Good morning! So glad you came knocking on my red screen door.....
Well, most of it really was just trash. But just as we were getting ready to leave I caught a glimpse of some chippy red paint. Wait a minute! Could it really be a screen door underneath all that trash?! I had to do a bit of digging and it was pretty disgusting - creepy crawlies and all!
At least I didn't buy that old cast iron sink that weighs a ton....yet! If it is still at the thrift store today it may have to come home with me. I spotted it yesterday. It is like the sink that was in the house I grew up in. WAIT A MINUTE! I'll be right back!
Okay, I am back. Had to make a quick trip to town. You see, as I was writing about the sink I decided to do a Google search to see if I could find a similar one to show you. I found it! This is the first link I clicked on. Ummmm, that sink sold for $595!!!! Seriously, as soon as I saw that I hopped up, grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I am now the proud owner of a sink very similar to the one at this link. I am also $3 poorer!
Now for the bad news. My camera isn't working correctly. It is stuck on "auto" mode and won't change. So, even if I truly did understand aperature and shutter speed, I couldn't use them. Bummer. Anyone want to buy a sink for $600?
{"Here's what I'm saying: Ask and you'll get; Seek and you'll find; Knock and the door will open." Luke 11:9}