Finally time for Lily! I ordered her when the numbered ones were available, but when I got mine, I didn't like her lipstick. It wasn't awful but definitely slightly off. I thought I might try to sell her in case anyone wanted a numbered one, but prices on them turned out to not be great. I would have lost money selling her after the fees came out. So she went back to Amazon and I used my Target coupon and 5% discount to get her for a great price.
She arrived and I'm grateful to have gotten one with good paint.
I remember thinking she was overpriced, but honestly she's a truly stunning doll and every piece is high quality and detailed.
Lily comes with the usual RH fare of a stand, comb and two hangers.
Her second outfit is a short red dress and a jacket. The sandals have ribbon ties.
Her fan is a lovely accessory.
It's actually functional and the knotwork detail is pretty.
Her earrings. A bit oversized for my liking but they suit her.
Her first pair of shoes have gold ties. These seem like I'll be able to retie them fairly easily. I think I'm going to try the other ones on her though, which I don't usually do with the ribbon ties. These are cool, but I love the detailing on the second pair.
Lily even has a gold band on her panties.
This is the only pic of her I took before washing her hair. It is absolutely loaded with gel. Definitely my main criticism of her. It took a long time for me to wash all that gel out.
Her first outfit. The edges on the top are black faux leather while the gold frog clip is plastic. The skirt is the only piece that's a single material. The waist corset is multiple materials, including dangling studded straps.
I tried hard to get a clear photo of her bracelets. She was six different ones, each is separate and each has painted detail.
Three have tigers. The gold one here even has green eyes! The jade one is my favorite. I love jade. I think it has a character on it, but my blind self can't see it clearly. Not that I'd know what it meant anyway, but maybe it matches one of the earrings? I can't tell.
I'm finally getting back to this review. It's actually been like 10 days since I did the first part. I've been super busy and when I've been home, I've been too tired to dress her. But now I have the energy because I just took a ridiculous nap that's going to mess up my sleep schedule for a few days. Ugh.
Anyway, here's the second outfit dress.
I love this when it's not on her. RH's body design is simply not great for one-piece dresses. They always look like sacks because they never nip in at the waist enough.
This is marginally better with the corset, but not really. Her main outfit looks better with it.
This jacket was a minor struggle to get on because the cuffs are so stiff. It also barely closes in the back when worn over the dress.
This looks cute with the first pair of shoes.
I like this look, but not nearly as much as her main outfit.
I think this jacket would fit better and also be cute with the skirt, although I do like the gold detail on the bottom of the dress and how it goes with the jacket.
Stripped down version of her main outfit.
And my final look. Full main outfit back on, including all the jewelry, but I switched the shoes to her second pair.
Ribbon ties are one of my doll nemeses but they weren't too awful.
Lily is an absolutely stunning doll.
Love these shoes.
The painted detail is worth the struggle.
I love this pic. I take review pics to show details, but every now and then, I love the angle I manage to get.
Yeah, worth the trouble.
So pretty.
And now sass.
In sum, I love this doll. She was well worth the $80 original price and definitely worth the sale price I got her for. Her level of detail is beyond fabulous and her face is gorgeous. I hope to see this mold on future dolls.