Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Busy Busy

For some reason whenever we take a picture of Andy or ask him to smile, this is what he does...we don't know where it came from but he should be all set when it's time for pictures at school. I wonder if they still give you a comb in line, and let you keep it!

We had a busy weekend, we went to visit Tim's Grandma in Campe Verde on Saturday. The kids loved playing outside and chasing the sheep. These are the cousins that went up there. We are missing 6 still, plus one that will finally come in Feburary!

This is Andy and his cousin Anna, she is 4 and hilarious. He learned her name and was saying it a bunch today. They are in town for Christmas.

If only we had a fence we could put him in at home. I wouldn't even mind if it was barbed wire either. He would learn his lesson soon enough!

Friday, December 5, 2008

My first "F"

It's official, I am a failure at the "No TV for a week Challenge". Tim's friend came over last night while I had to go to a meeting, and they watched TV. And when I came home, I didn't stop them. I loved every second Anderson watched "Melmo" on Sesame Street this morning, and I have no regrets. I will try to stick to the no tv on Sunday for a month thing. Hopefully, I'll be better at that! Can you blame me? I am a Coombs...we need our cable. Thank goodness for DVR!! I must admit I did actually watch The Hills on the internet yesterday afternoon. I couldn't wait!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Rough Week Ahead

Yesterday was the 5th Sunday so the Bishopric spoke in our ward. Since I am in primary, Tim is the only one who goes, so he came home and told me that they challenged all of us to turn off the TV for a week and to not watch TV on Sundays for a month. I am actually surprised he told me about it, so last night we put the remote up. Let's just say it's been a LONG morning. I'm embarrassed how much I watch it. The only way Tim is agreeing to it, is because we have DVR so he knows he can watch his shows next week. As you can see below, we only let Anderson watch the best of shows. See how much he LOVED General Conference?? We'll see how it goes.