Wednesday, September 8, 2010

WHS 15 year reunion

Weber High 15 year reunion at Lomond View Park in Pleasant View Sep 4
Good time was had by all. If you did not come or did not know about it, you'll have another chance in five years!
Will you come????

Here's some pictures I took of the night. I'm sure you can find more on facebook if you're into that.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

¿Donde está Valley School?

A couple years ago when they talked about building a new Valley School and abandoning the old one, I never pictured this scene in my mind:

Even though I knew it might happen I didn't imagine it like this. It's one thing to have an empty school and another to have no school at all. Soon this will be an empty lot.
The previous pictures were taken by my sister a month ago when they first began the demolition. I took the following pictures this morning. Not a great day to take pictures, but I take what I can get. As you can see there's just a bunch of rubble leftover.

Southeast Corner
Northwest Corner

Back of School

Front of School

Mountain of Rubble

Mangled Mess

RIP Valley School

Monday, February 15, 2010

Yeah! A new Post!

It has been a while, but I finally found something worth writing about. Today when shopping at the local market I came across a pallet of these:

A few posts ago I wrote about the sunglo machine that we had at Valley Elementary. I thought I'd never see these drinks again and there they were. Of course I bought myself one and drank it up tonight. The first sip seemed familiar, but after that I wasn't so sure. It has been at least 20 years since I've tasted the drink so who knows if I could really remember the taste. It reminded me of the 12 oz. ready-made orange juice that you can buy in the store. You pick it because you're trying to find something healthier, but when you take a drink you are disappointed by its bitter taste.
I highly recommend getting the sunglo just for the memories, but I'm not sure you'll want any more than one.
Oh, on the side it said that it was packaged by Admiral Beverage in Ogden, Utah. Who knew?

Coincidentally today I spent time at the good ole Environmental Center. The first flashback upon arrival was the long walk to the building. I distinctly remember complaining about having to walk up there instead of getting dropped off at the door. Do you remember that walk? Their website says it is a .5 mile walk. I worried about the kids because they can barely make it around the block without complaining, but they did surprisingly well. Although it did take us a good while to get up there, it was worth it. It felt like we had the forest to ourselves. It was quiet, peaceful, and so beautiful. That walk alone could have been the event.
When we finally arrived a familiar Valley Elementary face greeted me. Kallee Hawks was also there with her family. She has been a teacher for ten years now and had been up there several times with students, but this was my first time back since probably sixth grade.
The first thing I did upon arrival was take a tour of the dorm.

It looked pretty much the same, but smaller. The kids had fun climbing around for a minute. We didn't make homemade ice cream or get to sleep over, but the snowshoeing was really fun. If you get the chance to go to the Environmental Center again, do so. Hey, maybe we can have a reunion there. Hmmmmm....

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Best Day

Our very own Emily F. was wed yesterday, May 22 on a beautiful sunny day. She and Lanning celebrated with guests at her parents' home in Huntsville that night. Here are pictures from the best day.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Party of the Century

For all of you classmates who didn't make it to the Valley Reunion last Saturday you really missed out. It was one of the best nights I've ever had. Just about all the teachers from our day were there. There was Mr. Weight , Mrs. Cookson, Mrs. Anderson (both), Mrs. Evans, Mrs. McVaugh, Mr. Toyn, and Mrs. Acord, the librarian, Mrs. Shiozawa, Mr. Hawks, Betty Wilcox and Mrs. Creamer, Mr. Warner, the principal, and none other than Mr. Ballif himself.
Talking with Mr. Ballif was probably one of the best parts of the night. He was our principal from Kindergarten until maybe fourth grade. When you're that young you look up to your teachers and principals and really trust them. Mr. Ballif was so friendly and handsome and a kid couldn't help but like him. Seeing him again brought back all those good feelings.

Every teacher I talked to was really happy to be there and they were so appreciative of any memories you shared. It was so fun to see teachers and principals greet each other. You could tell some of them hadn't seen each other in a long time.
I was disappointed in how many former students weren't there. At least from the 80's there were only a couple dozen in attendance. But it was great to see the ones that were there. I saw Connie W. who was a year older than us from Huntsville. We played soccer and softball together a lot through the years. She moved in jr. high so I hadn't see her since then. I hadn't seen Tasha M. or Cory P. since high school and they were there too. It was so fun! I left that night with a huge smile on my face. I just wish more classmates would have been there to experience it. I'm not sure there will ever be a reunion like it again.
It was indeed the Party of the Century.

Here's a few photos of the evening

Mr. Warner and Mr. Ballif together

Mrs. Cookson still stylin' with her red rimmed glasses

Old Bulldog Mascot

Mr. Ballif on stage

Here's a video I took of Mr. Ballif talking on stage. I took it on a still camera so the quality is really poor -sorry! Translation: He asks if there are any former students out there who ever wanted to mess up his hair. He also says the years he spent at Valley were some of the best years of his life.

