloquence and action were a credit to their countrymen and women. These, and many people like them, were inspired by a deep faith born and nurtured in these islands.

Even in our own lifetime, we can recall how Britain and her leaders stood against a Nazi tyranny that wished to eradicate God from society and denied our common humanity to many, especially the Jews, who were thought unfit to live. I also recall the regime’s attitude to Christian pastors and religious who spoke the truth in love, opposed the Nazis and paid for that opposition with their lives. As we reflect on the sobering lessons of the atheist extremism of the twentieth century, let us never forget how the exclusion of God, religion and virtue from public life leads ultimately to a truncated vision of man and of society and thus to a "reductive vision of the person and his destiny" (Caritas in Veritate, 29).

Sixty-five years ago, Britain played an essential role in forging the post-war international consensus which favoured the establishment of the United Nations and ushered in a hitherto unknown period of peace and prosperity in Europe. In more recent years, the international community has followed closely events in Northern Ireland which have led to the signing of the Good Friday Agreement and the devolution of powers to the Northern Ireland Assembly. Your Majesty’s Government and the Government of Ireland, together with the political, religious and civil leaders of Northern Ireland, have helped give birth to a peaceful resolution of the conflict there. I encourage everyone involved to continue to walk courageously together on the path marked out for them towards a just and lasting peace.

Looking abroad, the United Kingdom remains a key figure politically and economically on the international stage. Your Government and people are the shapers of ideas that still have an impact far beyond the British Isles. This places upon them a particular duty to act wisely for the common good. Similarly, because their opinions reach such a wide audience, the British media have a graver responsibility than most and a greater opportunity to promote the peace of nations, the integral development of peoples and the spread of authentic human rights. May all Britons continue to live by the values of honesty, respect and fair-mindedness that have won them the esteem and admiration of many.

Today, the United Kingdom strives to be a modern and multicultural society. In this challenging enterprise, may it always maintain its respect for those traditional values and cultural expressions that more aggressive forms of secularism no longer value or even tolerate. Let it not obscure the Christian foundation that underpins its freedoms; and may that patrimony, which has always served the nation well, constantly inform the example your Government and people set before the two billion members of the Commonwealth and the great family of English-speaking nations throughout the world.

May God bless Your Majesty and all the people of your realm. Thank you.
Provided Courtesy of:

Eternal Word Television Network
5817 Old Leeds Road
Irondale, AL 35210

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Arriving in Rome for the Church Up Close conference.

I left for Rome, Italy to attend the "Church Up Close" conference on Saturday, September 4th. I knew it wasn't a coincidence that I would arrive in Rome on my dear friend Mother Teresa's feast day (the 5th). I loved the fact that I would be staying close by to the MC sisters whom I had visited and spent some time with the year prior while I was in Rome. I'd for sure be visiting them. I pass their convent every time I walk to St. Peter's.

I had spoken with the Mother Teresa archivist who is an MC sister (located in Rome) a couple of days prior to my departure from the U. S. because I wanted to know if any special festivities were planned and if there was a Mass that I could possibly attend. She told me that there was a 7:00 PM Mass at the convent where she lives which is quite a distance away from where the MC sisters live near the Vatican which is close by to where I would be staying. The Mass sounded great. I would have plenty of time to get there and would be able to celebrate the special day with the sisters. God is so good, I thought and told  Sister S. during our phone conversation that I truly felt the hand of God in all of the details.

I didn't sleep on the night flight to Rome which was no surprise to me. I rarely catch even a few winks on those flights. I'll be the first to admit that I am not good at sleeping in a confined tight space with people all around, coupled with the aches and pains that come so easily to me from sitting much too long and because of injuries I sustained in a car accident a couple of years ago. I prayed I'd receive the grace to deal with the after affects.

I retrieved my luggage after I landed in Italy and headed out to find my driver who would be holding a sign "DONNA COOPER O'BOYLE." "Great, there he is!" I thought. Everything was going smoothly - just need a shower and something to eat eventually. Rest would be very welcome too! Off we went to head to my friend's apartment. I'd get the keys from the doorman because my friend was actually visiting the U. S. at the time that I would be in Rome. I'd settle in and a couple hours later would walk the 4 blocks or so to the MC sisters to let them know I had arrived. We'd  then hop the bus together to go over to the special feast day Mass for Mother Teresa. The sister who is the archivist had called ahead to the Mother Superior to arrange the details.

