The first part of September LeGrand was able to go to Texas and place 4 side-by-sides at the Oil plants. It was awesome to finally see something happening with this new business venture - I pray it continues to go well. While he was away, it was Homecoming week which brought lots of fun activities for the Loa and Laexin...Loa played in the powder puff football game.
And Laexin got to play Powder Buff volleyball!
Then Laexin went to the dance with his awesome group of (mostly)cross country friends...he asked Cally Coleman- They are new to Grace, a great family that we are lucky enough to have in our ward also. Really great kids! They had a good time running at a cross country meet in the morning, playing in the afternoon and going to the dance at night.
Beginning of Sept. Loa got her braces on for round 2 and hopefully the final round.

LeGrand and I had the privlege of helping clean the Pocatello temple. I love these opportunities! While we were in the chapel getting our assignments the worker said to make sure we took the time to enjoy the temple and recognize that you can have spiritual experiences and personal inspiration even while cleaning the temple. I had one of the strongest amazing experiences while vacuuming the hallways on the second floor in front of the Celestial room. I was just vacuuming away not really thinking about much when it came to my mind, so clear. I could see the bottom part of the Saviors white robes and his feet walking those hallways. The spirit was as strong as I've ever felt it, as if Christ himself were there and I recognized in that moment what a blessing it was to get to clean the Lords house, to vacuum the hallways where he walks. I remember thinking, 'don't go' --I vacuumed there as long as I could because I didn't want the moment to end. It was so special!

Me and the littles swung into the cemetery one day during harvest to finally take a minuet and check out Ed and Nancy's headstone. I hope these kids know how much their Oma and Opa loved them!
Another thing I did during harvest with the help of the kids was to can tomato soup and salsa. The balls had most of the veggies in their giant green-house garden going to waist and I couldn't help myself! Then, Lytzi got a wild idea to give herself a haircut so she watched lots of YouTube videos and we successfully cut her hair, it turned out cute!