We started out the month with me finally finishing my Zelfs collection! I did a full ranking of every one I had this month. Whew, that took a long time.
I patiently waited for good deals on the remaining four from the Crystal Wishes medium series and the last three of the large series. I got three of the mediums from within the US, then decided to just import the last four. I'm really glad I did because Powerpup, hanging out with Rey and Wanda here, is awesome.
I also got into the Loyal Subjects My Little Pony blind box line this month. I got Glory, Sundance and Applejack early in the month, then gave up on the rather hugely expensive blind boxes to buy Princess Sparkle and Minty off ebay.
I mean, there are some rares I'd love to get, but not for that much per box when chances of getting a rare are really slim.
I also got the four mini merponies from the upcoming movie at Target. I got the three lower ones in the pic early in the month and the white one not that long ago. I'm excited four more of these are coming.
I added a third Mooshka Flowerina to my collection. Petal, the brunette in purple on the bottom, is one of the line's harder to find girls. Pippy (in red) and Blossom (in pink) are easy to find. Redheaded Glory is the last one I need and also hard to find.
I still haven't taken a full body shot of her, but Roxy Ghost, the doll on the left, joined my collection of Elena's Art Dolls.
I always watch for Twilight Teens auctions on ebay, but I don't often buy, since the shipping is more than I really want to pay for these Monster High-inspired dolls made by Simba.
However, when an auction for Panthera and school snaky popped up for cheap, I bid. I got the pair for less than $20, I think it was. I already have Panthera and she left for her new home today, but Snaky joined my own Panthera and Voodoona to stand with my MH dolls.
I had Sunny Meadows for awhile before opening her. Like she probably should have gone in the July Month in Review!
She looks terribly cute with Rosie and Daisy. I hope she gets a big Shoppie someday to go with theirs.
Next up, we had some arrivals that you've seen here in reviews: the MH Family set for Cleo and Project MC2 Masquerade Camryn and Bryden.
I picked up Rainbow Heart Bear at Walmart. I don't plan on buying many of the new Care Bears, because I don't think the eyes work for them. I don't mind these big eyes on other toys, but they somehow strip the bears of their personalities. I do love dark purple though and she was just pretty, so she came home. She is prickly though, thanks to the tinselly fur, so she's not good for cuddling. Not like my other newer bears!
I don't buy many action figures anymore, but Marvel Legends Hela was a must have. I got lucky and snagged her on Amazon for the retail price of $19.99. I'm really looking forward to Thor Ragnarok and 99% of the reason why is her.
I found the DC Superhero Girls Fash'ems at Walmart and managed to get five of the six girls on my first try (Harley and Katana are not shown so check Flickr if you want to see them). Squinting into those packages is hard! I still have not gotten Batgirl. Someday!
Tempest Shadow looks like a lot of fun, so I had to have the brushable pack with her in it. I don't know if I'll get the blind bag-size one, but I probably will. I really don't know if I'll splurge on the recently-released Build-a-Bear plush though. There's a mini plush coming that might suffice.
I got super lucky with the next find. There were only two more Bleeding Edge Goth dolls I needed for my collection and one of those I wasn't even sure ever got made. Well, I stumbled on someone selling a bunch of them and you could tell by the prices that they didn't know what they had.
I got the gorgeous, rare and very sought after Scorpio Vixen for only fifty dollars. BOXED. She was even still boxed. And her face hadn't yellowed much. She's from one of the two series that sadly experienced head yellowing. I used to own her, but never really bonded with her and ended up selling. I regretted that one when I got back into these a few years ago and started buying new ones. At least she's finally back now! And I'm very relieved I do not want the purple variant, which is even harder to find.
Cheetah joins my other girls, most likely to stir up trouble. I hope her regular release doll comes out soon. It's sad that we have to wait so long between releases.
My next reviews were for the new Regal Academy line. I've been in touch with them about the problems I had with Joy and Astoria. They sent me replacement dolls, so I now have a perfect Astoria, but the new Joy had the same problem as the first. I ended up keeping my original one and sending back the replacement. I tried to see if I could unstick her joint, but let's just say it didn't work. I spoke with a nice woman from the company today and she told me the entire first batch of Joys has this stuck elbow. So if you buy this doll, do not try to force the left elbow to move! If you get one that does work, consider yourself lucky. She also told me something else, so watch this blog for a couple exclusive reviews that will be coming up hopefully next week! She's supposed to be mailing something out to me tomorrow. (I'm so excited...)
Let's see, next came some more reviews: MH Lumina and the second set of World Vacation Shoppies. Then I discovered the GlitterShine Dragons and ordered them all.
I have been a terrible slacker with the dragons. I do plan on taking individual photos of all of them. Maybe tomorrow! For now, here's a crappy group shot.
I found Cici Science at Target. I haven't seen the perfume girl or the Hollywood girl yet. I want those. I passed up on the blue-haired pencil one last week. And now I'm also looking for the Blossom Apples and Melodine dolls. Shoppies never stop!
The next review was my gorgeous Gorjuss dolls. I might have a third arriving today! I hope so.
Then I got the new Mulan set with two dresses that's a Toys R Us exclusive. I really love when she doesn't wear pink. This pic shows the original Hasbro Mulan on the left and the new one on the right.
I really should have reviewed Mulan, but I was lazy that day. I also FINALLY got a Kuu Kuu Harajuku Music that I was satisfied with. It took eons. But I was too lazy to review her, too.
I love her though. If I ever see one with absolutely perfect eyes, I'm getting her and putting her in the purple fashion pack. However, I have seen several now and none with perfect eyes yet.
Another doll from my lazy I-should-have-reviewed-her day: Project MC2 Masquerade Adrienne. Getting Amazon to ship her took some legwork, but she finally made it, mostly thanks to the rep who granted me free 1-day shipping. Then they finally took the order seriously.
The farther Target randomly got some really old MLP blind bags in, so I finally own Egyptian Sassaflash and goth Big Mac.
My mom had to go back to Buffalo for a memorial service and she came back with a few gifts for me, one of which was Wingrid. I chose not to review her not from laziness, but because I covered about all the ground there is to cover with these when I reviewed Lumina. Wingrid is my fave of the three. I still need Beetrice!
My Toys R Us got the new Disney toddlers in on the same day my order from TRU.com delivered my new Mulan. She's a bit weird-looking...okay, a lot weird-looking...but still somehow endearing. I found the mini one at Walmart and she looks like the big one a bit.
I ordered this brightly-colored sloth made by Wild Republic from Amazon. I love sloths.
I also got Elephant from the current Kohl's Cares for Kids line, but today I got Knuffle Bunny and Elephant's BFF Piggie, so I'll include a photo of all three in the next Month in Review.
One of my big accomplishments for this month was completing my Grimm Girls collection! I've had pink-haired Mizz Muffet for awhile, but redheaded princess Deedre and Gretel there on the right are new additions that I'm thrilled with.
And finally for August, I got my first Series 2, Wave 2 LOL Surprise doll. The Little Sisters have come out first here in the US and I don't want all of them, so I've decided to buy the handful I love off ebay. Lil Miss Punk arrived two days ago and I've since ordered Lil Cherry, Lil Diva and Lil Dollface. The only other two I really want are Lil Midnight and the special glitter Lil The Queen.
So that wraps things up. I just got text notification that my new Gorjuss doll arrived at my post office, so I hope to be back later today with a review of her!