The only problem was that when I arrived at the apartment, I couldn't find the door man. Where was he? I had wondered about the fact that it was Sunday and maybe it was his day off. And, sure enough, it was! So, instead of going in to my friend's home, I was standing on the sidewalk with my large suitcase, which was beginning to appear larger by the moment, holding my laptop carrying case over one shoulder and my purse over the other and wracking my brain about how to get in touch with the doorman. I was exhausted. This wasn't supposed to happen. I called my friend by cell phone and left her a message, but didn't have a number to leave her since the driver whose cell phone I used to call her would be leaving me momentarily and I didn't have a European cell phone.

Since I had mentioned the sisters to the driver on the way from the airport, he decided he'd drop me off there because he had to leave to do another route. At least I wasn't being left on the sidewalk in Rome with all my stuff, feeling too exhausted to lug it all around in search of a bed for the night and without a phone to make any arrangements. I had been hoping for a shower, maybe some breakfast too. Even though I'd be dropped off at the sisters, it was much earlier than planned and I'd be showing up with all of this STUFF! It was embarrassing just thinking about how to explain my predicament to them. Probably because I was just so tired.

The driver dropped me off at the MC door and I got out and knocked. A woman opened the door and I tried to explain my dilemma. She was eyeing my HUGE suitcase (looked like I planned to stay for 10 days) and was telling me I couldn't stay.

"Oh, well, actually, Sister knows I'll be here to go to the Mass later on with a group of sisters. I have my stuff with me because I couldn't get the keys to where I am staying." My words seemed so feeble, and very poorly described my predicament. the woman called for the Mother Superior. I waited just inside the door, leaning up against the wall for support.

Sister Agnes came up to the door and saw my things and me. She proceeded to tell me that plans had changed and they wouldn't be going over to the 7:00 PM Mass. They would have already gone to Mass. Another blow - first, no key, now, no Mass. I felt a tiny tear well  up in my eye very quickly followed by a couple more. I hoped it wasn't visible to anyone. I was exhausted and felt a bit homeless - in a country where I didn't know the language and I wasn't sure what I was going to do at that point. Prayer, for sure, that was a given, I had been praying mightily. I'd hopefully be able to find a Mass at St. Peter's or some other church. I had been looking forward to Mass with the sisters for Mother Teresa's feast day though. And, please God a hotel with a vacancy. God had a plan. I had no doubt. I just had all that STUFF to worry about, a weary brain, and a very sore neck and back while figuring out what to do.

As tough as the situation seemed, I couldn't miss the beautiful picture of Mother Teresa hanging on the wall nearby that made me feel that she was almost laughing at me, or rather laughing with me - even asking me to laugh with her. She was reassuring me that all would be well - "trust in God, surrender your will" she seemed to be reminding me. "It doesn't seem convenient to be homeless, but here you are, not on the street - with my sisters on my feast day, at least for this moment..."

To be continued tomorrow, God willing. I am exhausted (jet-lag).

Pope asks for prayers for his trip to the United Kingdom

Pope asks for prayers for his trip to the United Kingdom

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mother Teresa

Walking back from the conference today in Rome, I spotted a huge sign on the back of the bus while it was passing me. Guess whose picture was on it? Mother Teresa's! How refreshing!

I'll try to write a post soon about so many amazing experiences here on this pilgrimage/Catholic journalist's conference.


Thursday, September 9, 2010


In case you didn't know, I am in Rome! I have been here since Sunday, Mother Teresa's feast day. I have so much to write to you about - all of the wonderful experiences here, but every night I get back to my apartment very late and in desperate need of sleep! We have packed to the brim days here at the Church Up Close Program held at the University of the Holy Cross. This is my feeble (but loving) attempt to at least write a short "Ciao!" with a promise for more news soon. :) How's that? I am taking lots of photos but don't have a way to upload them from my camera right now. I'll post the few I have on my IPhone soon. You'll have to wait until I get back home to see the others.

One highlight of today was going to Mass tonight at a church of St. Monica. Her relics are under the altar! I have a few photos. You can bet I prayed for all mothers and grandmothers out there who are praying for their children's and grandchildren's return to the Church. I asked for her intercession for everyone!

I was also interviewed by Rome Reports about my book Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship and my relationship with her. It was filmed up on the rooftop of the University of the Holy Cross here in Rome where the conference is being held. The backdrop up there on the roof is unbelievably magnificent! The piece may be on the website of Rome Reports.Com on Tuesday and then at some point it will be aired through EWTN TV.

