Sunday, October 29, 2006


nice NICE nice

check out WTC official webpage :

Saturday, October 21, 2006

she's my IDOL!!!!!!!!

ello everyone..i would to introduce my idol..

who is.....................................


pictures was taken from an anonymous user's album i found from the internet! ( hey..user..thanks for da pics yeah!! haha

Joman Chiang too acted in an anti-drug documentary show..but...very interesting! watched a couple of times d!

name of the show: episode 8 of < 禁 毒 檔 案>, <寻 回>

the one in white is joman! the lady behind her acted as her mom. dat show..joman as "ah man" (in cantonese) was addicted with drug..together with her stupid useless boyfriend..and once..her bf was caught by police..lucky dat she was able to escape..but somehow..she had to nowhere to go because her relationship with her mom was either very bad. =/ however, her mom was indeed very happy to have her back home. while
was at home..she was suffering from the addiction pain. and her mom was very depressed and therefore allow joman hav her last temptation of drug..and later was sent to drug rehabilitation centre for 10 years!..i think..

lazy to explain more bout da show d..if ur able to read mandarin..check dis out:

u can also watch dat show thru da link above too.

those pics below was taken from Joman's personal blog....

i like dis pic sososo muccchhhh:

......hehe..hope she's alright with my so-called "stealing"..i juz wanna share with everyone on her success..she's so my idol!

and below..... my fave of all! so yeng!!!

so glad dat i was able to search for her personal blog. its like heaven! and was even surprised to hav her reply twice....u get it?? she replied my comment twice! oh my holy! its really holy!!! hahahahahaha
though i wasnt really able to understand the content since it was in cantonese..and i knew my cantonese sux..and my mandarin is like..erm.. "pun tong sui" in cantonese. but was really happy to knoe about her daily life thru all pics she posted..and she even owns a vlog with all her personal videos posted up. i love her puppy named kam cuteeeeeeee



how i wish to bump into her..LoL!!!!!!!

and here's a pic of her from butterfly...

oh pls..allow me to post another one..!!
taken fr my camera....hehehehehe


joman joman jomannnnnnnnn xD

田原 ar!

江城夏日 - 田原最新电影..应该是吧!

alright la..not gonna post in mandarin..some friends dun understand mandarin. hehe

TIAN YUAN..has a new movie called erm.. 江城夏日..dun worry if u dun understand, coz i dun even know how to read da 3rd word..kekeke... pls dun let my grandpa know, thank you. =S

and......i jus realised about this movie recently..thanks to karla! =)

Look below! isnt she adorable??? especially da one on da swing!!! xD

OH MY GOD.....she is so sexy!!

many of my friends aint familiar with her..or..even knowing her existence..unless i've ever mention in front of who is she ar?..haha..erm..u remember dat movie.."curse of lola" 诅咒 in mandarin? da one acted by 吴镇宇, francis ng.. ??? u knoe?? look below la.......

she also acted in my fave movie..butterfly! hehe..

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

qian li zhi wai - jay chou feat. fei yu qing


屋檐如悬崖 风铃如沧海 我等燕归来
时间被安排 演一场意外 你悄然走开
故事在城外 浓雾散不开 看不清对白
你听不出来 风声不存在 是我在感慨
梦醒来 是谁在窗台 把结局打开
那薄如蝉翼的未来 经不起谁来拆

我送你离开 千里之外 你无声黑白
沉默年代 或许不该 太遥远的相爱
我送你离开 天涯之外 你是否还在
琴声何来 生死难猜 用一生 去等待

闻泪声入林 寻梨花白 只得一行青苔
天在山之外 雨落花台 我两鬓斑白
闻泪声入林 寻梨花白 只得一行青苔
天在山之外 雨落花台 我等你来

一身琉璃白 透明着尘埃 你无瑕的爱
你从雨中来 诗化了悲哀 我淋湿现在

芙蓉水面采 船行影犹在 你却不回来
被岁月覆盖 你说的花开 过去成空白

梦醒来 是谁在窗台 把结局打开

那薄如蝉翼的未来 经不起谁来拆

我送你离开 千里之外 你无声黑白
沉默年代 或许不该 太遥远的相爱

我送你离开 天涯之外 你是否还在
琴声何来 生死难猜 用一生

我送你离开 千里之外 你无声黑白
沉默年代 或许不该 太遥远的相爱

我送你离开 天涯之外 你是否还在


用一生 去等待

wo yan ru xuan ai // feng ling ru cang hai // wo deng yan gui lai
shi jian bei an pai // uan yi chang yi wai // ni qiao ran zou kai
gu shi zai cheng wai // nong wu san bu kai // kan bu qing dui bai
ni ting bu chu lai // feng sheng bu chun zai // shi wo zai gan kai

#mong xing lai // shi shui zai chuang tai // ba jie ju da kai
na bao ru chan yi de wei lai // jing bu qi shui lai cai#

