Wednesday, November 29, 2006

survey no. 1

oh no! i miss survey!!!!!

1. Are u photogenic?

2. What time do you go to bed?
where??? way back in pj?? 4 or 5 or 6..sometimes in da morning..sometimes dun at all. penang..10.30 to 1am......( coz cant on9 =S ) hahaha........

3. What was the last thing you did before this?
breakfast with mom and lil bro downstairs.

4. Who's the one you always meet the most? family coll mates..Boon!..quek sze chia!! aL.....ching shiang(when she's bac fr melbourne)..I RARELY GO OUT..!! im a good girl. =)

5. Who's the person you'll call if you need help?
a few good friends of mine. if dey cant..then ask other friends lo......

6. What's on your mind right now ?
hmm..HONG KONG..........HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. What do you prefer? american idol/malaysian idol?

8. With whom do you wanna be with to have fun?
i used to have lotsa fun with my friends..but then..if da question is like dis.........hmmmm....okay la..only ONE person i am thinking of. =) shhhhhhhh................

9. What movie do u wanna watch now?
some hong kong comedies!!! so freakin bored! oh yeah..i wanna watch my idol's movie! just my luck and prairie home companion!!!! elee told me its nice!!!! and not to forget......uh-hum.....L A ! and those similar ones..kekekekekeke

10. When was the last time you went out?
yesterday to batu ferringghi with Jerrican and gf..and gf's cousin, Daniel fr Pahang.

11. What do you hate the most for now?
when parents grumble about me (a lottttttt)

12. What do you do everyday besides eat & sleep?
hahaha..used to attend classes..but now havin hols..long only eat and sleep and internet. PENANG FOOD =P sometimes hang out with buddies lor......

13. Colors that make you
blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatever blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14. Fave thing in your room ?
i seriously dun hav a REAL room..not sure if its belong to mine or my bro. so..NO COMMENT.

15. Miss someone?

16. Plan to buy something?
yes. a nice pair of SHOE!!! and hong kong shopping...comin soon!!!!

17. Are you satisfied with your life now?
fark ......NO

18. Do you like food?

19. Breakfast or dinner?

20. like chocolates?

21. Do you have a laptop?
my inspiron lappie is my wife! her name is KAREN! i love her so much.

22. Cats or dogs?
dogs certainly

23. Salty or sweet?
mos of da time.. i prefer salty

24. City or country?
who cares?

25. Is kissing normal for your age?
yeah la yeah la....dammit

26. Are you athletic?
haha..if im an athletic..everyone is.

27. Favourite bands for now?
VANILLA NINJA !!!!!!!!!!!

28. Do you have your own cell phone? how many?
one la. not rich la. very very very old and ugly

29. What do you wear to bed?
normal t shirt and short what i always wear at home.

30. Ever had a crush on a teacher in high school?
haha..yeah. when was in secondary 1.....some young guy teacher. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

31. Coke or pepsi?
coke la of coz.. but "some ppl" likes pepsi...aiks

32. sugar or spice?

33. Can you use chopsticks?
if i dunno..i better go die.

34. Do you care about getting good grades?

35. Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
kekekekkekekeke....dunno how many times d.

36. Get a job or ask your parents for money? evil

37. Is your mom strict?

38. Do your parents give you enough privacy?
in between yes and no.

39. Do your parents trust you?
not really.

40. Would you ever wanna lose your bestfriend?
what a question!

41. Do you make friends quickly?
see who!

42. Do you tell your mom everything? la.

43. What do you & your parents fight about most?
diff thinking.

44. If you love someone & she/he rejected you. What will u do to her/him?
fark fark fark...dun farkin ask me this!

45. Can you sing or rap?
sing..and rap linkin park songs. hehe

46. If you have one wish, who would you make your wife/husband for life?
someone is already in da list..for a long long time. but im not gonna tell u! blek!!~~

47. What do you think bout this survey?
too long. but its cool....for some me.. hehe.

Monday, November 13, 2006


yulia's hot!


am a YULIA'S fan from today onwards. =)