I'll write again when I can. You are in my prayers! Please pray for me and all of the participants here. Thank you!


Friday, September 3, 2010

My interview at Catholic Match.Com


Click on the link above to see an interview of me at Catholic Match.Com.

Hmm, why am I on Catholic Match.Com, you ask? Go over and take a look!

Rome Bound!

It's been so busy around here I haven't had a chance to tell you all about my upcoming trip to Rome! I can't believe that I'll be leaving on Saturday! Please pray for my travels and all of the journalists traveling to gather with me at a Catholic journalist's conference. Thank you very much for your prayers! I'll fill you in a bit more very soon.

Sweet dreams!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'll be on Catholic TV in Texas tonight.

I'll be on Catholic TV  - Catholicism Live! in Texas tonight along with Mary Jane Fox, Sister Prudence Allen, RSM, PhD and Sarah Stravitsch, the Conference Coordinator for the 9th Annual Catholic Women's Conference to be held in San Antonio, TX October 1-2, 2010. You can listen to it on the internet by clicking here and then look for the South Texas stream. I will be on at about 9:10 PM Eastern tonight, but please tune in prior to that to catch the whole show. It begins at 8:00 PM CST.

I was just told that my new book: "A Catholic Woman's Book of Prayers" is the "Pearl of the week" for the show. The Pearl of the week is a book that they recommend. I'll also be speaking about "Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship...." I hope you can tune in. :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Radio interview with Columbian National Radio (South America)!

Here is the audio of my recent interview about Blessed Mother Teresa with the Colombian Radio station in South America. It's in Spanish and English! I don't understand Spanish so I hope it is translated well from the English interview. Anyone out there who understands Spanish, please leave a comment and let me know. :) And, for non-speaking Spanish folks, you can listen in and understand the English part. I think it's very interesting to hear both the English and Spanish.

In addition, I believe this is a secular national radio station, so it was wonderful to speak of Jesus, prayer, and Mother Teresa!

"Today's Catholic" article regarding my upcoming talk in San Antonio

An excerpt from Today's Catholic article..."Having nurturing and dynamic speakers present at the conference is a top priority for the committee and this years five presenters bring a wealth of knowledge and insight on women’s issues. One of the presenters, Donna Marie Cooper O’Boyle, will share her personal story of how she came to know and have a decade long friendship with Blessed MotherTeresa of Calcutta and how women today can carry out her mission to help the poor..."

Here is the pdf to an article  just published in Today's Catholic (Texas) regarding an event where I will give a talk and do a book signing at in San Antonio this October. I hope you enjoy the article. I'll be speaking about dear Blessed Mother Teresa. I hope that the folks who are in that area may attend. I hear there will be about 750 or so women there in attendance and four other speakers will present as well. You'll learn more about it in the article.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Catching up, Mother Teresa, San Antonio, Radio and TV!

I'll be posting the audio of my radio interview about dear Blessed Mother Teresa with a Colombian, South American radio station very soon. That was a very interesting interview to do. It was the first time, besides Vatican Radio, that a radio station from a different country requested an interview. Actually, I did have an interview with Ireland too one time. Stay tuned for the very interesting Colombian interview.

I announced the winner from all of my "fans" on Face Book yesterday. It's Christina Cariglino Velie. She'll receive a copy of my newest book: A Catholic Woman's Book of Prayers.

I'll be posting a news article from a Catholic newspaper in San Antonio, Texas which will set up my appearance there in October. Here's a website you can check out about the event.  I'll be speaking about Blessed Mother Teresa.

I will also be part of a TV show Wednesday night with regards to the San Antonio event. It's a San Antonio Catholic TV station doing a show about the Women's Conference. That show will be airing on Catholicism Live! I have been asked to call into the show at 9:10 PM Eastern time. I'll get more details soon.

Oh, and did I tell you I'm going to Rome in a few days? I'll be in Rome for Mother Teresa's feast day! I'll have to fill you in more tomorrow if I can.

Have a BLESSED night and may the Angels surround you!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mother Teresa stamp

I am honored to pose with the newly unveiled stamp
at the Knights of Columbus Museum

I can't wait to buy my Mother Teresa stamps and use them on everything - bills, correspondence - everything! I encourage you to also use the stamps to get that beautiful "saint's" face circulating all over the place!