*wo song ni li kai // qian li zhi wai // ni wu sheng hei bai
chen mo nian dai // huo xu bu gai // tai yao yuan de xiang ai
wo song ni li kai // tian ya zhi wai // ni shi fou hai zai
qin sheng he lai // sheng si nan cai // yong yi sheng // qu deng dai*

wen lei sheng ru lin // xun li hua bai // zhi de yi hang // qing tai
tian zai shan zhi wai // yu luo hua tai // wo liang bin ban bai
wen lei sheng ru lin // xun li hua bai // zhi de yi hang // qing tai
tian zai shan zhi wai // yu luo hua tai // wo deng ni lai

yi sheng liu li bai // tou ming zhe chen ai // ni wu xia de ai
ni cong yu zhong lai // shi hua le bei ai // wo lin shi xian zai
fu rong shui mian cai // chuan hang ying you zai // ni que bu hui lai
bei sui yue fu gai // ni shuo de hua kai // guo qu cheng kong bai


wonder y jay chou wanna sing with fei yu qing @_@
fei yu qing such a great singer, he......nth to compare la.. =.=
and i like dis song not becos of jay chou but its special background tune and was memerised by fei yu qing's voice. =)

Tuesday, October 3, 2006


i hav too many things in my mind..yet i couldnt figure out what da hell was dat?
its not dat i dun hav much free time dis sem, juz a 7 weeks short sem with only 4 subjects.
i realised i'm having lotsa lotsa lotsa problems, sometimes life is jus so unfair!
should be learning perspective instead of blogging. but i jus need to release my emotional feelings.
u knoe, its not easy to hate someone though u really wan to. 10 mins ago, i went visiting some ppl's blog, after reading the latest post, i dun feel well, i jus dunno why. emotional feelings always come and go..wasting my time, yet i could do nth. i need to hav a really good mood to complete my work. maybe to me, some other things are more important than studies, but then generally, i dun feel so. i'm weird. so weird dat i juz dun even knoe who i am.
while listening to joey mccintyre's stay the same, with the lyrics "don't u ever wish u were someone were meant to be..the way u r exactly.....don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.........." u knoe what..i seriously hate myself. why i was meant to be like dis? i used to love myself, til when the time..all problems arise..and never go, then i juz dun believe in myself anymore, i hate my freaking life.
when u need a word to describe bout my life, i'll tell u one now, which is "BAD-LUCK"
never achieved any goals..never been happy for the past few years, never had a dream come true.
ppl adviced me to stay happy and dun think too much, then i ask u, how to stay happy when u r always in bad-luck????? HOW? every single thing i do, definitely will face difficulties.

mom spent so much money (RM4643), invest on me, bought me this karen(my laptop), u should be thinking it must be a very great one, but seriously i tell u, i hav been facing lotsa diff types of troubleshooting since the 1st day i use her. at least 5 times a week i'll hav to force myself to check on the internet about all problems, joining forums, but i still couldnt get any answers. imagine dat, i got karen on sat morning, and i accidentally corrupted the whole system on sun, i reformated da whole thing. it wasnt successful afterall, blame media direct software. so, da dell email team taught me the right way to reformat dis stupid lame system, then i got it right, installed media direct. but then, suddenly, problems occured again. right click menu appears always, electric shocked when typing..etc.
soon after dat, was told by a dell technician friend dat i should actually install some particular software after reinstalling the windows. choice, again reformated the freaking system. i was so blur and careless dat i even deleted my external hdd's partition. i lost all my "precious" movies/series. i nearly cried like hell. luckily, i was smart enough to use my partition recovery to get bac my beloved files. karen made me reformat the windows for so sosososososos many times, dat i couldnt even count. yet..after doin all dat, stil was facing all dat shit. later wireless probs, wasted house phone bill, calling dell for hours, now again i'm facing wireless probs. then stupid right click menu, electric shocked, power management monitor craps. so ANNOYING!! darn. see, i need to call dell once again.

not only dat, few weeks ago, i've been thru a tough moment, friends were like scolding me for doin all dat. it wil kill myself man, but i stil need it somehow. should better stop doin dat d. =.=

then my stupid right leg and stupid brain, why da hell u wanna make me feel numb dat i cant even cross da drain. u're trying to waste my dad's money for a brain specialist. sux. i hate my leg. then here comes my bone structure. not gonna mention here. weird sickness.

then communication prob with some very very very close group of ppl, etc etc..

lonely..miserable life here. someone made me feel all dat!!!!!! i should b living in penang right now if i dun follow my heart. i hate u! yet i cant. =(

and oh my god, i'm gonna fail perspective. i hate perspective, so freaking hard, and whats da point i learn all dat???? izzit dat u need me to apply perspective skills when i'm editing my html code? so farking lame. thank you. i dun need dat.


too many things. not gonna continue. getting more and more EMO. i hate being emo. its not healthy. but somehow, i dun hav a healthy lifestyle anymore. thanks to TOA.

Monday, October 2, 2006

dealing things with who?

I learnt something today!

if you're a coward and when someone asked u to be brave in dealing things, please do not listen to dat person, because the person u'll be dealing with wouldnt be her but another person, what u least expected will happen.

so..please remain being a coward if u were already one, do not act smart, u'll only kill youself.


to be continued..