Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Sometimes my kids do things that truly shock and amaze me. This morning was one of those days.
Since the "new" has worn off of running with dad and school has started, it's become more and more of a struggle to get #1 son up and going in the morning. Today, I finally decided that I had to make a change. Of the hour I've alotted for exercise, I found myself spending 2/3 of it trying to cajole my kids into participating. So this morning, #1 started in with his litany of reasons why he couldn't go. I told him that I love him, but that no matter what the activity, eventually the motivation has to come from inside him, and that I would no longer push or prod (very much!) him. I left him standing with mouth agape about a block from our house while I continued on. I had made it about a block further when, without saying a word, he came flying breathlessly down the alley and we continued to the School where he participated fully and without complaint in the entire set of Pyramid sprints.

I don't think I've ever been prouder. He dug down inside and found the motivation to continue when it would have been far easier to go back to bed. It reinforces my belief that this kid can do special things if he continues to push himself.

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