If you are a blogger and plan to use the Mother Teresa stamp, please link to this post and spread the word! Do you have ideas regarding using this stamp? Leave a comment please.

You can find some news here at the Knights of Columbus.  And here. If you feel inclined, leave a comment at the News 8 coverage of the unveiling ceremony of the stamp at the Knights of Columbus Museum on Mother Teresa's 100th birthday here to balance out the bad ones. Take a look here to leave your comment.

I was there at the New Haven, CT Museum on Mother's birthday to present a talk and do a book signing. It was a beautiful, grace-filled day! The Knights of Columbus Museum has been holding a very impressive exhibit in honor of Mother Teresa complete with relics, her sari, a replica of her room, and so much more. You can learn more about it at the Knights of Columbus links above. And there's more good news  - the exhibit time has been extended to April 3, 2010!

My segment from Word to Life Radio on the Catholic Channel from yesterday

(beautiful image from the Dominican's website)

My interview with Fr. Gabriel on "Word to Life" radio show on The Catholic Channel on Sirus Radio yesterday. The segment speaks about the readings for this week end regarding humility. I was invited on the show to speak about dear Mother Teresa.

You can listen to the segment here. I am honored to have been on the same show along with Fr. Charles Connor who is on first - very inspiring interview about St. Thérèse of Lisieux. I speak about Blessed Mother Teresa after Fr. Connor's interview.

And speaking of's a very beautiful quote from St. John of the Cross - "In detachment, the spirit finds quiet and repose for coveting nothing. Nothing wearies it by elation, and nothing oppresses it by dejection, because it stands in the center of its own humility."

Enjoy the segment (above)!

Friday, August 27, 2010

The video of my talk yesterday for Mother Teresa's birthday at the Knights of Columbus Museum...

I thought I was only being audiotaped at the time. Turns out it was videotaped, so here it is above. Just click in the center of the square image above. Enjoy!

Mother Teresa's 100th birthday, my talk and book signing

Signing some of my books - Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship
at the Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, CT yesterday on Mother Teresa's birthday.

Delighted to see a Face Book friend and Connecticut resident, Michelle along with her children.

    Yay! The new Blessed Mother Teresa stamp unveiled! What an honor to pose with it!

     One of the many wonderful people who came to the event and my book signing.

A sweet little one visited me at my book signing table.

Posing with the bronze statue of Mother Teresa at the Museum.

Giving my talk.

At the end of the day - me with Peter A. Sonski Jr., the Director of Public Relations for the Knights of Columbus.

What a joyful, grace-filled day! Thank you, Knights of Columbus and staff for your wonderful and loving hospitality shown to me and my husband on Mother Teresa's 100th birthday. I'm sure that dear Mother Teresa was looking down upon all of us and blessing us.

The Knights of Columbus announced yesterday that the Mother Teresa Exhibit has been extended to April 4, 2011! I hope you can get there. It's at One State Street, New Haven, CT. Go to the Knights of Columbus Museum website for more information. Or call (203) 865-0400. Also check the Official Knights of Columbus website for more on the 100th birthday celebration of Mother Teresa.

My talk: "Discovering Calcutta in our Midst: Mother Teresa's Lessons of Love" will be added to the Knights of Columbus website soon. I'll keep you posted on that.

NOW UPDATED WITH THE VIDEO OF MY TALK. Just click in the middle of the frame below:

News Channel 8 covered some of the festivities, including the unveiling of the new Mother Teresa stamp and the birthday cake in honor of Mother Teresa's 100th birthday. You can see it here:

LIVE Radio coming up!

I'll be on LIVE of Sirius Radio The Catholic Channel, WORD TO LIFE show at around 1:35 PM today. It will be posted on the friar's website tomorrow. I hope you can tune in!

You can get a free trial via the internet and listen to the show.


Remembering my Mentor and Friend, Blessed Mother Teresa

Here's my article at Catholic Exchange...

On Her 100th Birthday — Fond Memories of “One of the Greatest Missionaries of the Twentieth Century”
By Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle

I don’t think anything could have prepared me for my first encounter with Mother Teresa “one of the greatest missionaries of the twentieth century,” as Pope John Paul II called her. It’s a good thing that the moment I met her was totally unanticipated, because it left me no time to worry about what to say or do when suddenly face-to-face with a “saint!”

