Today I will show you the traditional red & green - with a few other colors mixed in as well.
I always have a little tree in my dining room that is decorated with mini cookie cutters and gingerbread ornaments. These are some of my collection of cookie cutters. I know this isn't a great picture, but do you see that red-handled turner? I love that the holes are in the shape of a star.
I don't remember where or when I got these sweet little Rudolph tin. It is about 4 inches across. I'd love to know more about it. Is it considered a tart pan? A mini pie pan? Not sure, but I like it.
This locker basket is holding all of our Christmas books - some old and some new. Instead of the usual tree skirt I decided to use this old quilt. Actually, this is the back of the quilt. It is a green and red flannel. I think I paid $4 for the quilt at a yard sale. It is sort of a crazy quilt with some wool pieces. Unfortunately, at some time it was washed and dried and the wool shrunk. Even though the quilt is a little misshapen I still thought it was worth purchasing.
Well, this is actually red and teal again. Of course, I found these Shiny Brites at Goodwill. I collect Angels for my Sweet Girl, so I had to buy these. Then at another thrift store I found this vintage bun warmer (is that the right term? Sounds kinda funny). I didn't know what I was going to do with it until I noticed how well it matched the ornaments. Obviously not its intended use, but that is how I like things!
Thrift store again - a card of vintage jingle bells - all still attached!
Are you tired of seeing Shiny Brites yet? Why have I never even noticed these things until this year? Now I can't get enough of them.
Oh, sorry! I forgot I had more Shiny Brites to show you. I love my wire locker baskets - wonderful for so many things!
And last but not least - if you live in Arkansas you have to have a painted Okra Santa hanging on your tree. My oldest son made this last year in school.
Well, I guess that is all. I'd love to show you more, but you would get bored and I really don't have time. Tonight I think I will finish wrapping gifts. Tomorrow I have to do laundry and start packing. Family of five - 12 hour road trip - 10 days - a minivan full of luggage, gifts, snacks - not an easy task. And not a task I am looking forward to.
This likely will be my last post until the first of the year. We will be gone to KS and CO. I will miss blogging. Hopefully I will have some fun things to share when we get back. The kids are looking forward to sledding - something they don't get to do down here.
I hope you all have a very merry Christmas!
I can't seem to pass up vintage Shiny Brites and other ornaments this year. I love the pink and teal ones. The long, skinny ornaments say "Poland" on them. I'm guessing they are fairly old, but I really don't know. I purchased them, the box of curling ribbon and the little gift bag from an estate sale. The lady who was selling her mother's things found it interesting that all I bought was the "old" stuff. She had rooms full (I'm not kidding) of brand new Christmas items. I wasn't interested in that.
So, I am getting the ornaments out and trying to decide where to put them. Then I remembered this unique "purse" I bought a few months ago at a yard sale. At the time I had no idea why I bought it. It is one of those things I would look at, walk away and then gravitate back to. I guess it was meant to be.
The jar of light bulbs matches everything perfectly!
I picked up this little velvet tea pot ornament yesterday at the thrift store.
This is a fun book of the Christmas story. A different piece of the story pops out each day. By Christmas day you have the whole Nativity set out. If you are interested, it can be purchased here.
In all the busyness of the season, don't forget about The Way In A Manger.