Here is a mini slide show of some of the pictures on the Valley School DVD shown that night . If you want your very own copy of the full DVD you can purchase one from Valley School.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just In Case You Ever Wondered...

Warning: I'm about to give you some completely useless information.

On the other hand if you're reading this you're probably killing time or wasting time so it doesn't really matter. I'll continue.

A few years ago around reunion planning time I was flooded with memories of elementary. One random memory that briefly came to me was of Valley's first vending machine. I was in 5th or 6th grade I think when they put it up by the west doors of the gym. The only thing in the machine was a citrus flavored drink that came in a box. I'd always ask my mom to buy me one if we were at the school for various activities. Being the first vending machine it kicked up a lot of excitement. To be able to buy something like that without walking over to the store was pretty cool.
Anyway, I couldn't remember the name of the drink and all attempts to find out using the internet failed. I let it go forever until yesterday. Kera F. and I are working on a slideshow of Valley School pictures of years past. I was going through the pictures and saw this one.
Look closely in the background and you'll see the drink- SUNGLO. That's the name! Do you remember it now? No? Alright, get back to work.

But just in case you ever wondered...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Something to cheer about

I don't know if I've mentioned it in this blog or not, but my husband took over for Mrs. O'Hara when she retired from Snowcrest three years ago. Each teacher is needed to help with coaching or other extracurricular activities and this year he has been helping coach the girls volleyball team. Because of this I've been to four of their games including yesterday's historic game at Sandridge.
I don't remember winning too many volleyball games at Snowcrest. In fact, the only game I can recall winning is against Roy. Mrs. Martin was our coach then and she was pregnant with one of her daughters. Guess who is the star of Snowcrest's current volleyball team? Mrs. Martin's daughter. Do do do do do do do do (Can you hear the Twilight Zone theme?)
This team is good. They are way better than we ever were. They don't make as many mistakes. They make good strong serves. They are more confident and their record reflects that. Going into Friday's game they were 4-3, or 6-3 if you count the preseason tournament.
These days they only take the top four teams to the playoffs. Both Sandridge and Snowcrest were competing for the fourth and final playoff spot. It was a must-win game. The two teams had already played once in a preseason tournament where Snowcrest claimed a come-from-behind victory. Beating Sandridge again at Sandridge would be a tough task. It had all the makings of a great battle. Here's what happened.

In the first game Snowcrest fell behind early and had to make up six or more points. They evened it up and stayed with them going into the end, but couldn't pull it off. Snowcrest barely lost 25-22. They were so close, but couldn't quite get that first win. The Snowcrest team of the past would give up right there. They would come back the next game and fall apart or, get really close to winning, but fall short. Not this team. I had my fears, but Snowcrest came out fighting in game 2. The other team came out flat and Snowcrest jumped to an early lead and never looked back. They cruised to an easy win.
It was even. Both teams needed to win two short games to claim victory. Game 3 was a battle with the lead changing several times. There were plenty of opportunities for Snowcrest to let down, but once again they didn't. They had an answer for everything. Snowcrest squeaked by with another win.
With Snowcrest in control they had a really good chance of winning the match. Could they keep up their intensity? Game 4 looked very similar to the others. Back and forth, back and forth- that's what you do in volleyball- with great plays by each team. With the score tied at 13-13, and the crowd very loud, Sandrige had a chance to go up by one. The Sandridge player served the ball. The serve was good. Out! Snowcrest was now up 14-13 with a chance to serve for the victory. The serve was up......and.......good! Back and forth, back and forth, the whistle blows, the ref signals that the Sandridge player was in the net. Snowcrest gets the point. That's it!!!!! It's all over and Snowcrest is victorious. Snowcrest won three in a row to win the match.
The team and a few officers and students who were there rushed out to the court and began cheering, almost singing, and jumping up and down in a circle. My first thought when I saw this was that it was a "in your face" behavior and "should they really do that?" But a split second later that thought was replaced by this thought: "Give 'em a break. Snowcrest hardly ever has the opportunity to do that. Cheer louder!" All the memories of losing at Snowcrest must have come back in that moment and it was all I could do to keep from bawling my eyes out. It was a glorious occasion. I was so proud.
Stories like these seldom make the front page of the newspapers. Who really cares about a bunch of girls in Ogden Valley winning a few volleyball games? Only we who have been there really understand. So I'm writing this to you who have ever played at Snowcrest. You who worked so hard, but seldom tasted victory. THIS is something to cheer about!

This is from a match earlier in the season

Notice we are winning?