I didn’t first run into Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India among the dying she was known to serve at Nirmal Hriday (Pure Heart) where those in their last moments lie on simple mats, lovingly attended to by the Missionaries of Charity Sisters. I didn’t visit with Mother Teresa at the Motherhouse where she spent much time at 54 A Lower Circular Road in Calcutta — that address that became instantly recognizable to me every time I spotted it on the corner of the envelopes of the letters I would later receive from her.

No, I first met the “saint of the gutters” in the capital of one of the richest nations in the world. I found her “by chance” in Washington, DC. Mother Teresa was visiting her Sisters and helping to care for the terminally ill cancer and AIDS patients lying on simple beds in their “Gift of Peace” home at the convent located in a poorer section of that great city and command center of the U.S. government.

Me with Mother Teresa about 23 years ago
when I was pregnant with my son, Joseph
I actually caught my first glimpse of Mother Teresa one summer morning when she walked quietly past me and knelt down for Mass celebrated in the Missionaries of Charity’s modest chapel. The Sisters had invited my family to Mass at their private chapel in DC. How fortunate we were that Mother Teresa happened to be visiting the country at that time! Straight after Mass, rendering me speechless, Mother Teresa walked directly towards me asking about my little daughter nestled in my arms and stretching her worn, wrinkled hand to touch Jessica tenderly. Being in the same chapel was blessing enough for me — it was more than enough, I thought. You can imagine my delight when I understood as she approached, that I was also given the gift to personally meet and speak with Mother Teresa in the intimate setting of the convent.

Awestruck and Startled

I had always considered Mother Teresa (now referred to as “Blessed Teresa of Calcutta” because of her beatification) to be a living “saint.” I admired her decades of selfless holy service caring for the “poorest of the poor” all over the world.

Suddenly, there she was, the hero of the poorest of the poor, caring for my family — giving us her time — touching us — speaking to us — blessing us! I didn’t even have to leave the U.S. to encounter this inspiring and remarkable woman. After the initial shock of meeting Mother Teresa, I was struck by her height, or lack thereof. Not much taller than one of my daughters, she stood before us with a prominent looking hump on her back. It startled me. I hadn’t noticed it in photos of her I had seen. My mind quickly attributed the severe protrusion to her constant stooping to care for the dying. She appeared frail, even ordinary. But, I knew in my heart that appearances can be very deceptive and that she was indeed a “power house” of faith, hope, and love.

In the Apostolic Exhortation, Christifideles laici, Pope John Paul II has told us, “The saints have always been the source and origin of renewal in the most difficult moments in the Church’s history.” Thanks to God’s providence, I lived in the time of Mother Teresa and came to know the virtuous “saint” through at least a dozen more meetings and a couple of dozen personal letters from her and even a phone conversation between Calcutta and the U.S. Mother Teresa was not an unreachable or abstract saint of hundreds of years ago, but a real live, flesh and blood woman, no stranger to the realities of modern day life, someone whom I could speak and correspond with, one whom God had given to our era to raise up other saints and essentially teach us how to truly love the poor.

God used a simple, small, frail woman who called herself a sinner and “just a stubby little pencil in God’s hands” to win thousands upon thousands of souls for Heaven. Mother Teresa didn’t achieve this by getting involved in politics, or trying to analyze systems, ideologies, or economic patterns. Rather, she accomplished her amazing work through her one-by-one approach — of meeting each person face-to-face joyfully and ministering to them with Christ’s love. This she did even when heavily burdened with suffering herself including physical ailments and also a dark night of the soul, a secret suffering she carried quietly close to her heart. Her example of “loving until it hurts” is utterly edifying.

Mother Teresa allowed Jesus to live through her as she served Jesus who she earnestly believed lived in the poorest of the poor and in each and every person she met — even me, an ordinary suburban housewife. Everyone mattered. As a matter of fact, she constantly preached about the sublime dignity of every human being and fought tirelessly against abortion and euthanasia. She begged for all unwanted babies and said she’d care for them herself. She truly lived the Gospel of Matthew — “Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of the family, you do to me” (Matthew 25: 31-46) and she beckoned us to do the same telling us that “holiness is not a luxury of a few, but a duty for us all.”

When asked why she didn’t try to fight for injustice and human rights or change structures, she explained that, while she and the Missionaries of Charity were not unaware of those things, “Our mission is to look at the problem more individually and not collectively. We care for a person and not a multitude. We seek the person with whom Jesus Christ identified himself with when he said, ‘I was hungry, I was sick.’” This was her approach with everyone and everything she came in contact with. Her simple trustful outlook may have come up against criticism, but it never failed.

Mother Teresa summed up the way she cared for the poor by saying, “To know the problem of poverty intellectually is not to understand it. It is not by reading, taking a walk in the slums, admiring, and regretting that we come to understand it and discover what it has of bad and good. We have to dive into it, live it, share it.” And this is exactly what she did.

Our Own Call

The life of working amongst the poor and outcasts drew me in — it intrigued me immensely. I even felt an intense call. Yet, I was a mother of five growing children. I knew my place was here in the U.S. and not in Calcutta or another poverty stricken area. After all, it was Mother Teresa who often preached, “Love begins at home.” Mother Teresa inspires us all to answer God with our own “Yes” to His plan for us for wherever we are. God asks us to care for the “poor” whom He places in our midst.

I would later found an apostolate called “Friends of Veronica” as an outreach to the lonely and forgotten in imitation of St. Veronica’s loving and courageous gesture of making her way through the crowd to console Our Lord by wiping Jesus’ bloody and swollen Sacred Face.

There’s much we all can do to alleviate the sufferings of the “poor” wherever we are located. A smile, an outstretched hand, a listening ear, words of consolation and care are all seemingly little things which are actually huge in God’s eyes when we offer them to others in love. Mother Teresa was famous for telling us “Small things done with great love bring peace” as well as “if we could only remember that God loves me and I have an opportunity to love others as he loves me, not in big things, but in small things with great love.”

Every word from Mother’s letters to me and every additional encounter with Mother Teresa that unfolded in the years that followed my first meeting with this modern-day saint pierced my heart and drove home a very essential and formative lesson for me. I didn’t need to traipse off to Calcutta to do Mother Teresa’s work. My spiritual mentor dressed in her simple cotton sari trimmed in Blessed Mother blue taught me that the poor may very well be the person in the cubicle beside us in the workplace, a lonely neighbor, or a family member starving for love right under our own roof. She showed us all that the poorest of the poor are not only those starving in third world countries, but they are the folks right here in our affluent country craving attention, love, and care. The work is indeed cut out for us in our own homes, neighborhoods and communities when we are willing to open our eyes, ears, and especially our hearts to Christ’s call to love.

In my book Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship, I set out to share my blessings and further the work of Mother Teresa by telling the world who she was and what she preached in an attempt to draw others closer to God and inspire them to love Jesus in the poor as Mother Teresa did so beautifully. The publisher encouraged me to “tell the whole story.” So, the book became part biography, part memoir. I have woven in many true stories of people I met along the way and my own experiences as my life unfolded in ministry after meeting Mother Teresa.

If we will bear in mind an insight that Blessed Mother Teresa had intimately understood and expressed, “Prayer makes your heart bigger, until it is capable of containing the gift of God himself,” we may then be able to offer our own prayer-filled hearts to all in need, starting first within our own homes to continue dear Mother Teresa’s work.

As we go about our daily duties, let us remember, “Calcutta is all over the world for those who have eyes to see” as Mother Teresa has often said. Fr. John A. Hardon S. J., my former spiritual director and a friend of hers and mine (now up for beatification), has said to me on many occasions, “There’s work to be done!”

Let’s do that vital work of evangelization with joy and love — by serving Jesus in one another — in both small and big ways. God bless you!

You can see the article here at Catholic Exchange.

The vigil Mass for Mother Teresa's birthday...

Photos in no particular order - just sharing some highlights. Of course, I would have liked to have more, but I didn't want to take photos at Mass.

A few photos from Mother Teresa's birthday at the K of C Museum

A little visitor at my book signing table

Posing with a bronze statue of Mother Teresa

             Beautiful flowers that the Knights of Columbus gave me.

These are just a few photos from my cell phone (the baby pic is from a Mom's camera who was present at the event). Many professional photos were taken at the event today on Mother Teresa's 100th birthday. When I receive them I will post them for you.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My chat on "Catholic Connection" with Teresa Tomeo for Mother Teresa's 100th birthday

this beautiful? It was displayed in some newspapers and on signs an posters to publicize the event today

I have the audio for my chat with Teresa Tomeo from this morning about dear Mother Teresa and her 100th birthday celebration today. You can listen here.

I pray that dear Mother Teresa is smiling down on all of you!

Happy Birthday Mother Teresa!
With a grateful heart for all you have given to the world while you were here on Earth and now from Heaven!

Your Donna-Marie